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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Appetite suppressant

People always say "爱美, 不要命", seriously I totally agree with that.

You know what, Singapore is the smallest country in Asia, & even worldwide, but the amount of appetite suppressant pills sold here is much much more as a compare to all other countries in Asia, shocking ah?!?

One example of appetite suppressants is Sibutramine, Sibutramine is used to control hunger in patients who are overweight. Sibutramine is prescribed along with a reduced-calorie diet and, if appropriate, an exercise program.

The reason for this rationale might be the fact that some people still think that these type of pills or capsules could not be detrimental to your health. The unfortunately truth is that countless people have found out the truth behind this easy way of dieting and weight loss.

Although these appetite suppressants may help you lose weight by suppressing your normal desire to eat, they carry a certain amount of health risks. It is strange that people will look at the contra indications and side effects of prescription drugs when scripted for illness or disease, but will merrily disregard the fine print on the packing slips of appetite suppressants

If appetite suppressants will cause you side effect such as dry mouth, paradoxically increased appetite, nausea, strange taste in the mouth, upset stomach, constipation, trouble sleeping, dizziness, drowsiness, menstrual cramps/pain, headache, flushing, or joint/muscle pain, some other serious issue like excitement, restlessness, confusion, depression, rare thoughts of suicide (rare cases), will you still try it?!?

As per informed, appetite suppressants demand was so high in Singapore till the Ministry of Health has to step &control the use of it. If you BMI is far too low & you are still requesting for appetite suppressants still, I'm afraid your doctor are not able to issue you the pills.

Well like I say before, 爱美,减肥 is every women 的终身职业!! Are you ready to stay pretty with all the risk stated as above?!?! Frankly speaking, I only live once a life time, I will go all in of it!! Life is short, I would rather leave a pretty impression to all the people that know me, than let them remember me as a fat ass.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


I seriously start to like my ah dai hairstyle. But what I need to do now is to straighten my hair, if not I gonna spent lot of time getting it set :)

Welcome back to Cyber World

I'm back to my Cyber world again, happy happy!!

Dear help me fight the crowd from the Sitex show to buy my netbook for me, it PINK in colour, mad love!!

He say everyone was laughing at him that day, he went to every booth, not asking the about the spec of the netbook but he ask if they sell any pink netbook instead, whahhahaha.

I gonna blink my netbook soon!! Love~ love~ love

Thursday, November 25, 2010



Call me 阿呆 if you want, sometime I just hate myself for being so impassive.

Yesterday I was looking into the mirror, I saw my fringe super long, I had keep my bang for 3 years straight, after so long, finally I saw both my eyebrow exposed on my face & I hate it. Cos I got a scar on my forehead, it pretty obvious, I sawed 5 stitches when I young.

No consideration, I over to salon after work, was thinking to cut the style what I always did, uneven bang. But I feel it rather boring having the same hairstyle everytime, so I decide to give it a change, straight bank this time round.

I'm kind of regretting now cos my face look pretty fat now. YES!! FAT!! FML, I don't know what type of recovery I can do now. I guess Jo gonna laugh her head off when she see me later :(

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Worn Out

I'm feeling ultimately tired now, tired till the extend that vulgarities will come out from my mouth anytime if someone tend to cross on my path today. But is okay, I feel my half day leave yesterday are very well spend, it worth it after all.

After knock off at 12.30pm I fly off to queue for "gong cha" at Vivo, as promise to Jo, I must keep my promise :) The queue was fucking long, I pray for the people to make it fast as I hope I'm not the one doing BBQ for the day, I predicted Jo gonna be the chef.

It Wednesday today, quick!! Ask me for 4 numbers, whahhahaha, I was right! Jo was late, me & Cek still have time to head over to a void deck & wait for her, grap our quick lunch at the same time. Once Jo reach, we start playing our "hide-and-seek" game. A small interchange at Bishan got so many taxi-stand, moreover that not our usual hangout place, me & Cek have problem catching Jo around at that area.

Head over to toothless fish spa, look down at the pool those fucking fishes machiam turn into a piranhas to me, okay, I know my description was a little too exaggerating, but they are scary, I swear. They come in swam, they are freaking ugly & I guess they are not fed for days, once Cek put his leg into the pool, he machiam wearing a fish boots, his leg are all covered with fishes in split seconds.

