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Monday, January 11, 2010


Out of no where dear pop me a questions yesterday, he suddenly ask me if I have intention to continue my study.

Well, I have a lot of concern when come to this issue.

Firstly, although my diploma is in Hospitality, but I don’t wish to anything to do in Hospitality line again, I hate to work shift job, I don’t want to put on a “mask” & serve people with a fake smile on my face when my day is super spoiled.

Other than Hospitality, what else am I good at, I really have no idea. So I wanna take Bachelor major in what course, I really don’t know. Bachelor of Business Administration or Bachelor of Business Management?

Well, anyway I had asked the school to send me brochure for both course, no harm taking a look.

Second concern of mine is the most important of all, money issue. Money don’t drop down from sky, it gonna take mad long to earn my 20k for this course. It not like diploma that time, I can easily fork out 5k myself, is 20k, it not a small amount to me.

Everyone can tell me easily, “Hey, why don’t you take up a bank loan & all problems solve.”

Talk is cheap, of course I know that way work, but what do I have to mortgage?!? My flat, or should I say my mum’s flat. Yah, putting an old lady property on a risk for my own benefit? That is something I can never do. The house is my mum’s everything how can I be so selfish. w

Most important of all, I pay for my own school fee, I answer for my own result. Be it good or bad, I owe no one any explanations, just myself!! I might have done well in my diploma, pass with good result (I think I did well knowing my own standard, not for the rest to judge me) of 5As’, 2Bs’ & 1C (I hate the “C”, it really spoiled my whole cert), that does not mean I’m able to do the same for my Bachelor.

Lastly, is due to my future plan, this might sound stupid for the rest of you, but I wanna make sure I going to have a comfortable shelter above my head for the rest of my life.

Had applied for our new flat (result not out yet, might & might not get the flat), although is a BTO, I only need to start paying for the flat like 4years later, but where I going to find the money 4years later if I spend my entire saving on my study.

Yah, I might be not need to top up cash on the monthly installment, I can use my CPF for deduction, but, I can’t live in a flat with only bed & TV set? All other electricity appliances & furniture need money to buy.

Averagely each house-hold will need to spend at least a sum of 5 digits to fill an empty flat up with stuff.

Hate to say that, maybe I got very shallow thinking, but I will rather give up studying of the sake of my future nest. To me, I want a comfortable home that is truly mine, maybe is due to all the misery childhood of mine, a family, a home is very important to me.

The program Manager from Kaplan called me, she told me due to my diploma is in Hospitality & is nothing related to Business I need to go through advance diploma before I can go Bachelor course, another sum gonna to be spend.

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