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Monday, February 22, 2010

Photos Update

Recently did not take much photos, took some random & silly photos on CNY & SCDF training course.




On CNY 2nd day:

~My family~

~Huat ah~

~I love my cousinz~

~1 of my naughtiest cousin~

~This is a SUPER unglam photo~




At SCDF Course:
~When I first post this photo on FB, most of my frenz are worried~
And I look as if I'm crying

~After I post this, everyone start scolding me~
Make-up artist: Momo
"Victim": Lynnie

~See, what I do to Momo~

~Thiru was "wrap up" by professional~
that why he look "nicer" in bandage

~My "kelian" face~




~Sunshine over the Rain~
I really feel so "grey" the last week, gonna move on

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Emotion takes over my mind

Somehow, I got the answers which I want to clear the doubt in me.

Thank you for giving me chance to speak up my worries, all these had been bothering me & affecting my judgement in a certain way. You had given me all the answers to my questions, thanks for giving me the sense of insurance again.

You bought me to the place where you chose to be with me years back, you chose that place to re-ensure me that I will be the only one for you.

Thank you for everything, you bought me back to sense when my emotion takes over my mind.

You might say that I think too much, but I just feel that things isn't as simple as you think. I don't know what she is up to, but, I admit I nearly fall into it this time. I was "shaken" by her appearance.

But thanks to her at the same time, if not, I'll be too carried over by my emotion, I nearly clearly forgotten all the tough time I went through with you all these years.

I'll remember the sentence you told me yesterday, I will always remember that when I'm tend to be carry over by emotion.

~Our Special Place~

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I got a mixed feeling now; I feeling very confuse, I'm feeling very lousy now.

I cannot say I don't have even a single bit of doubt, cos it not real. I can't say my imagination did not run wild, cos I can't get to bed at night.

I called you in the middle of the night yesterday, cos I wish to tell you I really feeling very uncomfortable, I wanna tell you that I might be paranoide, I might be anti-social, I might have a sulk-up face but that the real me, I can be opened at time, but I'm a human, I'm a woman, I got limit to everything.

I had been feeling very down recently, finally, I had sort out my thinking & wanna speak to you, but you are busy heading to you friend's house for MJ game, I eat back my words once again.

I tears without a reason, don't know what in my mind, but I'm just feeling very unsecure. I wanns shut myself up once again, I don't feel like talking, I don't feeling like seeing anyone, I just want to be alone, all by myself.

U might say I'm crazy, think too much & I got the feeing if I start the conversation on this with you we will end up in a unhappy ending.

Please spare a thought for me, if you were in my shoes, how would you feel?

I HAD ENOUGH OF ALL THIS NOW!! I'm too tired to think of anything now!!

I'm tired, really tired now, I'm feeling so drain now.

Thought. . .

I was not even least of surprise when I saw this article being published. These are the ugly side of the gamblers, I’m not surprise on the way they react & stuff, cos I had seen the worst before.

“Eight people have landed in trouble within the first three days of the Resorts World Sentosa casino opening.

Two Mongolians were arrested on Monday at the casino entrance at Resorts World Sentosa for cheating by impersonation.

The pair, aged 45 and 18, is released on police bail and investigations are ongoing. The younger Mongolian, who is studying in a private school here, had allegedly used the passport of the 45-year-old's son to enter the casino as he is underage.

Meanwhile, five others, including Singaporeans and permanent residents, have been caught for trying to sneak into the casino without paying the $100 levy on Sunday - the first day the casino was opened to the public.

The day levy is $100 and the annual fee is $2,000.

Separately, an Indonesian gambler who claimed he lost all his money at the RWS casino, stole a mobile phone from an undergraduate at Changi Airport. Paulus Djohar, 49, unemployed, was jailed for four weeks on Wednesday after he pleaded guilty to the charge.”
I’m not going to share my CNY experience here, cos I don’t have much of the pleasant one to share anyway, I had never like CNY except for the collecting of angpao & wearing of new clothing.

CNY only make me feeling lousy & left out, nothing more. I used to love the get along session with family & friends, but no longer now.

Be it where am I at CNY, to other, I’m always like an anti-social people or a loner. I’ll never join in the fun, never join in the games, so naturally, I will never have the common topic with the rest.