Though I only soak my legs in the pool for maybe less than 10minute through out the session, but the money spend was really worth, I nearly die laughing there. Jo's reaction was freaking funny, the way she scream  machiam she is really got bitten by a piranhas, lucky she was far from me, I still worry she push me into the pool. Worth thing of all, Jo "stole" a towel from them unintentionally, whahhahaha. JO!! Don't be lazy, go upload both the photos & video, freaking funny!!!

Head over for prawning after a good laugh, Haibin was a much better place to prawn compare to Paris Ris, much cleaner, only thing is you can't smoke & prawn at the same time. Have you see anyone prawn the hanging fan before?!? Eye opening for us yesterday, our Jo like to play all kind of stunts!!! Lolz!! I'm so proud of myself, I had totally overcome the fear of the prawns "gong" now!! No sweat catching them :)

There always a reason for dear to do certain thing, that the reason I got "banned" from going to Pasir Ris pool without him around. Yesterday I got lots of free prawn again!! Whahahhaha. Please don't classific me as a bitch seducing guys around, if you got such thinking, FUCK YOU PEOPLE!! I did nothing, but just prawning, I didn't even go & talk to anyone around, they just pass me the bucket & tell me this prawns are for me, simple as that.

I feel that I'm so cruel, I poke the satay sticks through all those live prawns to death, & those 2 chaps just stand there watch me killing them, thank ah!! Chef Jo is not doing her job, so must trouble Chef Cek & Chef Lynn to take over the fire, Chef Jo take up the job of peeling the prawns for us :) Thanks Jo, even my boyfriend won't peel prawn shell for me, whahahhaha!!!

We are running with time, need to rush down to Obolo before it closed! Each of us got ourselves 8 pieces of macaroons, I just can't resist Obolo temptation. Katong laska for dinner, 1 bowl of laska each with super lots of chili, all lips turn into sausage when we finish eating.

That not all of the day, it dessert time. We missed Haagen Dazs, the place where we get to know each other. Dessert at Haagen Dazs Springvale, not just a simple 1 scoop to ease our crave, we had 1 creation each. We end other day after we visited the Loyang Tua Pak Gong Temple, thanks Cek for sending us back, everyone seems to be dead tired by then :)

I had a great day out with them, thanks guys :)

Monday, November 22, 2010


I watched 2 movies over the weekend, "Unstoppable" on Friday & "House Maid" on Saturday. Initially I thought that "Unstoppable" is kind of a crappy show, but surprisingly it turn out to be a good show, non-stop thrilling till the end. Unlike "House Maid", that is a real crappy show.

Yesterday my mood flared, not because of anyone else but myself. I decide to brush up my cupcakes skills so I do not need to always depend on Sharon when there an order or when I wanna do sample for photo-taking, I understand that she is feeling rather stressed & tight up in her work, I don't wish to stress her up too much.

So, I spend my whole Sunday at home doing up the cupcake myself, the cupcakes I made was a total failure. I feeling very demoralizing at that point of time when dear told me it don't taste nice. I never blame him for being straight forward, I know he wouldn't lie to me over such issue as he is very particular on the taste of food, & he will tell me the true so I can improved.

Guess what, even my decorating skill go hay-wire that day, all my bumble bee size, shape & even the look of it are not consistence. Dear tried to consoled me, he ask me take a break as I had been working on it for hours, he say maybe I just too tired & can't concentrate. But I wasn't feeling better in anyway, in a fit of angry, I shoved all the cupcakes & fondant décor I made from the table into a big plastic bag & dump it into the trash can.

I feel suck to the max, I'm such an useless dum ass, even follow the same recipe that Sharon used, I can go wrong. What the fuck am I doing, I really don't know!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Priceless Gem

Time passes really fast, me & dear suddenly realize that both of us are so tight up with our stuff lately, it had been so long since we have a heart to heart talk.

This few days I have a little spare time at work, so I will log in to MSN with my mobile. Been catching up quite a lot with dear on MSN, I miss his crappy jokes, he had never fail to make me laugh. Maybe because of lesser communication nowadays, I feel as if I had taken a short break in his life for the past couple of months back, I miss out so much thing that happen to him. I feel that I'm such a lousy girlfriend.

Dear told me that I should start blocking my weekdays for him, at least 2 days a week, we missed out too much time together. For the past couple of months, we hardly meet up on weekdays, we are just like "weekend's couple".

During this "weekend's couple" period of time, of cos there are gain & there are lost. I gain a lot of time for myself & spend lot of the time with my peepsz, at last I manage to find time & meet up with so many of them, I miss them all. Lost wise, I lost a lot of time with dear, missing out the interesting events that happened in his life. Well, there isn't such thing as a balance, having the best out of the both world.

