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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Feeling of having, and losing at the same time~

Well, i back from my dinner with my dad. Should I say I'm feeling relieve now?? I also not sure what type of feeling is that, kind "ke wang" the love from a father, but at the same time I feel afraid of.

I guess my father is so proud of having his daughter coming to visit him. So when we heading to the coffee shop for our dinner, he will introduce us, as his daughter, to everyone he dump into.

"Hey, this is my daughter. Pretty right??"

The way he speak is like a 60 years old old man go around telling everyone,

"Hey, finally!!! I got a GF, pretty right??"

I feel pity for him at the moment, but he can blame no one, he is the one that chose to break this family up.

While ordering the food, I can see he is trying very hard to guess what we like to eat. Guess he is the only person that think that I'm a veggie lover.

While eating, silent fills the air most of the time, he is trying very hard to break ice, but the ice is too thick for him to handle it alone. Once so closely related, yet feeling like stranger now.

How I always envy all other daughters that have their father help them with the fish bone, peel away the prawn shells, chose the tender part of the chicken for them to eat, finally, i experience that feeling today.

But the feeling wasn't great to me, my eyes turn watery instead. I dunno why. Is like a feeling that you always looking for, finally is here, but you know after today, everything we back to same old way again. Is like a feeling of having, and losing at the same time.

Seriously, I don't know what is in my mind now. I wish to have a shoulder to lean on now, is like suddenly I feel so lost. I duno how to handle this feeling.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Mixed Feeling

Lazing in the office, hope that the time will passed real soon. Suddenly received a SMS from user +658433XXXX (I did not save the number in my phonebook).


Sender: Tonight you free a not? Your sis coming at 8pm to see me, you want to come??


A SMS from a lonely man. I paused for awhile (in deep thought), I replied an “OK”.


Many bad memories come to my mind at the paused moment. I tried not to recall, but I saw all the flash back still.


I believed I can forget everything that had happen, but in reality I just lying to myself. I hate him; I hate him to the core, but that was at least ten years ago.


Forgive & forget is easier to say then do. I cannot say that I had already mastered the skill, but I’m trying very hard to.


After all, he is an old man now. If say in nasty words, I won’t know how many more new years he going to have. He never does his duty as a father, if I also not do my duty as a daughter, what make me so different from him?


Anyway it just a simple request of having dinner with his own daughters, a request which I had been turning down for years, I think it time for me to answer his request now.


Although I had agree to go for the dinner tonight, but I still have a mixed feeling in me. I’m don’t know what feeling is that, but it making me very uncomfortable, I never had this feeling before.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Some Silly Jokes to Share

Stress Reliever #1 
Wife : You always carry my photo in your handbag to the office. Why?
Hubby : When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your
picture and the problem disappears.
Wife : You see, how miraculous and powerful I am for you
Hubby : Yes, I see your picture and say to myself, 'What other problem can there be greater than this one?'

Stress Reliever # 2
 Girl: When we get married, I want to share all your worries, troubles
and lighten your burden.
Boy: It's very kind of you, darling, But I don't have any worries or
Girl: Well that's because we aren't married yet.

Stress Reliever # 3
Son: Mom, when I was on the bus with Dad this morning, he told me to
give up my seat to a lady.
Mom: Well, you have done the right thing.
Son: But mum, I was sitting on daddy's lap.

Stress Reliever # 4
Wife to husband: 'What's your excuse for coming home at this time of the
Husband to wife: 'Golfing with friends, my dear.'
Wife to husband: 'What? At 2 am ?!'
Husband to wife: 'Yes, We used night clubs.'

Stress Reliever # 5
Father to son after exam: 'let me see your report card.'
Son: 'My friend just borrowed it. He wants to scare his parents.'

Stress Reliever # 6
A teacher asked her class for sentences using the word 'beans'..
'My father grows beans,' said one student.
'My father cooks beans,' said another.
Then little Johnny spoke up: 'We are all human beans.'

