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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Looking forward for the Genting Trip.

France?!? I was so looking forward to go of cause, but it never turn out as planned.


A little disappointed I guess, actually is a lot of disappointment. But I can blame no one for the disappointment, at the very start dear already told me the trip is not confirm till the day tickets was booked.


Well, I will still get my chance to step out of Asia one day; hopefully I won’t need to wait long for the day.


Chinese got a saying “No fish have shrimp also good.” This saying always works well on me, as I always believe that “Something is always better than nothing”. I’m an easily contented person.


Dear told me he is going to bring me to Genting on 17th April. WooHoo… At least I can escape from this busy city.  


Let me recall when is the last time I actually step out of Singapore. Hmm, the very last time was more than 2years ago, I went to Genting too, with dear & Jaryl they all. Wow, that very long ago.


Sorry Mavis, I not going to be around on your birthday.


This time round we will be driving up to Genting together with his friends. Poor dear gonna to concentrate on the road for 4hours straight in the night.


Batok insist going there in dear’s car, cause he say dear’s car got “mushroom” to hug. Dear told him that that my “mushroom” I always hug that in the car, but Batok say he don’t care. After hearing that really make me laugh.


He wanna snatch my “mushroom” with me, gonna hide my “mushroom” before he get in the car that day. Can’t imagine him sitting still for 4hours not disturbing anyone.


Looking forward for the Genting Trip.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Body Aching

Monday morning, again, and I’m back to office after my MC & leave.


I was on leave on Friday. So practically I only work on Monday & Thursday last week.


Meet up with Junjia & Alicia to have lunch at “OK Shabu Shabu” at Katong. Too bad Sharon not able to join us.


I step out early to have my I/C size photo taken for the new work pass at Siglap. Junjia took a cab to pick me up, follow by Alicia. Been so long since I last saw Alicia.


It was a nice cozy place. Maybe is due to it is weekday lunch time. The place is not crowded at all. The foods was good, especially the gravy, but I was rather disappointed as the seafood didn’t turn out fresh.


We sit there till the people sort of “chase” us away as their lunch time only till 3pm. Dear came & pick me up after my lunch.


Head to pick dear’s mum at the office & went to Parkway Parade together. Need to buy Jon & Baby food, so I bought some dog treat to reward my Dino too.


Saturday woke up as early as normal working day. After prepare took a cab down to Bukit Batok Service Lab need to reach by 8.30am. Verifying the inventory & help out to pack the stuff before it send to CRC at Changi.


After Bukit Batok we head down to Changi, had our lunch & start to unpack the stuff. Super tiring, finish at around 7pm.


Poor dear was starving as he is waiting for me to have dinner together. We went to Upper Thomson for Prata at Prata Place”. Once we reach we thought the place blackout as the light was off & only candles, then we realized it is the Earth Hour.


Had “Candle Light Prata Dinner”, romantic wor. Whahahha!!! Can’t even see what we are eating.


I can feel my body aching after all the packing & unpacking on Saturday. After I left Haagen Dazs no more carrying of heavy stuff anymore, now a bit only my body is aching. Getting old & useless now.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Back from MC

Back from MC for 2 days.


Monday itself I wasn’t feeling very good. I was sneezing away during the night and my neck was aching.


Tuesday came to office, the sneezing continued. I can hardly turn my turn my neck, every time when I do that, i can feel a short, sharp pain. So I decide to head to see a doctor.


Well, everyone in the office is falling sick and they had passed the flu virus to me. As for my neck, I had a sprain on it.


Had my neck sprain remind me of the time dear went Aust. I spain my neck too, I swear that time was much much worst compare to now.


Got 2 days MC. After the medication, I feel so sleeping. Sleep most of my time at home.


Back to work today. Thanks EVIL MISSY M for laughing at me cause I can hardly turn my neck still, I will turn my head with super slow motion and look like as if I was staring at her with the corner of my eye.


Yah, I know I look funny. MISSY M, watch out for KARMA wor!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Grooming Session

This morning I wake up rather early to wake my dear up for work. Of course I’m not able to get back to sleep after that cause Dino keep me busy.

