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Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm 24 now!!!

Hey Hey!! I’m an old woman by now. Time fly, I’m 24 years old now. Maybe is because we are getting older every year, once you hit the 21 mark, you really pray for the time to stop. Birthday celebration will not be what you look forward anymore.


So, lot of people come to me & ask me how I celebrate my birthday on the eve & the day itself? For those who are concern, I’ll just share how I spent my birthday eve and birthday with you guys.


I was purpose to have dinner with my dear on my birthday eve after our work, but due to his work, he only knock off at around 10pm (he very kelian right?!?). Both of us was super hungry, especially me. I think I haven’t really eaten any filling stuff the past 2 days, my gum hurt real badly.


Dear: what you want for dinner?!? Your birthday is your chance to “ka” me a expensive meal”


Me: at this hour?!? What can I “ka” you?!? Most of the place is closed by now, some more my gum hurt. Can owe first anot?!?



It kind of sad isn’t it. I love food, good & expensive food especially. But now, I cannot even eat a proper meal, any proper meal will be just good for me now, I’m starving. Guess it a good time for me to lose some weight now.


So we head to Desker Road to eat the “Tim Sum”, been sometime since we last came here. Even that I am starving now, I cannot eat much, and I’m having a hard time chewing my food without hurting me gum.


After dinner, we went for a walk at Punggol Beach. A super creepy & “wu lu” place. The signboard actually state “Punggol Beach (World War II Site)”, it a place where people like to stay over night for their fishing trip, I don’t why this is a good place to fish.


That all for my birthday eve and we head back home to sleep, both of us was kind of having a tired day at work I guess. Dear came over my house to stay as he need to reach Tuas early the next day and he can send me to work at the same time.


People came asking me why you are working on your birthday. Well, birthday is just like another normal day to me. What for I waste my leave staying at home doing nothing when my dear need to get back to work and have no time to accompany me, right?!?


Of course my lovely colleagues (my usual gang) never forget my birthday. They got me a birthday card and a present. Special thanks to Eve, Mavis, Shana, Momo, Yong, Jess & Song Chin. Love you guys. *Muack*

I’m feeling kind of emo on my birthday itself, I don’t why, maybe I’m really tired & I’m having a bad headache. I hate the weather nowadays, it making me feel sick. Cold & hot on alternate days. Guess it really a sign telling us that our Earth is “DYING” soon, real soon. Anyway it is too late now for us to conserve our Earth anymore. Let wait for the Doom Day & all die together bah.


I’m freezing in the office & the time seems to crawl extremely slowly. I’m dozing off looking at my lappy, all the words on the screen seems like going to “smudge” together giving me a dark screen. A hot cup of coffee will be my best buddy now to keep me going.


Guess what, time getting close to knock off, while I was trying to clearing my piling up warranty cards, my boss call me from behind when I’m concentrating. He bought me a small cake for me from Bread Talk as my birthday gift. So sweet of him isn’t it.

After work, took a bus down to Old Airport Road to wait for dear, he say will pick me up from there and we will go to K-box for their K-Buffet. Who know when I reach he still not done with his stuff yet, so I took a bus down to Kallang myself.


Not long after I comfortably seated down in the room here come my dear. Stuff ourselves with food as we are really starving now.


Seriously, I’m not saying that my dear is bad or not good, but he more to a down to earth person, a practical person and definitely not a romantic one, Of course part of his practical & down to earth attach me to him other than all the other good point he had.


So, I’m not looking forward for dear to celebrate this day with me, maybe just a dinner will be good enough for me, I’m a easily contented and simple person, and moreover, dear already bought me my early birthday present weeks ago, my Dino.


To my surprise, this year, he bought a cake to celebrate my birthday with me.

So he delicate a birthday song, bought the cake in and sing the song to me. The funniest part is there too many birthday is in the list, we chose 2 & both is not normal birthday song & dear don’t how to sing. I was touch, really touch. A simple, but an unexpected one I can say. Some more this is like the first time dear actually celebrate birthday for other, of course, I felt vey honour.

When I got home, I saw a present on my bed. A gift from Cat & mum, a Burberry wallet. I guess everyone seem to notice that my wallet is so old & worn out, it was bought like 3years ago, on my 21st birthday, a gift from Cat too.


Of course I won’t forget to thanks Sharon, Junjia & Merlinda for the Victoria Secret bag that they bought for me and pass it to me weeks ago due to their pack schedule.

Thanks everyone for their gifts & blessing. I’m so glad that I have you guys with me in my life. Of course the most important people to me are my family & my dear for sure.


  1. wa.. i want burberry wallet too...

  2. hihi.take care. hope u enjoy yourself.. c u soon.

  3. Sharon: I knew that when i post the Burberry wallet photo here it will confirm affect you, somemore u like Burberry so much.

    Cecilia: Thank u, thank u =)