My temper swing with my mood, please excuse me if I had blow my top to anyone outta. I just cannot accept the fact that gambling & CNY has a direct link in certain way.

I cannot take it that gambling becomes part of most people outta in this 15days of festive season & totally forgotten the other important stuff in their daily life, which include their love one, their feeling, their health, their work etc.

Okay, enough of all this crap, & I guess I’m the only person outta will be affected by the gambling stuff & complaining non-stop, all the rest seems to enjoy & have lot of fun about it.

To me, my CNY had come to an end, somehow I’m glad that I’m back to work, a place for me to kill my time. Empty all the money from my angpao bag yesterday night with dear, got a BIG angpao from dear’s mum, feel so paisae.

Yesterday is my third day, the effect is here! I’m feeling super terrible now, got the urge of giving up at time.

Thanks for the encouragement to my friends outta, especially JunJia & Sharon, I will pull through this difficult stage & I believe I will make it for sure. Please save up your money for my big feast.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy CNY & V.Day

I not going to touch on much of what has happen this few days,
cos as usual, every eve or the actual day of CNY,
we use to hang out around with the group.

But what make this year special?!?
Is the Valentine & CNY fall on the same day.
So, which day you will be looking forward?
Which day will you celebrate?

For me & dear, I expect that V.Day will be out of this festive season,
as both of our family consider rather
traditional chinese family.
So to say, for the first year,
we gonna give a miss to V.Day celebration.

CNY is like a yearly routine,
nothing special to look forward to.
I just pray for the day to end fast
as I always feel so left out & mad bored there,
as I avoid gambling.

Received call from dear saying that he just finish "bai nian".
Dear always call me as & when he is free,
I like this way,
so I never need to worry where are dear now.

Dear told me he is going to head back home for a short nap.
Not long after,
he told me he reach my grandma's place,
ask me to come out now.

So I when around the whole house to bid goodbye to all,
as dear is here to pick me up.

But suddenly, I hear Jasper barking so loudly,
Jasper is a well-trained guard dog,
he will never anyhow bark,
must be someone standing near to the gate or fence.

Run to the garden there to take a look,
it dear standing at the gate,
I was so shocked,
run over to the gate & pull Jasper away,
to let dear in.

Dear was holding 2 oranges in 1 hand,
& a big bouq of roses in the other.
OMG!! I felt breathless at the split seconds.
Dear has not forgotten that it V.Day today.

Dear really gave me 2 very BIG surprise today.
I had NEVER expected dear to turn up at my grandma's place,
it so not him.

Dear had been avoiding all this "meet the parent sesion"
from the very start.
But this time, he turn up himself w/o me even requesting.
I was so happy.

Secondly, dear bought the flower for me.
Of cos this is not the first time he buy me flower,
but this time,
he give it to me in front of me whole family.

Look at the envy eyes of others,
the "SURPRISE" reaction when they saw dear,
& the teasing of all saying that why only me got flower.

All the above remark makes my face blush
like a monkey backside.
I was so touched by Dear.

Thanks for the surprise my dear.
This is the best V.Day surprise
I had ever received.





^Mum took this photo when Dino hop onto my bed & sleep^

^Dino is not just a dog to me & my family^
^He is like part of my family^
^Even the way he sleep, look so human^
^He know how to make himself comfortable on my pillow^
^He even hide in my blanket when he is cold^

^Both of us jus love to Cam-Whore^

^My lovely Roses from dear^

Saturday, February 13, 2010

. . .Moody. . .

Just done with my reunion lunch instead of dinner this year. As per request from Cat, so she able to join Ze's family reunion dinner at night.

After the lunch I stand on my scale, OMG!!!! The number is going up!! I feel so sinful now, due to the festive season, I had been eating lots of good & expensive food.

Let recall what I had recently, Tuesday, we had dinner with boss at a Japanese restaurant. Wednesday, had a 8course dinner at Jewel Box to celebrate dear's mum birthday. Thursday, had Pasta Mania for lunch, sort of a farewell for Eve & Mo. Friday, had dinner with Junjia & Sharon at the White Dog Cafe.

Okay, that it, I gonna out a STOP for all this sinful items, going back to my strict diet again.

Tomorrow is the Lunar Chinese New Year, I haven't try any goodies or bak kwa yet, that so unlike me, but I really did it. Not planning to eat any goodies this year, must be firm.