Sadly, dear ask me to block my next Tuesday & Thursday to spend my time with him, but I already have appointment on, I shall make more time for him the following week than.

Dear told me a "theory" yesterday that he share with all his bachelor friends. He ask them why they always like to waste their time on oversea girlfriends that work in pubs, those girls with no decent jobs & spend money like water, all these girls are just liability to them.

He say, as a man, looking for a girl to spend their future with, shouldn't they find themselves an asset rather than liability? The liability would now stick to you during your good time & suck you dry. When you reach  the lowest point of your life, they will simply say bye bye to you & off they go.

Whereas asset is different, they are there to share your joy with you at the highest point of your life, remind you that even you have extra, don't forget to save for the raining days. During your down time, they are there to support you, go through all the shit with you.

So what holding you guys back outta? There lots of attractive seduction everywhere, but one cannot only see the short term . If you can't resisted the temptation around you, even you got the best priceless gem in the world, you will lose the gem one day. That particular gem deserves someone who knows how to treasure & appreciate them.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hari Raya Haji

I feel that my blog is pretty bored with lots of scrabbling of words. I still can update my blog even my lappy is down, I have my way, but, I have problem uploading multiple photos.

I guess it gonna be real bored reading just the words, so I gonna try to make my each blog entry as short as possible, but I'll try to upload it more frequently. Still deciding if I should get an I-pad, a lappy or netbook, too much choices.

Back to work after 1 day of break, I hate holiday in the middle of the week, it just so out of the blue. But nice enough of dear came over to pick me up from work on Tuesday, had our dinner & head back home. Life is getting stagnant after so many years together.

Like it or not, that the fact in life, how excited can your life be, there always an end to that. Anyway I'm totally cool with that, I accept with an open heart, we still got a life time more of boring life to go.

Had a good sleep that night, woke up rather late the next morning. So nice waking up at my own timing of my body clock, but I forget to turn off my damn alarm that morning.

I just love my boy so much, I feel that I did not spend enough time with him, I feel so bad. Even when I neglect him most of the time, but my boy is always there for me. I just love to look at the way he lay beside my pillow everyday when I open my eyes every morning.

Dear bought me to Illuma for a walk yesterday, he say if not I will keep complaining that he never bring me out. Intial plan was to catch a movie there, but there so many people queuing for tickets, so we decided to give it a miss.

Went over to dear's place to have dinner. When dinner gonna start, I start scooping my rice over to dear's plate, aunty scooping her to uncle's plate & Tim's girlfriend scooping over to Tim's plate, damn funny, dear look at Tim & say this to him, "You need to get use to it, in a few years time, you gonna become my size". Everyone break into laugher on the spot.

Woohoo, nowaday I don't need to wash the dishes after meal anymore, now is Tim's girlfriend task to do it. I'm not being evil, but if she don't feel like washing, I'm totally cool on taking over, I wanna do the washing in the start, just that she got to the sink before me while I'm still doing the cleaning in the front, well, too bad. Whahhahhahah!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bubble Tea Fever

The bubble tea crazed in me is active once again after so long.

Let me recapped, the very 1st bubble tea fever start 10years ago, when I was at the age of 15. At that time my favorite favor of tea was Peppermint Milk Tea, Mango Red Tea & Blue Coral Snow Shake.

I recalled at that period of time, you can find bubble tea shop everywhere, but I only like to drink from "Happy Cup" at Bedok interchange, cos my sister is working there, I always get free tea. At the age if 16, I diverted my love for "Happy Cup" to "Each a Cup" at Parkway as I'm working at Parkway Parade. What I love about "Each a Cup" is not because of the taste, is due to the rainbow pearl, I love colourful stuff. If the rainbow pearl is out, I will rather not buy any tea. < /FONT>

This bubble tea fever last around 2, 3years, due to bubble tea is everywhere, tea is just in the reach of hand, people get sick over it real fast, & slowly, most of the bubble tea shop closed down.

The strongest survived, through out the years, "Sweet Talk" can say is the only 1 surviving outta. My love for bubble tea does not goes off with the bubble tea fever, I can say, I love bubble tea even more after that. I always haunt for bubble tea where ever I go, Peach Red Tea was my favorite favor for so many years, I will at least have a cup of "Sweet Talk" tea once every week.

But that had been quite sometime since the "Sweet Talk" at Bedok interchange closed down, although there another "Each a Cup" there, but I tried there tea once after so long, it taste horrible.