Stress Reliever # 7
Interviewer to Millionaire: 'To whom do you owe your success as a
millionaire to?'
Millionaire: 'I owe everything to my wife.'
Interviewer: 'Wow, she must be some woman. What were you before you
married her?'
Millionaire: 'A Billionaire'

Stress Reliever # 8
Girl to her boyfriend: One kiss and I'll be yours forever.
The guy replies: Thanks for the warning.

Stress Reliever # 9
A husband was asked: Do you talk to your wife after sex?
He replied: Depends, if I can find a phone.

Stress Reliever # 10
Man to wife on wedding night: Are you sure I'm the first man you are
sleeping with?
Wife replied: Of course honey, I stayed awake with all the others!

Stress Reliever # 11
Why did they stop printing PAMELA ANDERSON stamps in the U.S. ?
Answer: Because people started licking the wrong side.

Stress Reliever # 12
A wife asked her husband: What do you like most in me - my pretty face
or my sexy body?
He looked at her from head to toe and replied: I like your sense of

Stress Reliever # 13
Doctor to his lady patient: You look terribly weak and exhausted! Are
you having your meals three times a day as I have advised?
Lady replied: Doctor, I thought you said three males a day.

“meet the parents” session

End of my long CNY break, back to work today. Feeling rather stone, cannot adjust my body clock back yet.


Yesterday woke up earlier compare to the past few days, as dear told me that he is coming over to my house and 拜年 with my mum in the noon and bring me out for movie after that.


Received a call from dear in the late morning, telling me that he not able to come over my place at the noon time as his friend is troubled, he need to accompany his friend but he promise me to come over to my house by 5pm.


Feeling a little disappointed when I hear that, wondering how am I going to spend my afternoon at home doing nothing. But I believe that at times, each and everyone need some support from their friend, there is no reason for me to be unreasonable.


Dear kept his promise, he reach my house at around 5pm. I’m very surprised, when my mum ask him if he want to stay over for dinner he actually agree.


Dear told me that he never had a “meet the parents” session before. But I want to thanks dear to do this for me, for the past two years, I been persuading dear to have a simple dinner with my mum but he had never agree to it before.


Thanks dear for doing all this for me, I really appreciate which you had done.


After having steamboat at my house, me & dear head to Kallang Leisure Park to catch a movie, watch “Love Matter”.


I will not recommend this show to anyone of you out there, I feel that it rather a waste of money to watch this show. No story lines, not that funny actually & it very draggy.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Feeling kind of exhausted now after so many day of activity going on. Guess I should start of from the day of Chinese New Year eve.

Had my reunion dinner at home with Cat & mum of cos. Last year of having reunion dinner together I guess, this year end Cat is marrying off, next year will only left the two of us. I really can’t imagine the day I marry off too.

After my dinner, wait for dear to come & pick me up. I’m so happy that dear say he going to bring me to “River Angpao” for a walk, very sweet of him isn’t it, as my Dear hate crowd.

Kind of disappointed that it not like many years back, what a boring place, so we decide to make a move from there and head to Mac at Marine Square to meet up with the rest.

Expecting to see fire work like all other years. Who know when the clock strike 12, only loud cracking sound and white smoke in the sky. Guess everyone know that economic is down, maybe the government want to save up the firework money and replace by fire cracker instead.

Head to Katong to meet up with the rest. Everyone was busy with their “machine”, so me and dear head to e-coffee to grap  a drink and watch Liverpool VS Everton. It a lousy match I can say. After the match, I’m feeling rather tired. So dear send me home first before he head to Kelvin’s house for gambling session.

Chinese New Year first day, as per normal routine, need to go my grandmother’s for visting. I’m so bored there, it just a routine to me and I feel kind of meaningless for spending hours sitting there, doing nothing.

Around evening time, dear done with his visiting, he came and picks me up. Head to my house for a short nap, as dear only slept for 3 hours the day before. Woke him up at around 8pm, got him wash up and it time to head to Kelvin’s house.

