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Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Yesterday night I was working OT in my office as my work is piling up like mountain after the IT fare.


The office went so quiet after 6.30pm as most of the people will leave around that time. Too quiet to be left alone in the office at night. So I went online search for some song to add some sound to my environment.


I was browsing through this website & decide to listen to Andy Lau latest album of course most of his song is in cantonese which I don't understand a single words in the song - Album name: 希望· .


I was so engross in my work till suddenly I hear children laugher.


I was alone in the office at that time, it really scare the hell out of me man. So trying to hear carefully again. Damn! The children laugher was from the song, 大男人.


So everyone out there, if you haven’t listen to this album before, and it your first time listening to it, don’t listen it alone in a quiet place.


I’m not feeling good today. I’m feeling kind of restless, headache & dizzy spell.


I admit that Dino can be noisy at time, but thanks to him if not I will over sleep this morning.


Every morning I set my alarm at 6.45am. When my alarm went off, my usual practices is got off my bed, that my clothes, head to kitchen and feed Dino then I’ll go for my shower.


So every morning once Dino hear my alarm went off, by the time I got to kitchen, he will be sitting there patiently waiting for me, once he saw me he will be jumping around expecting me to “sayang” awhile. I will open the play pan to clear his poo or pee mess left over the night & he will jump on me like a small kid.


So this morning, once I open my eyes when the alarm went ring, my head is killing me. I turn off the alarm instead of pressing the snooze button & went back to sleep.


Not long after I hear Dino making noise at the back, look at the clock, it almost 7. Jump out of my bed, took my clothes & head to the kitchen.


Thanks to the little one if not I guess I’ll be late for work today.

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