After I stop drinking bubble tea, the Koi fever started. Till now I can't explain what the crazed over Koi, cos I haven't tried any yet, but I heard the queue was long. After hearing this the more I don't feel like queuing for that.

Till recently, Sharon introduce "水研社 - Drink Tea" at Bedok interchange to me, I fall in love for bubble tea once again. Their pearl are made of Roselle Plant extract, it is free from any colouring and even has medicinal purposes! (most important, the pearl is of my favorite colour, pink)

First you decide your sugar level (similar to the Koi concept, 0%,25%,50%,75%,100%), then you choose Full Ice, Half Ice or No Ice. As for the Roselle Pearls, pink it is, but it tastes pretty similar to most pearls out there. It's quite chewy and there was a very lightly sweet aftertaste of the pearl that lingers in your mouth. More of a sweet scent taste I suppose. So far, I think there only 1 particular branch at Bedok. I fall in love with their Plum Jelly Tea.

Recently there another fever running around in my company, & that is "Gong Cha" fever. One of "Gong Cha" branch was located at Vivocity, kind of convenience for me to grap a cup, but apparently that not the case. "Gong Cha" queue was just as bad, my colleagues spend 1/2 hour of her lunch time just to queue for the tea, this made me think twice too.

Till one of the day, my colleague say she gonna queue for "Gong Cha" during her lunch, dompang her to grap a cup for me too, that my very 1st time trying "Gong Cha".

I tried the Purple Plum tea with Ai Yu, that very nice, I fall in love with bubble tea once again. One of my friend recommend me to try their signature tea, Gong Cha Oolong with pearl, 0% sugar level, she say that was good.

So I went to grap a cup of that particular favor with Jo yesterday & I love the taste of it. Not only 1 cup, I drank a total of 2 cups yesterday.

I was feeling rather thirsty after lunch today, the crazy act in me started again, I went to queue for "Gong Cha". I guess I need to put this bubble tea crazed to a stop for now, too much of everything is just not healthy.

Last minute but Always Ready

I really kind of missing the crazy peepz a lot. Last minute but always ready, this used to be our favorite quote. A SMS from Jo to have dinner together, no hesitation & agreed right away.

Before the rest turn up me & Jo had a "Gong Cha" each & off we go with our shopping spree again. You just can't put 2 crazy women together, it a disaster, if Ah Cek never reach in time, I guess we gonna buy more stuff from Daiso. Other than the 2 pairs of flat I bought, all other stuffs are food item (I'm actually munching my cod fish snack while typing this entry).

We bought a same pair of flat, we shall wear it out together 1 day soon.

Had a simple dinner at Thai Express, I really "peifu" Jo persistence toward food, die die want to eat "Tom yam" even she with her swollen face &  the big hole in her gum. Jokes filled our dining table just like before, even time & distance tend to push us apart at time, but the bond is still there.

I can't believe we had another cup of "Gong Cha" again after our dinner. Sitting at the side of the river drinking our "Gong Cha", puffing out the smoke & die laughing of the crappy jokes, everything just seem like back to the old time.

Time flies, it time for us to head back, no longer like the young time where we can hang out till 6am in the morning, we are all grown up adults now, all are engaged to different commitment to our life.

I hope to hang out with them real soon, can we go prawning together on our next outing?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Another tough night

I was rather sad, my lappy has officially pronounced dead. This mean that I would have problem updating my blog from now on, but no worry, although I hate that I'm given a lappy at work (which mean unfinished work need to bring home to complete), but that can act as a standby for me.

On Friday before I knock off, I received a call from Gie, she needs my help. This poor girl, her mum was oversea, her brother was no where found, she tried to reach one of the aunty but she cannot find her, no choice so she need to approach me.

I called aunty Sandy to check what are the documentation I need to take note for renting a flat, got some nagging from her, she say it too dangerous for 2 ladies to go house viewing with the agent alone. Lucky enough I got a caring dear at time, even before asking, he offered to go with us.

When we reach there, the agent was a total Ah Beng, talking with me with the cigarette in his hand, so rude, but at least the way he talk is rather polite still. This is a mass viewing of flat, look at the people waiting to view the flat, sorry to say, they don't look like any decent chaps to me.

Appointment was at 7.30pm, but the agent was told last minute that the owner are rushing over now, he can only make it by 8.30pm. We decide to wait too, I had a chat with the agent, list down the documentation that I need from him. Not long after he called Sengie's mobile saying that the owner no intention to renew the legal rental document from HDB, so no point waiting for illegal stuff, we decide to make a move instead.

