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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Worn Out

I'm feeling ultimately tired now, tired till the extend that vulgarities will come out from my mouth anytime if someone tend to cross on my path today. But is okay, I feel my half day leave yesterday are very well spend, it worth it after all.

After knock off at 12.30pm I fly off to queue for "gong cha" at Vivo, as promise to Jo, I must keep my promise :) The queue was fucking long, I pray for the people to make it fast as I hope I'm not the one doing BBQ for the day, I predicted Jo gonna be the chef.

It Wednesday today, quick!! Ask me for 4 numbers, whahhahaha, I was right! Jo was late, me & Cek still have time to head over to a void deck & wait for her, grap our quick lunch at the same time. Once Jo reach, we start playing our "hide-and-seek" game. A small interchange at Bishan got so many taxi-stand, moreover that not our usual hangout place, me & Cek have problem catching Jo around at that area.

Head over to toothless fish spa, look down at the pool those fucking fishes machiam turn into a piranhas to me, okay, I know my description was a little too exaggerating, but they are scary, I swear. They come in swam, they are freaking ugly & I guess they are not fed for days, once Cek put his leg into the pool, he machiam wearing a fish boots, his leg are all covered with fishes in split seconds.

Though I only soak my legs in the pool for maybe less than 10minute through out the session, but the money spend was really worth, I nearly die laughing there. Jo's reaction was freaking funny, the way she scream  machiam she is really got bitten by a piranhas, lucky she was far from me, I still worry she push me into the pool. Worth thing of all, Jo "stole" a towel from them unintentionally, whahhahaha. JO!! Don't be lazy, go upload both the photos & video, freaking funny!!!

Head over for prawning after a good laugh, Haibin was a much better place to prawn compare to Paris Ris, much cleaner, only thing is you can't smoke & prawn at the same time. Have you see anyone prawn the hanging fan before?!? Eye opening for us yesterday, our Jo like to play all kind of stunts!!! Lolz!! I'm so proud of myself, I had totally overcome the fear of the prawns "gong" now!! No sweat catching them :)

There always a reason for dear to do certain thing, that the reason I got "banned" from going to Pasir Ris pool without him around. Yesterday I got lots of free prawn again!! Whahahhaha. Please don't classific me as a bitch seducing guys around, if you got such thinking, FUCK YOU PEOPLE!! I did nothing, but just prawning, I didn't even go & talk to anyone around, they just pass me the bucket & tell me this prawns are for me, simple as that.

I feel that I'm so cruel, I poke the satay sticks through all those live prawns to death, & those 2 chaps just stand there watch me killing them, thank ah!! Chef Jo is not doing her job, so must trouble Chef Cek & Chef Lynn to take over the fire, Chef Jo take up the job of peeling the prawns for us :) Thanks Jo, even my boyfriend won't peel prawn shell for me, whahahhaha!!!

We are running with time, need to rush down to Obolo before it closed! Each of us got ourselves 8 pieces of macaroons, I just can't resist Obolo temptation. Katong laska for dinner, 1 bowl of laska each with super lots of chili, all lips turn into sausage when we finish eating.

That not all of the day, it dessert time. We missed Haagen Dazs, the place where we get to know each other. Dessert at Haagen Dazs Springvale, not just a simple 1 scoop to ease our crave, we had 1 creation each. We end other day after we visited the Loyang Tua Pak Gong Temple, thanks Cek for sending us back, everyone seems to be dead tired by then :)

I had a great day out with them, thanks guys :)

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