Play with Dino & have some catch up with mum, had shower & get ready to bring Dino out for his first grooming session.

Reach the shop at around 1145am, hand Dino over to the groomer & head to Katong Mall for coffee. As usual, Sharon was never early. Me & Junjia finish our coffee & received a call from Sharon that she has just board on the cab.

Cross the road & quene up at Aston. Junjia & I were planning to eat there for quite some time but we never have time, finally we can try the food there.

The shop opens at 1230pm, but by the time of 1pm the quene was already super long. The food there was good & cheap, but I can’t stand the environment, full of house-flies, it was damn irritating.

After our lunch, head back to pick up Dino. OMG!!! Dino look so small in size without his fur coat. Big head & small body, damn funny looking. Dino looks like an alien to me now.

Head to Haagen Dazs for dessert. Junjia & Sharon was so busy keeping Dino busy. Sharon took lot of photo for Dino.

When we are about to leave about 3plus, it was raining super heavy. No choice but call dear come & pick us up, must trouble dear again.

 Grooming in progress

Me & my baby

Sharon & Dino

Junjia running with Dino. Look at Dino's ears

Dino begging for food

Friday, March 20, 2009

Fritzl the BEAST


Fritzl begins sexually abusing his 11-yesr-old daughter, Elisabeth.


Fritzl lures Elisabeth, now 18 years old, into the basement & imprisons her.


Elisabeth has a miscarriage in the 10th week of pregnancy


The first child, Kerstin, is born, and lives in the cellar untill 2008


Stefan is born. He, too, stays in the cellar until 2008


Lisa is born. In May 1993, when she is nine months old, she discovered outside the family home in a cardboard box,allegedly left there by Elisabeth, along with a note asking the child to be cared for.


The Fourth child, Monika, is born.


Ten-month-old Monika is found in a stroller outside the entrance of the house. Shortly afterwards, a phone call is made to Rosemarie, apparently, from Elisabeth. The calleraske Rosemarie to take care of the child. However, it is assumed that Fritzl was able to use a recording of Elisabeth's voice to make the call. Rosemarie reported the incident to the police, expressing her astonishment that Elisabeth knew of their new & unlisted phone number.


Elisabeth gives birth to twin boys. One dies after three days & Fritzl is alleged to have removed his body from the cellar & cremated it. The surviving twin, Alexandar, is taken upstairs when he is 15 months old. He is "discovered" in circumstances similar to those of his two sisters.


Felix is born. According to a statement by Fritzl, he kept Felix in the cellar, together with Elisabeth & her two eldest children, because his wife was not able to look after another child.


Fritzl arranges for the critically ill 19-year-old Kerstin to be taken to a local hospital.


During the evening, Fritzl released Elisabeth from the cellar along with her sons Stefan & Felix, bringing them upstairs, informing his wife that Elisabeth had decided to come home after a 24-year absence. Later that evening, after an anonymous tipoff during a visit to the hospital, Fritzl & Elisabeth are taken into police custody where she reveals her decades-long imprisonment during questioning.


Trial commences in St. Polten, Austria


Fritzl changes his plea to guilty on all charges.


Fritzl is sentenced to life imprisonment


According to these statements, Fritzl said that he "always knew during the whole 24 years that what I was doing was not right, that I must have been crazy to do such a thing", yet "it became a normal occurrence to lead a second life in the basement of my house".


"I am not the beast the media make me to be". Regarding his treatment of Elisabeth and her children in the cellar, he explained that he brought flowers for Elisabeth and books and toys for the children into the "bunker", as he called it, and often watched videos with the children and ate meals with Elisabeth and the children.


Reflecting on his childhood, Fritzl initially described his mother as “the best woman in the world” and “as strict as it was necessary”. Later he expressed a negative opinion of his mother and claimed that "she used to beat me, hit me until I was lying in a pool of blood on the floor. It left me feeling totally humiliated and weak. My mother was a servant and she used to work hard all her life, I never had a kiss from her, I was never cuddled although I wanted it - I wanted that she would be good to me." He later also admitted that he had locked his mother in her room without sunlight.