Dear offered to send Gie over to Tampines & we head back home after that as both of us gonna wake up early the next day, so no plan of going anywhere.

I woke up so early on a Saturday morning as I'm a volunteer for the company's social day, this year is a trip to Discovery Centre. I don't wish to talk much about the trip, seriously I doubt I'll going for such company event again as I really don't feel the children are the needy ones that need our help, they even let me see the ugly side of human. I would rather go orphanage home or old folk home to help those who really need our help.

Dear came over to pick me up from Discovery Centre after he done with his work, accompany him for lunch & we head back to his house. Dear's car was parked in the carpark, got knows someone actually bang on his car, lucky no harm to the car, only a slight dent on the car plate.

I was having a bad headache that afternoon & feeling real tired, so I took the medicine & nap alittle.

In the evening time, we head over to the pick up his cousin & aunty at Toa Payoh, head over to Old Airport Road to meet up the rest for dinner together. Seriously it a feast, so much food, lucky I was well hidden at 1 corner so no one actually realize that how much I eat.

At night, we decide to go for a spin, we got 3 destination that night, Dempsey hill, Tuas beach & Senoko sector. Sadly, we had a tough night that day & we only manage to complete 2 destination.

While on the BKE heading toward Senoko, suddenly we hear a loud sound from the car, no choice but stop at the side of the expressway to check the car. While I guide the car to move over to other lane, dear was laying in the middle of the expressway to see what happen to the bottom.

Dear was shock to see the inner side of the tyre actually gives way, the loud sound was actually the flipping of the tyre sound. We drive slowly to a nearest exit, stop under a block to allow the tyres to cool down alittle, it freaking burning hot. Lucky the tyre is not burst, only worn off, so we actually can ride back home.

We tried to drive real slow & make our way home, we are like at the other end of Singapore, we had a long way to go. Till Lornie Road, dear feel that the tyre can no longer make it, we quickly exit out & look for a petrol station. It was close to 1plus in the morning, we are sitting there, searching for 24hours tyres service, tow etc as the tyre really burst, we can't carry on driving anymore. Sadly, for Honda cars they do not have any spare tyres at the back.

The tow truck came around 4am in the morning, I was mad tired by then. While sitting in the tow truck & heading toward the car shop, I dozed off, I can dozed off in such a noisy truck this really show how tired am I.

Dear as me to bend down & look at the worn off tyre at the car shop, I was shocked, the tyre really tear into 2 like a watermelon skin, dear gonna spend another bomb again.

It was a really long night for us, this is the second time the tyre actually burst on the Saturday night. Lucky dear did not lost his temper that night, he still can talk & joke with me, but can really see this face damn sian that night & trying to keep me awake.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Sorry if I offended anyone in this post, I'm not pin pointing at anyone but seriously I'm FUCKING PISSED.

I'm okay to push all my plans away to be there for someone who need me, I'm doing the right thing, I believe dear will understand even I stood up on him.

I believe that every family, have their own domestic issue that other will never understand, but I can never understand where you are coming from when you can leave all important decision to your children & you are not there for them.

I feel for them, cos I went through the same unfortunate encounters in the past too. I know how hard can the children be when they get involve in the war of the adults. Please spare a thought for the kids, they are the most innocent party.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Battle at work

Super drained!! Half yearly regional meeting is a torture man, it only half a day gone, I still have 1 & 1/2days more to go.

I hate taking meeting minutes, you can go mind wondering for a second, you need to be attentive all the time.

ARGH!! Meeting gonna starts in 15mintues time, bullets fully loaded for the battle, why lunch time seem pass so fast =(

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

YUMMY Lunchie

SO SHIOK!! I'm so fucking full now, guess what for lunch?

鸡脚河粉 from my favorite 河粉 store at Changi Village, mum bought it home for my lunch today yesterday night, they are just so YUMMY!!

With EXTRA 鸡脚 & mushroom, all you need is bring my mum's face & walk along in Changi Village & there won't be extra charge!! The people there was so nice, always feed me with super BIG potion meal & even free food, it make me feel so paisae at time. OMG!! I feel so bloated now &  I still going for 小笼包 buffet tonight!!

I'm feeling so fat inside out, but I just can't resist FOOD TEMPATION!!

