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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

YUMMY Lunchie

SO SHIOK!! I'm so fucking full now, guess what for lunch?

鸡脚河粉 from my favorite 河粉 store at Changi Village, mum bought it home for my lunch today yesterday night, they are just so YUMMY!!

With EXTRA 鸡脚 & mushroom, all you need is bring my mum's face & walk along in Changi Village & there won't be extra charge!! The people there was so nice, always feed me with super BIG potion meal & even free food, it make me feel so paisae at time. OMG!! I feel so bloated now &  I still going for 小笼包 buffet tonight!!

I'm feeling so fat inside out, but I just can't resist FOOD TEMPATION!!

Can't believe I'm actually drinking 香片 now, hoping that it will help to "wash" away my excess fat a little, my naive thinking :(

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