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Monday, February 22, 2010

Photos Update

Recently did not take much photos, took some random & silly photos on CNY & SCDF training course.




On CNY 2nd day:

~My family~

~Huat ah~

~I love my cousinz~

~1 of my naughtiest cousin~

~This is a SUPER unglam photo~




At SCDF Course:
~When I first post this photo on FB, most of my frenz are worried~
And I look as if I'm crying

~After I post this, everyone start scolding me~
Make-up artist: Momo
"Victim": Lynnie

~See, what I do to Momo~

~Thiru was "wrap up" by professional~
that why he look "nicer" in bandage

~My "kelian" face~




~Sunshine over the Rain~
I really feel so "grey" the last week, gonna move on

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