This few days, I felt very very tired, but I don't know why. My mood was more or less affected as well, nothing wrong with me, but I just don't feel a single bit of happy.

Usually when I'm not feeling good, shopping more or less will make me feel better. But not for this time, I bought alot of things, & I'm kind of broke & overspend now, after all this, I'm feeling moody still, why?!?!?

No New Year mood, no Valentine mood. Anyway I doubt we gonna celebrate Valentine this year. I just feel like sleep, sleep & sleep. I don't even feel like going for the usual visiting.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to Dear's mum

Today dear came over to pick me up after work. We head over to Jewel Box located at Mt. Faber to meet up with dear's other family members.

This is my very first visit to Jewel Box, a very nice, cosy & classy place, love the amibience there. While waiting for the dishes to be serve, we still can enjoy the sunset view from the hill top.

Five of us eating, but dear's dad order the set dinner potion for 6. Eat till super full, somemore I bought a birthday cake there.

The food there was really nice, but I find that a little too salty for all. The service there was excellent too, make you feel real comfortable. Dear's dad still feel that he is a little under-dress, so funny, but the place realy give you a very posh imagine.

So sweet of dear's mum, this year she did not make any pineapple tarts but she bought some for me. After we each head back to different way, dear send me over to grandma's place to pass her the bak kwa I bought for her.

Very nice, but sinful meal. I feel so sinful when I stand on the weighting scale when I reach home. Need lot of detemination to control my diet during this festive season.

^This is a very unique "yu shen" design^

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wanna be a Better me!!

I don't know what will other react if you were in my shoe,
but I can tell myself this now,

Lynn, you are total getting insane now,
you are so not you now.
But, I love the positive side of you now :D

Accepting the fact of the restructment in my department,
accept the leaving of most colleagues,
accept & think in the bright way,
treat it as a different field of learning for all.

Currently, my job load has increase by more
than double of what I use to do.

If back to the "old" me,
I'll be complaining non-stop,
curse & swear at the management for this planning.

But surprisingly,
not a single complaint from me,
I took up the jobs willingly,
treating as a good learning point.

I wanted to test my limit,
test my time management skill,
test my stress in-take,
& lastly,
my capability.

I always have the doubt in myself,
telling me that I'm just a small "fly"
I can never take up big things.

After so many years,
finally I realised this,

"Is all in the mind"

From now on,
I not going to tell myself -
"I can't do it" anymore.

I gonna take my first step out.
I gonna have confident in myself,
I gonna try out more new & challanging things.

I remember that Roland told me this before,

"If a task is given, & no one wanna take it,
he will be the first to try.
Be it a result turn out to be
good or bad,
at least he tried his best.
He will not stay there,
cos he learn from his mistake.
This make him one level higher than the rest,
& a stronger person than the rest"

Stupid me, take me so long to digest this,
but now,
I learn the true meaning of this.

I don't what gonna happen in the near future,
but from the start till now,
it still consider a good start for me,
I gonna make a HUGE change in my life.

I wanna quit & totally stop smoking after CNY,
Been cutting down lots recently,
I may or may not success in this,
after all, this year mark my 10th year of smoking habit.

Be it success or fail,
at least I tried.
Dear friends out there,
I need all yours support,
please remind me that "I CAN DO IT".

I'm looking forward for the "brand new",
Lynn Koh.

Time wait for no one,
I do not have the time to look back &
regret on the past.

What I can do now,
I can work hard for a better future,
a better Lynn Koh


Monday, February 8, 2010


My colleague send me an e-mail today & I felt it rather meaningful:


To let go doesn't mean to STOP CARING; ... it means I can't DO IT for someone else.

To let go is not to CUT MYSELF OFF; ... it's the realization that I can't CONTROL another.

To let go is not to ENABLE; ... but to allow learning from natural CONSEQUENCES.

To let go is to admit POWERLESSNESS, which means, the OUTCOME is not in MY hands.

To let go is not to try to CHANGE or BLAME another, I can only change MYSELF.

To let go is not to CARE FOR ... but to care ABOUT.

To let go is not to FIX ... but to be SUPPORTIVE.

To let go is not to JUDGE ...but to allow another to be a human being.

