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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Update: Zoo Trip

Finally after sooooooo long,
I'm done with editing my zoo trip's photos.

Actually we took like more than 200photos,
we take photos till the camera's battery flat.

But of cos I'm not so crazy till edit 200 over photos,
only edited some for upload.

♥Welcome to the Zoo♥


♥Oink Oink♥


♥ Bleah ;P ♥


♥Kangaroo crossing, keep clear♥

♥BEEP BEEP, off we go♥

♥The greedy kangaroo♥

♥JunJia scolding the kangaroo♥

♥I love this photo♥

♥Sometime, we do get a little crazy♥

♥Monkeys see, Monkeys do♥

♥As strong as him?!?♥


♥This is jus so pretty♥

♥Snake snake♥

♥Sealion, Philip♥

♥Muack muack♥

♥Looking for the exit♥



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