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Monday, April 26, 2010

The making of Dino's 爱心Meatballs

I don't know since when I start to have this idea, maybe is when my Baby Dino start to be choosy on the food he eat.

That spoiled brat love the food from US doggie pastries, after the few trip to K9, after I start to indulgence him with meatballs & stuffs, he choose not to eat his dry food unless he was super hungry.

Meatballs from US doggies pastries was not cheap, 4meatballs cost me around 5bucks & can only last Dino for 4days.

So I went to supermarket after work today, I'm getting ingredient for the meatballs. I bought some minced pork & chicken, some carrots & potatoes.

This are the carrot in thin strips.

Boiling the potato

Carrot mixed with potato

Meatballs in the boiling water

Cooked meatballs

Dino enjoying his meatballs :D

Baby finish all his dinner

I decorate the cover of the container to put Dino meatballs.

This gonna last thim at least a week :)

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