To let go is not to be in the MIDDLE, arranging all the outcomes, ... but to ALLOW other to EFFECT their own outcomes.

To let go is not to be PROTECTIVE; ... it is to permit another to face reality.

To let go is not to DENY ... but to ACCEPT.

To let go is not to NAG, scold or argue,.. But to search out MY OWN shortcomings and correct them.

To let go is not to ADJUST everything to my desires, but to take each day as it comes ... and to cherish the moment.

To let go is not to CRITICIZE and REGULATE anyone, ... but to become the best I can be.

To let go is not to REGRET the past, ... but to GROW and live for the future.

Real Cruel World out there

First day back to office after my long leave, lot of changes took place when I’m not around, I should be glad I still stay, but job load increase tons, yet to meet up with my boss yet, heard that he needs to talk to me too.

On Thursday itself, heard that the restructure of our department was announce to all, each & everyone take turn to speak with our boss. What other always says:

“Changes are meant to be good”

But the particular sentence above don’t apply to everyone, total of 18 tables & chairs in the department, after this restructure, only left with 4 of it being occupied, all the rest was allocated to other department & one being retrench.

Dionne, the irritating woman take sit behind me which always annoyed me with her super high pitch voice had been retrenched.

I thought I should be happy after hearing this news, but I don’t why I don’t feel that way, instead, I feel that my company was a “heartless” place.

She had been with this company for 13years; she just got a long service award in the recent D&D session.

Hear on Thursday itself, she was called into the HR department maybe like half an hour before knocking off, HR hand her the letter, ask her to pack her stuff & she don’t need to report to work the next day.

Isn’t it cruel?!? HR personnel still need to stand & watch her to pack her stuff, no explanation from boss to her, & off she go. Luckily she got a lump sum from this retrenchment fee, if not, it so difficult to find a good job nowadays.

Other than her, there are also 2 another sad case, which is Eve & Mo, both of them are heading over to Changi after CNY. Seriously, I feel so sad for them, finally I got a chance to leave the “hell”, now, my hangout are going there to suffer soon.

Eve lives in Woodland & Mo lives in Clementi. Just the travelling distance itself is enough to “kill” them. They need to wake up super early after they shift there.

Mo seems taking this change rather easy, but Eve seems rather affected with this change when I got to see her today in the office. Other than the 3 of them, the rest still seem rather happy with the changes.

Stanley, Einda, Joseph, Godfrey had move on to other department, either head over to pre-sale department or under JK department. They are considered rather safe when they are transfer to these 2 departments.

So for my department now, RCS only left with 4 of us, not including boss as he is not around most of the time, there me, Louis, Shana & Loh. Damn sad right, the whole department become so 冷清now.

With the leaving of each of them, of course there a huge increase in our job loads, really HUGE increase.

Economic is recovering, but not very good still; I rather have an increase of my job load then lost my job, it not easy to find a stable job now. I should be thankful that I’m still here.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

My KL trip update

Okay folks, I'm back for KL yesterday evening. I feeling mad tired now, I'm feeling so tired, don't why my body is aching badly now too.

Day 1 - Wednesday

I woke up real early that day, I woke up at 4plus in the morning, get prepare feeling so excited that I gonna board on a plane real soon.

Thanks to dear's parents, wake up so early to send us to airport. Leaving time from the house suppose to be at 0545, but dear's tumy wasn't feeling very well, he was struck in the toilet for quite sometime.

^We reach Airport^

^Flight Itinerary^

^Gonna check in^

^My flight ticket^

^DFS in the transit, Guess what we getting?!?^

Let talk about my flight experience now, first flight experience with Jet Star wasn't that good. I was rather affected by the taking off & the landing part. I hate the ear block pressure feeling due to the pressure change & I don't know why I can feel the butterflies in my stomach, I'm feeling so uncomfortable throughout the flight trip.

^I'm in the plane now, SUPER excited^

^Can't wait to take off^

^Sunrise @ Changi Airport^

^Fresh misty morning^

^Up up in the sky^

After all, taking a flight wasn't that fun after all.

^Arrival at KL international Airport^

Dear really not feeling well, even before we board on the plane, alight the plane or even reach the Sunway Pyramid, dear keep running to the toilet.