Had our dinner over at Kelvin’s place and it gambling session again. As there is too many of us, we decide to play Black Jack instead of Mahjong.  Lost around 20 bucks for me, and dear lost 150 bucks. Kelvin is our big winner for the day, he won around 400 bucks.

It already 3plus in the morning, too tired to continue,  ask dear to send me home first before he carry on with the games.

Woke up only at noon today. Got myself wash up and took a cab to my grandmother’s house, play Black Jack again, but luckily never lost much today. After dinner over at grandmother’s house, took a cab over to dear’s house.

When I reach dear’s house, head to his room and saw everyone gather around the table playing Black Jack.

Gambling, gambling. Is that what Chinese New Year all about? I also don’t know. Anyway I just break my own rule and gamble 2 days straight; I had enough of all this gamble stuff. Break my promise to myself no wonder I can never win.

Anyway just something to share, I’m a person that can never win in the gambling table. It a vow that I made, telling me not to have anything got to do with gamble.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

~ Happy New Year ~

It Chinese New Year eve today, looking up to my clock now, around 3 more hours to our reunion dinner time.

It gonna be the last year Cat will be eating with us. This coming December, she will be officially marry off.

Yesterday, dear wake me up from my sleep, ask me to get ready and he will come & pick me up. Dear behave rather weird, he doesn’t tell me where we are heading to. Finally we reach Steven’s house, overheard their conversation then I know we are going to West Mall.

Little situation happened, no choice, reach West Mall but never even step out of the car and we head back le.  

Me & dear not knowing where to go now as the situation spoil his plan (I don’t know what his plan still) so I suggest to head to West Coast Plaza.

It a lousy place to go shopping, most of the shop there is not open still, and the place is very small. Most of the shops which are in operation are only food outlet. Had our early dinner at Fish & Co, love the Clam Chowder.

Finally dear tell me what he is up to, acting so strange the whole day. He read my blog, he know that I have a lot of thing I wish to buy. So dear actually want to buy a new MP3 and my wrist poach for me today. I’m so touch!

Told dear actually I wish to buy those thing by myself, but dear insist to buy at least one item for me, so ask dear to get me the wrist poach.

At night, we head to Tampines 201 there to have a stroll at the “Pasa Malam”. Guess we arrive too late le, most of the shop had closed; left those that sell New Year goodies.

Singaporean is really very scary, look at the way they snatch those goodies, somehow I will feel ashamed for them.

Had this conversation with dear today, wish to share with everyone out there.

If u were a Degree holder, facing this bad economic, you are retrenched, after trying so hard to find a job, there isn’t any outcome. Will you bring your pride down, to work in coffee shop to carry coffee??

For me, personally I think I will. Till the situation that you have no income, worst to worst case, if you have a family of your own, children to feed, pride is nothing to compare to money.

This is my personal view; you can agree or disagree to it. Maybe I always like to look at those worst worst situation, that why I took up hospitality course bah.

Guess I’ll stop here for this entry, think about the conversation I share, it always good to get yourself prepare for the worst before any situation comes.

Let me wish everyone out there a early ~Happy “NIU” Year”. Wishing everyone have a great year ahead.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

looking forward for CNY

Did some evil stuff with my girls today, but no guilt in me, somehow it lightens up my day even more.


Since is evil stuff, definitely I won’t be posting any detail here. *Hehe!! Evil smile*


Just blame themselves for their mouth being so .


So looking forward for the arriving of this coming weekend. Never happen before, but since Monday I already have the weekend mood.


I’m too old to look forward for CNY like what I always do when I’m young. I’m just look forward for the long break.


Did lot of window shopping recently, suddenly I realized I got so many stuff that I wish to buy or wish to have.


