Finally after so long, I bought my new hair tong.
Also wanted to try to perm my hair, but seriously, I do not have the courage to do so. I already look so mature at my age, I think perm hair will make me look even older.
I'm a lazy person by nature, guess I won't be so free to spend so much time putting lotion, twist & play my hair with my finger.
One of the important point, if you put any make-up on your face with your perm hair, seriously you will look so horrible like those aunty going to market & buy fish like that.
Okay, I tried curling my hair, I look like a BIG head freak. The permmed hair make my hair look so big & I think I look total like an aunty.
But I figure out that there way for me to look a little better with permmed hair, is to tied half of my hair.
Any comment on how I look on perm hair?!?
So I bun up my upper half of my hair.
Leaving the "tail" dangling there
The hair was secure by 3 hair pins
This is how it look in the front
The volume of curl is depend on individual preference.
I like this hairdo
I gonna go out with this hairdo the coming weekend :D
So is it nice nice?!?
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