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Monday, October 11, 2010

Assurance, Commitment & Trust

The assurance that dear gave me now, at the very moment, is putting all our saving to my care.

I always believe that money is a very sensitivity issue, be it husband & wife, or even blood-related family members, I saw many incidents of people "自相残杀" over money issue. That the very ugly side of human when luxury came so handy, they will crave for more & turn into greed.

I admit that money cannot do wonder, but without money, we can do nothing. I always believes that simplicity is the felicity of life, I will work hard to achieve my comfort zone, I will not demand what is beyond my requirement. If I got excess, it a blessing, if I do not have enough, I will work hard to achieve it, that is my principal if my life.

We opened a joint account last Saturday at OCBC, a joint account is a kind of commitment for both.

I was shocked & surprised by what dear did. He request for only 1bank book, 1 ATM card & 1 debit card (he don't see why both of us need to hold the card), dear put me as the main application for all. I will be holding all the card & he won't be holding any.

I'm really glad that dear have the trust in me, but at the same time, I seriously hope that he make the right choice, as money is an evil thing, I won't wish to have an conflict over this issue in the future.

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