  • A new MP3, mine spoil for a long time le, but currently no model that I’m aiming
  • A new Camera, forget what brand is that.
  • A poach for my mobile when I go jogging.
  • A new wallet as mine is already dirty & torn
  • A lady-like bag which I had never own one before
  • An oversea trip that I  always been looking forward for
  • A new pair of jogging shoes, my pair of Addias is super worn out
  • I want a puppy!! Waiting for 小星星to be born.
  • A new desktop for my mum


It always good to have something to look forward to, but if the day which I really have the money to get all those stuff, in the end I will also 不舍得to spent these money on unnecessary thing.

I will feel the pinch. *Ouch* (think le also feel the pain)


Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Got my 1st 红包 for this CNY. Given by my big boss.


Damm funny. He chose a红包 that state outside.


Cannot blame him for that how would an Indian guy know what the meaning of  

Heard him ask the colleague opposite what is the Chinese word mean on the other 红包.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Flash Back

Skip my lunch today and accompany Eve to do some shopping. Before going back to office, went to Food Court and get some fruits.


Brought a packet of guava and half a pear. Sitting in front of my lap-top, eating my pear. Suddenly my grandmother comes to my mind. I miss her a lot; lot of flash back comes to me.


Been ages since I last had a pear. Remember those days when I’m still young. Kind of home-less at that moment. So every weekend, my mum will bring me to grandmother’s fruit store to pay her a visit.


Without fail, my grandmother will pass me a pear when I reach there. She knows I love to eat pear.


As time passes, thing changes. My grandmother age a lot. Still remember I was staying in my aunty house around secondary school age, staying in the same block of flat with my dad & grandmother.


Every evening, no matter sun or rain. I will see my grandmother tired back-view from far, with an umbrella over her shoulder, carry her belonging in her plastic bag, walking slowly back home.


This routine continues till the day she fall ill. She got a stroke. Due to some family issue, the aunties and uncles decide to put my grandmother to an old folk home.


At the very start, I’m not allowed to visit my grandmother. My aunties somehow put the blame on my mum, so to prevent anymore misunderstanding, mum strongly forbid me to visit grandmother.


Force to find out the address of the old folk home from my dad, if got a choice, I won’t want to even speak to him. Seek for my friend help to send me there.


I remember the very first time I went to visit my grandmother there, it was raining heavily. Got all soaking wet. When I first saw her on the bed, my heart ache. Tears kept rolling down my face, my grandmother cried with me.


She was trying very hard to speak to me, but no words coming out from her mouth. Her hand still as warm as before, her smile still as gentle.


Visit her every Sunday after work. Till one day, when I visit her, the way she look at me I can tell that she can no longer recognize me anymore. Got to know that she suffer from stroke again. This is the second time.


Her health is getting from bad to worst day by day.


One of the night, I received a called from the old folk home. As the nurse is unable to contact any of my relatives, she called me, telling me that my grandmother had left us.


She had left me 3years plus, going to 4years this May, but I still miss her badly.


I love u, ah ma. You will always lives in my heart.

CNY Shopping

17 January 2009 - Saturday

A gentle phone call from my dear in the morning, wake me up from bed. Got up and had my shower, head out to pay for our "baby" installment.

Brought lunch for mum and head back home, it times to make my "爱心" cookies for my dear. Dump in lot of chocolate chip to suit my dear's taste. Before Sharon came I’m done with the job.

Dear came and pick me up after his school. Head to Queenway with Kelvin and Rong Gui for some CNY shopping. Yap!! You all did not hear wrongly, we went shopping.

Didn't manage to find any shoes for dear there, and we can't find Kelvin's jean either. So, second stop, we head to parkway.

Had our dinner at the hawker centre, and time to shop again. No grap again!! But at least Kelvin manages to find his jean.

My lazy bum Dear keep complaining that he is tired of walking. Anyway he seldom or can say never go shopping with me, and of cos, I treasure those moment.

Planning where to go next. The rest intend to go to JB. Kind of sad as dear don't wish to tag along, as i really wish to make a trip there by car, never try before.


18 January 2009 - Sunday

Is a usual day for us to "" at home, but not for today.

