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Sunday, November 7, 2010

A weekend filled with LOVE

On Thursday night, meet up with the rest to watch movie at Plaza Sing. Before the movie, we went to the game shop to play. Told dear I like the big dog, ask him to catch for me, we were so lucky, dear caught it for me with just 3bucks.

I was mad happy at the moment, jumping with joy. Not only that, we still got another bonus play, I got myself a donald duck pen, so cute.

On Deepavail itself, I send from morning to evening time doing up the xmas design for out blog shop. Finally we came up with 6 design for the Christmas & my blog shop is offically opened!!

For people who are interested, kindly support & visit my blog shop at:

Not only a busy day to kick start my blog shop, it also Dino's birthday. Had a mini celebration for Dino before I head out in the late evening.

Time passes in the blink on eyes, Saturday was our 4th anniversary, 4years wasn't easy to come by. Thanks dear for everything the past for years.

We had a little getaway session at Gallery Hotel. I personally quite like the service there I feel rather comfortable there, the servers are very friendly too.

This is a "Love Affair" package, so it comes with quite alot of stuff.

I feel so blessed to have dear around with me, love you dear.

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