After our late breakfast & early lunch at A&W, we check in to the hotel room. The room was big, what I love most is the toilet, I love the big bathtube, I like to soak in the bubbles bath.

^Do you guys remember this bear^

^YES!! It the yummy A&W^

^I love A&W^

^Our hotel room^

^Our bathroom^

Although dear not feeling well still, he still head to work the very day.

I all left alone there, but that does not affect me at all cos I handle well even all by myself. What affect me & dear is both of us are afraid of the scattleminded me always lost my way.

^This is what we get at DFS^
^$22 for 10 @ DFS = 2 in Singapore^

^Heading out for shopping alone^

Sunway Pyramid was really a very big shopping mall, I really have problems find my way back. Never shop much on the first day as I'm really very tired, the day before I only had 4hours of sleep.

I went to get some pills hoping to ease dear tummy discomfort, some magzines to kill my time when I'm in the hotel alone, mineral water, Milo & a pair of slipper. This few thing seem very little, but they are mad heavy, so I head back to hotel room.

I was rotting in the hotel room, eyes glued to the TV, spend most of my time watch cartoon. Doze off awhile & continue to watch cartoon again after I woke up from nap.

Till 8plus, dear finally came back from work, his face is super pale, he keep vomiting & running to toilet more than 10 times in a single day. I'm so worry for him, wanted to bring him to see doctor but he refuse, he just want to take a nap.

So I went out to buy some porridge as dinner for dear, no ideas what I want to eat, so I just bought cesar salad for my dinner.

When I finish buying & reach hotel, try to wake dear up for his dinner but he say he don't want to wake up & eat. So "bopian", I need to eat his share althought I hate porridge as porridge, but the porridge taste really nice. Porridge cannot keep till next day, so I put the salad in the fridge to eat tommorrow instead.

Had a nice, warm bubble bathe after my dinner & head off to bed.

Don't dare to get into deep sleep as I'm rather worry for dear, dear keep waking & head over to toilet. Thing turn out rather bad, so I insist of bring dear to visit a doctor at the 24hours clinic. After the visit, doctor say dear got food poisoning.

Got some pills from the doctor, just hoping that he will feel better the next day.

Day 2 - Thursday

Wake dear up at 5am to do his pending work, he completed his work after not long & went back for a short nap. Had a hard time to wake him up the second time, dear temper was rather bad due to his discomfort, diarroer continue, but he need to go work still, I can totally understand how he feel.

I continue my sleep when dear left for work, after I woke up, had a bubble bathe again before I head out for shopping spree again.

^Feeling fresh after my bubble bath^

^Shopping time again^

Did not buy much , just bought a pair of legging & a new pair of shade.

What for my lunch, I had my favourite Dunkin dounut, chocolate pudding favour & Baskin Robbins ice cream, chocolate caramel crunch.

^Dunkin Donut^

^My fav ice cream^

Dear call me close to evening time, telling me he gonna be coming back late as he tried to completed his work that night so he can take a break the next day.

Time was ticking, I sms dear told him that it getting late, before the shops close, I head down to buy his dinner first.

Dear reach hotel close to 10pm, after a few mouth of the wanton mee, he stop eating & head to bed again. He really feeling rather terrible I guess.

Day 3 - Friday

So happy, dear completed his work yesterday so he got time to accompany me.

Dear wake me up rather early, around 9plus, he ask me faster get myself prepare & he will bring me out for breakfast. Who knows when I step out of the bathroom, he doze off again.

Try to wake him up & bring me out for breakfast, but he say he want nap a little long, he like to use this sentence,
"I'm sick okay, need to rest now"

Sometime after hearing him saying that, don't know he is real sick or not, worst thing is I suggested this,
"since you so sick, do you want me to buy back for you instead?!?"

Actually I'm just trying to be sarcastic but dear take it for real,
"That will be nice"


So I head out alone to buy breakfast for him, porridge again this time. After we finish our breakfast, we head over to a salon opposite the street to get our hair cut & colour.

The price wasn't cheap at all, rather ex somemore. After we done with our hair, dear say he want to head back to hotel to get his pending work done & need to send a few emails out still. Not to disturb him & get myself bored while he doing his work, told dear I heading to the shopping mall & walk around.