Had our shower and got prepare to head to Tampines. Insist dear to go for a hair cut at Jean Yip, the price for a man’s haircut is not cheap.

The hairdresser told dear that he is so lucky to have a GF that actually pay for his haircut. Guess what my dear say to her? He says he was being force to come for his haircut, he damm “麻烦” right?

While he getting his hair cut, i went in to different shop to look for dear CNY clothing. Manage to se a few. Force dear to try on those after his haircut. As i know Dear hate shopping and squeeze with everyone out there, so just went in those selected shop which I chosen.

Got a good grap from Puma, at last manage to find a pair of new shoes for Dear, his old pair is really dirty. Got his top too, a pink top for this CNY!! Dear only wear black for most of the time, so for this CNY, being force by me to get pink top. Dear's mum also suggest him to get pink this year. I think Dear look cute in pink.

For myself, I did not manage to buy any stuff. I was so busy looking out for Men’s top and shoes while Dear having his haircut. Anyway, I had over-spent this month, it also good for me not to do any shopping.


Thursday, January 15, 2009


排一下自己最易哭的原因! (1是最容易 , 5是最不容易)
 a.感動 - (5)
 b.傷心 - (2)
c.( 是肉體, 不是心靈) - (4)
d.生氣- (3)
e.擔心/緊張 - (1)


]    感動:不是跟你很熟的人覺得你是 ......
排在第1 - 一個常常把自己藏起來的人。很有神秘感。不容易接近。
排在第2 - 一個很會關心別人的人。很容易發現身邊有人不開心。不會很容易講錯東西或話題。
排在第3 - 一個傻傻的人。怪怪的。想做什麼就做什麼。不過很可愛。
排在第4 - 一個不會想﹐老是要人擔心的人。(特別是長輩)
排在第5 - 一個很聰明﹐很負責任的領導人。對你很尊敬。
   傷心:跟你很熟的人覺得你是 ......
排在第1 - 對很多事都要求很高的人。不過有很多時候都太固執。
排在第2 - 可以跟你講道理。黑白之間分辨得很清楚。
排在第3 - 心思很細膩的人。很多時候傷心不會表現出來,不過其實大家都看得出來。
排在第4 - 會先想很多才會做選擇。不想自己給人看扁,自尊可以算是很強的人。
排在第5 - 外剛內柔的人。但其實知道你的內心不是那麼堅強。
   痛:你想要別人覺得你是 ......
排在第1 - 很需要別人保護的人。
排在第2 - 不是那麼容易接近的人。
排在第3 - 好人一個。很關心身邊的人。不怕做犧牲的人。
排在第4 - 很聰明 , 不過又不會驕傲的人。
排在第5 - 很清楚自己想什麼要什麼的人。
排在第1 - 跟你很合拍。你跟他想的東西是一樣 ,不用問便知道對方要什麼。
排在第2 -不會很客易發脾氣。要懂得容忍你。外剛內柔。有自己的性格。
排在第3 - 內心是很可愛的一個人。你猜不到下一步他會做什麼。
排在第4 -很細心。你需要什麼他都有準備。不會因為很少的東西便找你。
排在第5 - 智慧很重要。可以管得到你的人。而且要講道理。
   擔心 /緊張:其實真實的你是 ......
排在第1 - 一個很怕給別人看到自己是什麼樣的人。不喜歡自己性格的人。
排在第2 -孤獨的人。很希望可以跟一大堆人在一起。不過很多時候都不知道怎樣跟別人溝通。
排在第3 -覺得朋友比天還重要的人。很珍惜身邊很多朋友。敢愛敢恨。不過不喜歡的人你就不會去管..
排在第4 -直接的人。很多時候因為這樣的性格跟別人不合。希望有多一點人可以了解你, 特別是你喜歡的人。
排在第5 -不是很清楚自己將來要什麼。不過就很幸運的走過半生。不會對很多東西有要求。最重要是可以開心過每一天!

So What your???

My Addias Watch

Skipping dinner yesterday is part of my diet plan. Who know as the night fall I'm getting hungry bit by bit.

