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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Introduce to Hearty Pawz

Seriously, I'm real bored at home. I'm trying hard to find thing to do in order not to just stare at my lappy blank, so I decide to upload some photo I took while bringing Dino having his grooming session.

After the bad grooming experience I had at "Loving Pets", this is the place that I bring Dino for his grooming session now, "Hearty Pawz"

The senior groomer was a award winning groomer that won lots of awards in the SKC grooming competition. Just look at his winning, he got third position in the recent SKC grooming competition too.
There one thing which I don't understand why alot of owner actually wants their dogs to look so fake by dying their fur into such colourful colour. Look at the schnauzer, the groomer just finish dying his fur, pure black looking now.
Well, this groomer is well-known for grooming poodles & terrier. They got a few dogs in the shop that belong to the groomer himself, one of the poodle name call "Sliver", look at Sliver, they also got Sliver fur dye.
Some other random photos that I took there to share.
Photos below are picture took while Dino having his grooming session
This is how my Dino looked after is grooming
I'm thinking what to do next now! What a boring Saturday for me.

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