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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Back from MC

Back from MC for 2 days.


Monday itself I wasn’t feeling very good. I was sneezing away during the night and my neck was aching.


Tuesday came to office, the sneezing continued. I can hardly turn my turn my neck, every time when I do that, i can feel a short, sharp pain. So I decide to head to see a doctor.


Well, everyone in the office is falling sick and they had passed the flu virus to me. As for my neck, I had a sprain on it.


Had my neck sprain remind me of the time dear went Aust. I spain my neck too, I swear that time was much much worst compare to now.


Got 2 days MC. After the medication, I feel so sleeping. Sleep most of my time at home.


Back to work today. Thanks EVIL MISSY M for laughing at me cause I can hardly turn my neck still, I will turn my head with super slow motion and look like as if I was staring at her with the corner of my eye.


Yah, I know I look funny. MISSY M, watch out for KARMA wor!!!

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