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Monday, April 12, 2010

♥Kieve's Birthday - Photo Update♥

♥My Dear, his Darling♥

♥Our Birthday Boy♥

♥This is their "so called" good buddies!!♥
I kenna that before too, but nt from them ;)

♥There goes the cake, all on his face now.♥

♥6 beer & 1 mix (dunno what the content) ♥
I swear they are crazy!!

♥He called the "help" line♥

♥No matter how good drinker you are,
I doubt anyone can take that.♥

♥I Just love to hear him sing :) ♥

♥Don't get cheated by this photo♥
Jimmy eyes have NEVER been so big before.

♥I dunno what is Jimmy trying to do to my dear.♥

♥Look so "sweet" & GAY-ISH in this photo♥
you should see what the reaction after the snap.
(puking action from both, lolz)

♥RongGui machiam trying to hang himself.♥

♥The "gugi gugi" trick work on everyone, lolz!!♥
Look at dear's BIG smilez

♥I love his big eyes♥
♥I love everything of him♥

♥Beer in "fish tank"♥
. . . that not all. . . . . & . . .


♥Birthday speech before K.O.♥

♥I love this photo♥
but I dunno why. . .

♥Jimmy Love to cam-whore♥

♥Guys can be vain too♥

♥Kieve lost his slipper♥
(actually we hide it)

♥He was pin down by 4 big guys♥
2 big guys kissing, Gross right!!
machiam kenna rape

♥Ben "beg" me not to post this photo♥
but after some editing,
he *click* like on Facebook

♥Dear jus like to give this "sleepy" face♥

♥"Sorry Sorry" dance by Jimmy♥

♥Emo little boy hidding at 1 corner♥

♥BDS peepZ♥
After so many years. . . .

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