Been rushing straight home after work, turning down appointment, got Mobtv account access from my friend just to chase "Little Nyonya" for the past month i think.
Well, the show had come to a end yesterday. I was so looking forward to watching that yesterday. i rather disappoint dear, dun let him watch "Mummy Return", insist of watching "Little Nyonya".
Who know it turn out to be such a disappointment.
The ending was so draggy, For the part which Jeanette Aw chosen the lawyer i had already expected that ending, but who actually is Joanne Peh "child", Felicia Chin is who "child"?
It already the ending, how can they actually make it so complex and let us guess who is who. So who will be there to tell us the answer??
where got complicated... when yueniang pass away, the guy standing infront of the tablet is joanne peh's child la.. felica chin is joanne peh's grand daughter. its just that joanne peh's son is being adopted by yueniang.