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Monday, October 18, 2010


I really feeling sucky with every problem I have.

Health screwed up since young & the calcium issue is giving me tons of problem.

Joint dislocate & putting it back is a common problem for me since young, sound damn gross right, no choice, I hate to drink milk since young, I'm lack of calcium.

Going to dental is one of my greatest fear, I hate the sound of the machine they use & the feeling when the tool grinned on the tooth. Just too bad, lack of calcium force me to visit them so often.

My tooth chip easily, I chip my last tooth again yesterday during dinner time, worst still, I think it hurt my nerve this time round, I CAN"T CHEW. Can't believe be eating mee hoon kueh can break my tooth.

It not pain to be exact, it sore!! The pain feel as if u are chewing a hot stuff & suddenly you gagger cold water in your mouth, the sore run a chilling pain down the spine, IT HORRIBLE!!

I swear I gonna force my kid to eat every single health food which I don't eat in the future, it for their good, I don't want them to encounter what I went through now.

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