Can't believe I'm actually drinking 香片 now, hoping that it will help to "wash" away my excess fat a little, my naive thinking :(

Monday, November 8, 2010

Cupcake sample calling once, calling twice. . .

So far the feedback from people who tried our cupcakes say that it good, the sweetness was just nice & the designs was rather creative & sweet.

I spend nearly the whole Friday to design the creation, whole of Sunday to edit the photos, upload to our blog shop, create our Facebook page account. The response was a little disappointing for me, from yesterday till now, I send out a page suggestion to my 300 over friends in my Facebook account, there only 4 persons that click on the "like" icon on my page.

Seriously I do get a little disappointed & dishearted when I see this, I thought my friends will be rather supportive over my idea, but I seem to be wrong.

That the start, I shouldn't get so depress easily, there still a long way to go. Even my friends did not click on the "like" icon, I do believe that some of them actually did visit the webbie actually, at least my blog hit goes to 100 over hits in less than 1 day.

Decide to find 1 days to take leave again some time soon, to do out some samples for my colleagues to try since some of them request for sampling before buying. Anyway Loh say I need to plan my leaves, just log in to my leave application system, my FY10 leave still untouched yet, till today, I still have 16.5 days leave left.

I decide to clear 6.5days of leave & 1 day social day off before April 2011 next year, so I can bring forward 10days of leave. That mean I gonna have 27 days of leave in total for my FY11, that a lot man, hopefully it gonna be enough to use for next coming FY

Who else wan to sample the cupcakes before buying please let me know in advance, so I can make some necessary arrangement for you guys.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Cuppies Paradise

Dear all,

Kindly visit & "Like" my facebook page at:

If not you can visit our webbie directly at:

Please assist to promote by suggesting my page to your Facebook's contacts.

Thank you so much for all the support from my dear friends =D

A weekend filled with LOVE

On Thursday night, meet up with the rest to watch movie at Plaza Sing. Before the movie, we went to the game shop to play. Told dear I like the big dog, ask him to catch for me, we were so lucky, dear caught it for me with just 3bucks.

I was mad happy at the moment, jumping with joy. Not only that, we still got another bonus play, I got myself a donald duck pen, so cute.

On Deepavail itself, I send from morning to evening time doing up the xmas design for out blog shop. Finally we came up with 6 design for the Christmas & my blog shop is offically opened!!

For people who are interested, kindly support & visit my blog shop at:

Not only a busy day to kick start my blog shop, it also Dino's birthday. Had a mini celebration for Dino before I head out in the late evening.

Time passes in the blink on eyes, Saturday was our 4th anniversary, 4years wasn't easy to come by. Thanks dear for everything the past for years.

We had a little getaway session at Gallery Hotel. I personally quite like the service there I feel rather comfortable there, the servers are very friendly too.

This is a "Love Affair" package, so it comes with quite alot of stuff.

I feel so blessed to have dear around with me, love you dear.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

PEEK-A-POO!! Stay Tune =D

A dream can only be an unrealistic hope unless you put your plan into action & bring it to reality.

For your information, I didn't quote or "steal" this phrase from anywhere, I came out with it myself after I feel "inspired" somehow & I personally feel it kind of true when it apply to life.

Yesterday I took my very first step of putting my plan into action before I bring it to reality. For those who don't know yet, just a sneak preview for you guys, Lynn is setting a blog shop of her own together with her buddy, Sharon.

What are we selling?!? Targeting on the festive season, we had came out of a range of Christmas design cup cakes at a reasonable price, design are sweet & cute enough to give away as a Christmas presents to your loved ones =D For more information, stay tune with me & I'll release the URL here latest by early next week.

This is the very start of bringing my dream to reality, dear friends out there, please remember to support me!! Feedbacks are most welcome, only with your feedbacks, I can fine-tune my unrealistic hope, to a sweet sweet dream.

We can never fight a battle without weapons. Yesterday me & Sharon meet up after work to source out our required baking tools, though both of us actually physically & mentally worn out after a hectic day a work, we dragged our tired body still. Plan will always be a plan unless you put it into action.

Baking tools are very expensive, thanks god we both have some at home, so we don't really need to get that much. But just the miscellaneous things we bought yesterday, the bill came up to close to 100bucks.

I was mad hungry after buying our stuffs, had our dinner at Burger King. After dinner, we went for a coffee at Starbuck to work out on our T&C, pricing, designs etc, there so much we need to do.

I'm so looking forward to this coming Friday, Dino's 2nd birthday celebration & our roll out day. Stay tune with us =D