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Friday, January 9, 2009

Peranakan Food

After watching "Little Nonya" guess everyone out there will be craving for Peranakan Food.

Yesterday had Home-made "Peranakan Prawn Noodle" for dinner.Once i step into dear's house yesterday, greet dear's dad, he say to me,

"Come Lynn, dinner is almost ready, must try aunty home-made prawn noodle."

Me replied,

"ohhh, okay!! I will try for sure."

Not long after, dinner is ready. Never try this type of prawn noodle before, taste great!! Dear's mum told me must eat with the achar. Weird combination to me, but it just goes so well with that.

Dear's mum knows i don't eat beanspout, but she say the prawn noodle must go with it den nice, ask me to pick it out if i don't want to eat that. Lots of that in it, pick out one by one, as i really cannot accept the beanspout after taste in my mouth.

The chilli Dear's mum made, POWER!!!

Love the Peranakan Prawn Noodle, hope to eat that soon again.


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