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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Arrival of the Long Weekend!!

Yesterday night I spend like 2 & half hours editing on the photos taken in K9, finally complete all around 11.30pm.

I was mad tired after that, my eye lids are too heavy to continue. Guess I had too many late nights, the accumulation of all make me slept real early yesterday. Shall upload those photos over the weekend, hopefully! :D

Counting to knock off now, cant wait to watch Clash of the Titan 3D with the hangout later, I believe it gonna to be a good show.

But firstly I gonna head home for a change first & meet up with MissyM there. We are watching the same movie, at the same place, in the same cinema; the only different is the seating. Gonna hang out with her first before the movie start :D

Loooooooooonnnng weekend!!! I LOVE IT!! Can sleep like a dead log!!

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