Head back to hotel, as there no grap for me. Don't know if the average girls in asia are shorter or I'm far to tall compare with the rest, all the dress which I try on are all far too short in length for me, so pissed.

Not long after, it time for dinner, had our dinner at Wendy's burgers. I had never tried that before as there only 1 outlet in Singapore so far. Highly recommend to me by Sharon, she told me the beef burger is a must to try.


But after trying, I feel rather disppointed, nothing special about that, dear's shrimp burger taste much better than mine. We order additional bake potato with sour cream, but it taste horrible, the sour cream taste like plain cream, after 1 try, we stop eating that.

Day 4 - Saturday (Last day)

It had been 4days, but dear still did not get any better, keep running to toilet still, vomit after ever meal without fail still. Kind of worry, but we need to check out of hotel at 12 noon.

^Photo taken before we step out of hotel^

^Saw this CNY ice skate performance while searching for food^

Dear say he is feeling real hungry & he wanted to eat something good this time, we had Kenny Roger for our lunch.

^It taste much better than tos @ Genting^

After lunch, we head for a walk, but after some time, dear suddenly turn pale & need to go to toilet to throw out again. Had a seat near by till he no longer feeling giddy, head back to the hotel lobby to rest.

^My busy man, working still when not feeling well^

Rest there for hours, till around 3plus we took our luggage & head back to airport. From Sunway to KL international airport take around 45mins of travelling provided the traffic was clear.

Went to the DFS shop to shop for Dear's mum birthday present, got a Coach wallet for her, need to control my tempation as I will confirm overspend this month as KL was not a planned trip, I did not set aside extra for this trip.

^The cloud look like cotton candy^

Once we reach airport, did not see dear's brother anywhere in sight, after calling, he say he just left the house, dear was pissed, he ask him to u-turn home instead & we took a cab back.

Reach home, dear un-load his stuff & we head over to the clinic. Dear got a jab, hopefully he will recover real soon, but seem like he got a little better today, but not totally recover still

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Food poisoning

Well well, I'm not back yet, currently I'm still in KL, in my hotel room at Sunway Pyramid Tower staring at the computer screen at this hour.

I'm not going to update my trip still, cos I still have 2 more days to go before my holiday come to an end.

Why am I online now at this hour?!? Cos my dearest is sick sick & had dozed off real early. Poor dear, came all the way to KL for business trip & yet he is down with food poisoning.

He is recovering now, after I bought him to the 24hours clinic yesterday in the middle of the night. I was so worrried for him, he run to the toilet over 10times yesterday.

At least I know he is better now, I can have a better sleep later. What worry me now is from yesterday till today, dear still haven't been eating anything yet.

Guess he gonna slim down real soon!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Flying off in 12hours time :D

So happy, today is my last working day of the week. I’ll be on 3days leave to accompany dear to KL for his business trip.

Well, been thinking how to spend my time when dear go for work there. I decide to go there shop till I drop, I love shopping there. At the same time, I plan to go for some manicure & pedicure session, not forgetting to head over to a salon to get my hair done, gonna have a new look, for the new year.

We will be staying at Sunway; Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall is just by the side. There lots of café & restaurants there, I can easily settle my meal there even without dear by my side.

Dear was rather bother by the idea that I will be hanging around all by myself after Jimmy reminded him it was dangerous for me to me alone there. And most important, I don’t have any sense of direction at all, I tend to lost my way very easily, I was very depended on dear ever since I had him by my side, it a bad habit, I admit that.

Dear was suggesting that I can not step out of the hotel when he was not around with me, I objected, I will be bored to death if that the case. He even suggest for me to tag along with him to meet his business partners. A BIG no from me when he suggest that, it a holiday for me, I don’t wan to wear formal wear to KL, I want to be free & easy.

As an assurance to dear, I promise to take good care of myself when he is away, be alert & not as blur as usual. I promise other than the malls around; I will not wonder to other places & lost my way.

Okay, I’m really looking forward for the day to end real soon. Our flight is tomorrow morning at 7.25am; need to be there to check in 2hours in advance, so basically I think we gonna wake up maybe at 3 to 4am in the morning, need to sleep real early tonight. Hopefully I can get to sleep, really excited about tomorrow trip, my first flight experience.