How can i not be hungry, the day before i went jogging & had a bread for dinner. And yesterday i had bread for both breakfast and lunch. Dear say better don't let him know i faint again if i continue to eat like that, he will simply ignore me.

Dear knows i can't resist good food, so he actually name out all the name of the foods i love to tempt me. He damm evil, right?!? but he got his sweet part as well. 

So dear actually drove to Kallang Mac, bought my a pack of Twister Fries (i love that so much) for me and he had a Hot Fudge Sundae. So sweet of dear leave half of the sundae for me with lot of fudge on it!!! It SINFUL but i love it.. there goes my diet plan.

Reach home, didn't really manage to talk to Cat as she say she is very tired going to bed le. So doing my sit-up as usual, den Cat say she bought something for me, she left it on my computer desk, ask me to check it out the next morning.

Wake up this morning and went to check out my gift. Guess what that. It a Addias watch.

OMG!! Cat really pamper me too much le. The addias watch that she bought me 3 years back is still working, but the strip wear off last year.

Saw Sengie wear this watch a month back i guess, and i really like it very much. I don't know how other think, but for me, i will not spend nearly 200bucks for a watch, i will feel the pitch. For frenz who know me well enough will know that.

So i had been searching high & low for a cheap & good watch to suit my needs. Finally i found a Casio watch last Saturday. Only cost me 40plus bucks, and i feel quite confortable with that.

Actually got a little secret to share with you guys, i only know how to read a digital watch. If you give me other type of watch, please don't ask me the time. I will take very long to figure out what is the time, and there is a high chance i will tell you the wrong timing.

Sengie was actually telling me that when she went out with Cat yesterday, Cat force her to find the watch for her. My sista very sweet, right?!? Love you Cat, thanks for the watch!!! muack muack muack!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

~hApPy BiRtHdAy My FrIeNdS~

Firstly, let me wish my friends that were born in 14th January happy birthday first.

Dear Rozi, Happy Birthday

Wish you Good Health!!

Dear Esther, Happy 19th Birthday

May you Stay Happy Always!!

Dear Alvin, Happy 29th Birthday

Hope you remains Cheerful as Before!!

Yesterday, just 15mins before knocking off, we celebrate the birthday of our January Baby. My boss, Louis and Rozi are our January Baby.

Bought a cake and drink to celebrate as usual. But this time round, didn't expect all our enginner is in too, usually they will be out-station during those hours. So a "not so big cake" was share among 22 of us.

Rozi knows i love chocolate, she put lots of chocolate on my piece of cake for me, very sweet right?!? But our poor January Baby give out all the cakes to other and they don't have any left for themselve.

Guess what, as Rozi birthday is on the very next day, my boss actually went out while other enjoying eating, bought a piece of cake for Rozi. Isn't my boss sweet?!? Anyway, really glad to have such a good boss that will fight on be-half of us for our right and those good colleagues. 

So far, I consider lucky to meet those good bosses at work. Not forgetting Roland, he really take good care of me the past 7years while I'm working in Haagen Dazs. Teach me everything he knows, make me a better person at work, and even a better person handling my personal stuffs.

Of cos, my current boss, Louis!!

Our Singapore C. S. Team

Me, Yong Seong, Felix, Louis, Rozi (top left to right)

Steve (bottom) - Zuhri (not in photo)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Target

Currently my mood is very good till now, hopefully there nothing out there to spoil my 美丽的心情.

Suddenly have the urge of calculating my monthly fixed expense, wanted to know how far am i away from my 30K target.

  • transport - 100
  • handphone bill - 60
  • insurance - 100
  • house-hold bill - 150
  • installment - 100
  • cigrattee - 150 (estimated 3pkt a week)
  • lunch & dinner - 300 (estimated $10 daily)
  • saving - 150

Total is already $1110, my spare cash i will have monthly is only around a few hundred bucks.

