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Monday, April 26, 2010

The making of Dino's 爱心Meatballs

I don't know since when I start to have this idea, maybe is when my Baby Dino start to be choosy on the food he eat.

That spoiled brat love the food from US doggie pastries, after the few trip to K9, after I start to indulgence him with meatballs & stuffs, he choose not to eat his dry food unless he was super hungry.

Meatballs from US doggies pastries was not cheap, 4meatballs cost me around 5bucks & can only last Dino for 4days.

So I went to supermarket after work today, I'm getting ingredient for the meatballs. I bought some minced pork & chicken, some carrots & potatoes.

This are the carrot in thin strips.

Boiling the potato

Carrot mixed with potato

Meatballs in the boiling water

Cooked meatballs

Dino enjoying his meatballs :D

Baby finish all his dinner

I decorate the cover of the container to put Dino meatballs.

This gonna last thim at least a week :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Upcoming Events

Well, can say nothing much of interesting stuffs for me to update recently, everything still consider rather smooth for me, I think.

Just a little up & down happen at work. As for up, okay, my boss told me that I going for an increament!! I don't how true is that, what I can do now is just wait & see. Of cos I did put a little hope to it, it a increment that I been waiting for quite sometime.

As for down, well, thing always don't flow in the way you want it to been, I been getting a little used to it or rather. Just sometime, my blood really boiled when thing happen.

The sad thing is, saddly I not able to find anyone to confront to. Very sad right?!? I guess that life bah, the funniest thing if I ended throwing out my unhappiness to my mum, though she cannot really understand what had happen, but I'm glad she lend me a pair of listening ears.

I love you, mum!!

Saturday dear bought me out for a spin. Seriously I really don't know where we are, just some super wulu place in Kranji. The place was VERY scary & snooky, I really feel very uncomfortable there, I was surprise that there such place in Singapore.

Out of my surprise, there a heavenly resort in such place, check this place out, the villa was cool:

Told dear that we can go to that place for a little getaway next time, but guess what dear told me? He say while checking the place out, if he did not see wrongly, the cementry is just opp it. Fine, that place is out of question now.

So what my up coming events queueing up for me?!? On the coming Wednesday, we gonna have a birthday celebration for YM, if not remember wrongly, should be his 2nd birthday, hope that I really never remember wrongly.

The coming Saturday is Labour day, 1st Saturday after pay day, so we gonna have the monthly meet up for Samuel boy & baby Dino, K9 trip. So looking forward, hopefully Ben & Jimmy are able to make it to join us.

On the 3rd May 2010, a pay back off for us, I had arrange a mini get together session over dinner with the service centre peeps. Been something since I left the place, need to have a little catch up with the rest.

No forgetting Iron Man 2 & IP Man 2 gonna go on big screen this coming weekend, hopefully someone is arranging for this movie outting.

Update: Zoo Trip

Finally after sooooooo long,
I'm done with editing my zoo trip's photos.

Actually we took like more than 200photos,
we take photos till the camera's battery flat.

But of cos I'm not so crazy till edit 200 over photos,
only edited some for upload.

♥Welcome to the Zoo♥


♥Oink Oink♥


♥ Bleah ;P ♥


♥Kangaroo crossing, keep clear♥

♥BEEP BEEP, off we go♥

♥The greedy kangaroo♥

♥JunJia scolding the kangaroo♥

♥I love this photo♥

♥Sometime, we do get a little crazy♥

♥Monkeys see, Monkeys do♥

♥As strong as him?!?♥


♥This is jus so pretty♥

♥Snake snake♥

♥Sealion, Philip♥

♥Muack muack♥

♥Looking for the exit♥



Update: KTV with Epson's Gangz

These are the photos from the KTV session
Birthday celebration for the Epson's gangz

♥Jess & her hubby♥

♥smilez~ smilez♥

♥Song Chin♥

♥The usual hangout♥

♥The cheeky us♥

♥Our beloved April's Babies♥

♥Make a wish♥

♥Blowing off the candles♥





♥Sing sing♥