Gonna miss everyone here, especially my baby Dino, my mum calls me this morning told me that my naughty boy “steal” her ginko nut to eat again, sometime really don’t know to get angry or laugh at him.

Will be back on this Saturday night & I shall update you guys on my trip real soon when I’m back.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo….. looking forward :D

Monday, February 1, 2010

Last Weekend

Today is another start of the week, it Monday again. But surprisingly, I did not start my day like the usual Monday, moody & blue; in fact I start my day feeling rather light & well prepare for my monthly busy day at the start of the month.

Last Saturday, I bought Dino for a grooming session, but this time I did not bring him to Hearty Pawz, I bought him to Pawz Prints instead. My baby need a new “hair” cut & get him prepare for the CNY too.

Actually, I don’t really like the way Hearty Pawz groom Dino, I know my Dino is a cross breed, I believe he got a little mixture with poodle that why his fur on his head is always so curly.

Hearty Pawz always give Dino a poodle cut, make Dino look rather awful. There one time, the very first visit, he gives Dino a Schnauzer cut, which I still can accept. Other than the distance is convenience for me to walk Dino there & Sharon will accompany me to wait there, I think I don’t really like the place.

Dear came over to pick me up & send Dino for grooming, the groomer told me I need to wait for around 3hours as there still other dogs waiting to be groom. So, I walk over to dear’s house to wait, short walking distance from dear’s house, less than 5minutes walk.

I feel rather bad, dear & his mum clearing his brother room to prepare for painting, I sit in the living room & watch TV. I did ask dear’s mum if he need my help but she say don’t need, & somehow, I’m allege to dust.

Till I receive a call from Pawz Prints, I walk slowly over to pick Dino up, at the same time; I bought some snack from the rest of them to eat.

I love the way they groom Dino, they did exactly what I request. Dino no longer have the poodle look. I was amazed by the lady boss, she is so young only, look like a teenager to me or maybe she is at her early 20.

Bought Dino to dear’s house, Kaypo & Kaypo ji got so angry when they saw Dino running toward them. Can you imagine the fur on their back & tail suddenly “BOOM”, all standing, they are all well prepare to attack in anytime, so scary.

Whereas Jon did met Dino before, I believe Dino still remember that Jon did try to scratch him before, so Dino don’t dare to go near Jon, they keep a safe distance away.

Feel so bad, with Dino in the house, dear’s mum need to lock up the other 4 cats in her room. Dear, his mum & brother all busy painting the room, while I sit comfortably in the living room, keeping an eyes on Dino make sure he don’t destroy anything.

Till dinner time, dear’s dad bought dinner back for us. Can tell dear’s dad really like small animals, once he step in he start playing with Dino, Dino are rather comfortable with him, as Dino allow dear’s dad to belly rub for him, I’m amazed.

Locked Dino up in dear’s room while we having dinner. After Dinner release him out of the room, I guess Dino was really hungry, he refuse to eat in the morning, so basically he had nothing the whole day. He went to the kitchen & “steals” the cat biscuits to eat; he seems to enjoy it a lot.

Lock Dino up in dear’s room again after knowing that he won’t destroy anything, get change & time to help out in painting. Stop after awhile as we need to rush to send Dino back home & meet the rest for movie.

We watch “The Spy Next Door”, very humorous movie, MUST WATCH, laugh the heart out. The action wasn’t fantastic, but is the funny story lines that make this show worth watching.

After movie, we went to had our dinner at Kembangan, “Yeo Ji Mee Sua”, of cos I didn’t not eat any, I don’t want to spoil my diet plan, I’m working hard on that & finally I did see some result.

After supper, Ben head back first while the rest of us went to Katong for some billiard games.
Sunday wake up early like last week, needs to finish up the unfinished work. Dear mum went for her facial session; me & dear went over to finish up the painting.

This time round, me & dear had a swap in role, I wanna try painting the top edges, I wanna prove to dear I’m also able to do it, not only him.

After dear done with his part & I’m yet to finish, so he start buzzing around my ears. I chase him out of the room & told him I’m able to manage the rest all by myself, like that also good, I can paint peacefully, while I’m painting, dear can carry on with his work.

Finally everything completed around evening time, had my shower, dear finishes his work & dear bought me to the usual place for prata. My appetite had becoming smaller after constantly “starving” myself. I got mad full after an egg prata.