Guess i need to work double hard for my target, i still so far from my target. Gonna cut down on my cigrattee, if possible i gonna quit my smoking habit and i can save more each month.

说的容易. If possible i had already kick the habit of mine years ago. but i will still try, even not able to quit, is not a bad idea to cut down down.

Gonna cut down my expense of going out with frenz, the spending is far too high le.

Time to think how am i going to spent my time wisely other den going out and spent lot. I wanna 减肥我要变美美.

Believe frenz that saw me recently realise that i had put on some weight. Gonna put a stop here, I'm not going to put on anymore weight.

Gonna kick away my crave for junk food. Planning to do at least 30 - 50 sit-up daily to train up my tummy (started yesterday). From today onward, if i have a smooth day at work and weather is by my side, i will go jog around my area after work.

Wanted to go back to my healthy lifestyle like last time. Wondering how i convinece myself last time to head down to gym at least 2 time a week, need a strong mind for that.

Everything will start now, working hard for my target:

  • Earn Lots
  • Cut down on smoking
  • Cut down on junk food
  • Slim down


Monday, January 12, 2009

my weekend

Friday night out with my girlz. Hardly got chance to really get together, other den those time that we spent in office together.

Had dinner at "NYDC", the food make me feel sick!! Guess what, it so tasteless that I must actually add salt in my pasta. The only thing that I'm able to accept is their coffee.

Had lot of drink that day. Tot we are spending long hours at "NYDC" that why i order a Halznut Coffee (didn't manage to finish, far too much). Who know they wanna find a smoking area which we can chat, drink and smoke at the same time.

So we shift to a restaurant beside the "Starbuck" which i use to hang out while i'm studying at Kaplan. Order drink again, had Kiwi Passion Smoothie this time, but it taste like Guava Juice. Around 11pm, we are being "chase off" by the waiter as they are closing, we move again, to "Bobby" (a restaurant, pub sort of place)

Had 2 pot of tea, Earl Grey & Chamomile. Silent fill the air most of the time. Guess partly is because the table is far too big, all of us is very tired at that hour and we had finish the "peak" of our topic.

Head off around 1plus, reach home after shower head straight to bed.

Finally watch "Bedtime Story" on Saturday. Funny story bit i expect more of those funny scene.

Guess what dinner i had that day?? Dear's Maggie Mee, lolz.. Been together for 2years plus, this is the second time dear cook noodle for me. Can't get the taste of the 1st time off my mind till now. (noodle with plain water.. oppp) This time round taste much better, with my favourite chesse sauage too.

But still i appreciate alot for dear to cook for me.

Sunday, had our dinner at K-box, buffet dinner. my treat this time, cannot even remember how many time of dinner i still owe dear. hahahahha

Friday, January 9, 2009

Peranakan Food

After watching "Little Nonya" guess everyone out there will be craving for Peranakan Food.

Yesterday had Home-made "Peranakan Prawn Noodle" for dinner.Once i step into dear's house yesterday, greet dear's dad, he say to me,

"Come Lynn, dinner is almost ready, must try aunty home-made prawn noodle."

Me replied,

"ohhh, okay!! I will try for sure."

Not long after, dinner is ready. Never try this type of prawn noodle before, taste great!! Dear's mum told me must eat with the achar. Weird combination to me, but it just goes so well with that.

Dear's mum knows i don't eat beanspout, but she say the prawn noodle must go with it den nice, ask me to pick it out if i don't want to eat that. Lots of that in it, pick out one by one, as i really cannot accept the beanspout after taste in my mouth.

The chilli Dear's mum made, POWER!!!

Love the Peranakan Prawn Noodle, hope to eat that soon again.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Little Nyonya

Been rushing straight home after work, turning down appointment, got Mobtv account access from my friend just to chase "Little Nyonya" for the past month i think.

Well, the show had come to a end yesterday. I was so looking forward to watching that yesterday. i rather disappoint dear, dun let him watch "Mummy Return", insist of watching "Little Nyonya".

