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Monday, March 1, 2010

I like the effect of alcohol!! It makes me HAPPY!!!

Does cutting down of cigarette intake make your temper goes up?!? I don't know what happen to me, but I was easily pissed by every little thing that happen around me.

I was affected by alot of thing that really agitated me, trying to keep my cool, I think my "ren gong" had level up again.

I wanted to go back to my "little cave" again, I need space of my own once again, I just need to be left alone to sort out my thinking at time.

Okay, enough of all this shitty nonsense let recalled back what has happened last week.

Last Thursday, I meet dear up at Concorde Hotel after my work. Had our dinner there & dear bought me to Orchard Central for a walk.

Suprised right? My dear bought me to Orchard for a walk. I was surprise at that time too, dear say since we already at that area, might as well have a walk there & avoid the heavy traffic after work.

~This long evalator link 4 level together~

~Decor on the roof garden~

Finally some tiny droplets of blessing (rain) drop down from the sky. Thanks to this blessing, dear came over to pick me up after work afraid that I will get soaking wet (my dear can be sweet at time).

Meet up with the rest for movie, watch a stupid movie "Hot Summer Days". Please don't waste your money to watch this rubbish. Went to "Rui Chun" for some "Tim-sum" supper before we head home. 

Saturday is a happening day. We went for dinner together with the usual hangout to celebrate RongGui 26th birthday in advance. Had a super full dinner, first time with leftover food, but this dinner is really worth the money, potion big & cheap.

Head over to De Suite at Amos Street. Drink alot that night & surprisingly I'm totally sober. But first time, I smell of alcohol after my drinking session, super strong alcohol smell, so "er xin". Dear also say I smell bad, really had too much yesterday, lots of Martel & I help RG with 1/4 of his graveyard.

Drink, drank, drunk!!! I like the effect of alcohol!! It makes me HAPPY!!!


Some Photos from RG Bday Celebration
(More photos from my FB album)

*De Suite @ Amos Street*


*Graveyard, seriously it tast HOBBIBLE*


*Them, with the birthday boy*

*The guys*

*Me & my dear*

*Dear~Me~Dear's darling*

*I Swear RG is super high now*

*When they are bored*

*Laughing at his drunken face*

*SALUTE!! Proven Jimmy is STRONG*

*In the car while waiting for the rest*

*Jimmy steal my mushroom*

*His goodbye kiss*



*All ready to step out*

*I love dear's new wardrobe mirror, full length mirror*

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