Who know it turn out to be such a disappointment.

The ending was so draggy, For the part which Jeanette Aw chosen the lawyer i had already expected that ending, but who actually is Joanne Peh "child", Felicia Chin is who "child"?

It already the ending, how can they actually make it so complex and let us guess who is who. So who will be there to tell us the answer??

Monday, January 5, 2009

Left 4 Dead

Back to work as per normal, no more public holiday to look forward this week, need to wait till CNY comes, can collect "ang pao" too.

I'm so tired today. Guess what, i can't believe that i actually went to play lan game with dear and his frenz last Saturday. It was a real tiring experience.

Supposingly i had my dental appointment on last Saturday at 11.30am, received a call from the nurse telling me not to be late as the doctor need to go off at 12.30pm. Did as i was told. who know received a call in the morning on the very day asking me if i can make it eariler.

Well, i reach the clinic at 10plus going to 11am. I was so pissed, I waited for 45mins and it still not my turn yet. I walked to the nurse, told her i wanted to cancel my appointment. The nurse check with the doctor, tell me why not wait for another 15min and it will be my turn.

That made my blood boiled even more. Told the nurse off, if they cannot promise me on the timing, they shouldn't even ask me to come early. Made me sitting there nearly for 1hr, i was so angry!!! Arrghhh~

Since it already close to noon, called up Jinfeng & Junjia, "dapao" lunch for them as i need to make a trip down to HD to take some piping bag for my cookies.

Try out the new ice cream flavour, "Chocolate Hazlnut Brittle". OMG, the chocolate taste was so rich, just 1 scoop, 1 scoop is more den enough. Had a long chat with them till dear came and pick me up.

Wondering where dear bringing me to. Stop outside Batok's house, dear told me that he is going to bring me to play game, kill zombie. I paused for awhile, don't really believe what he said as he know I don't like to play game. Who know what he said is true, head to Katong with Batok.

Seriously, I'm really not a gaming type of person, if you want to teach me how to play, you need to be real patience as if the way and attitude of teaching and talking to me is bad i will just blow my top and i experience that lot of time before while dear trying to teach me, that why most of the time i rather chose not to learn den seeing that both of us ended up black face.

Played "Left 4 Dead". A new game, is like "House of the Dead" sort of game. Start playing around 4pm, the 3D graphic is giving me a real headache and dizzy spell. The game was excited, team work is important in this game.

While in the exciting part, Batok suddenly say,

"Mark, ask XXX to heal you, she got the pills"

I paused for awhile, why will he call me as XXX. Well, simply forget it and continue with the game, nearly killed by the zombie while i paused. But i don't really feel comfortable hearing that.

Time flies, it already 8plus when we stop. Had a quick dinner, parked our bike outside Ben's house, all head for movie at Marina Square in Ben's car.

Watch "Transporter 3". What i can say about this show is not as excited as i expect. Is more like advertising the car which Jason Statham driving as he mus stay 75 feet around the car. The show is like telling you that is a good car, can go on land, railway track, and even when the car got into the sea, it still work.

After the movie, Jimmy join us for a drink. Till around 1am, Ben need to head back as he need to wake up early for work tomorrow. As for the rest of us, head to Katong to play game, AGAIN!! as what Jimmy suggest.

The game is a real "Hot Stuff" now, not all lan shop has the game, and all the com that has the game was occupied. Waited for an hour plus just for the game. So the rest head for a pool game to kill the time. By the time we have a com to play it already 2plus.

Advance game was really hard to completed, always got killed by the zombie.

Realise it already 6plus in the morning when we stop playing. Everyone was like so tired and stone. By the time i reach home, had my shower and getting ready for bed is already around 7am.

Just too tired to go anywhere on sunday.

Actually gaming is not a cheap past-time, we play around a total of 8hour plus minus, it cost dear close to 30bucks for the 2 of us. Somemore just to clear the whole game will take us around an hour plus.

Phew~ never imagine i will play till 6am with them!