He admits that he planned to lock his daughter up during his prison stint for the earlier rape conviction so that he could contain and express his "evil side". He said, "I was born to rape, and I held myself back for a relatively long time. I could have behaved a lot worse than locking up my daughter".The forensic psychiatrist diagnosed Fritzl as having severe combined personality disorder and a sexual disorder and recommended that Fritzl receive psychiatric care for the rest of his life.


After reading this articial, seriously it makes my blood boil. Can you believe that this man, i guess BEAST suit him more, actually rape his daughter over 3000 times & imprisoned her for 24years.


After committed all this INHUMAN ACT, he actually still can say "I was born to rape, and I held myself back for a relatively long time. I could have behaved a lot worse than locking up my daughter"


Fuck all his nonsense and the hell door is opened for him. Can you imagine after all this INHUMAN thing that he did, he is ONLY sentenance to LIFE TIME IMPRISONMENT!!!! He deserved much more than life-time imprisonment & even death cannot clear all those FUCKING SINS that he had done.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Yesterday night I was working OT in my office as my work is piling up like mountain after the IT fare.


The office went so quiet after 6.30pm as most of the people will leave around that time. Too quiet to be left alone in the office at night. So I went online search for some song to add some sound to my environment.


I was browsing through this website & decide to listen to Andy Lau latest album of course most of his song is in cantonese which I don't understand a single words in the song - Album name: 希望· .


I was so engross in my work till suddenly I hear children laugher.


I was alone in the office at that time, it really scare the hell out of me man. So trying to hear carefully again. Damn! The children laugher was from the song, 大男人.


So everyone out there, if you haven’t listen to this album before, and it your first time listening to it, don’t listen it alone in a quiet place.


I’m not feeling good today. I’m feeling kind of restless, headache & dizzy spell.


I admit that Dino can be noisy at time, but thanks to him if not I will over sleep this morning.


Every morning I set my alarm at 6.45am. When my alarm went off, my usual practices is got off my bed, that my clothes, head to kitchen and feed Dino then I’ll go for my shower.


So every morning once Dino hear my alarm went off, by the time I got to kitchen, he will be sitting there patiently waiting for me, once he saw me he will be jumping around expecting me to “sayang” awhile. I will open the play pan to clear his poo or pee mess left over the night & he will jump on me like a small kid.


So this morning, once I open my eyes when the alarm went ring, my head is killing me. I turn off the alarm instead of pressing the snooze button & went back to sleep.


Not long after I hear Dino making noise at the back, look at the clock, it almost 7. Jump out of my bed, took my clothes & head to the kitchen.


Thanks to the little one if not I guess I’ll be late for work today.

Monday, March 16, 2009

“Coming Soon”

When to watch the movie “Coming Soon” on last Saturday. Of course I’m so looking forward to watch that show. I guess simply love to watch horror movie.


Poor dear going to have nightmare again I guess, if not because I keep barking him that I want to watch this show, I believe he will not agree to watch it with the rest.


I quite like the story line, keep you in suspend who the hell actually is the ghost. There funny part in the show too. I like watching horror with dear and his friends, the horror never fail to turn out to a comedy for me in the end.


There was one part when the ghost came out, I agree that it a little scary for that scene, but dear reaction was so BIG that make me laugh in the end. He jumps out of his chair and start scolding,


NBCB!!! Scare the hell out of me


In the end I found out Benson grip on dear’s hand during that scary scene and make him jump. I just can’t stop laughing at him.


After movie, we head to the usual coffee session. Funny thing happened again. As usual Batok can never sit still in dear’s car. He start digging out any stuff that he can find in dear’s car and start messing around with it.


Till we reach the sharp bend at Gillimard Road, Batok still busy exploring the stuff, dear cross the bend with high speed I suppose, Batok roll from the left seat to the right & bang on the car’s door. That really makes me laugh my lung out.


After the knock on the door, finally he sit still & put on his seat belt.


Sunday was a usual day for us to rot the whole day at home. But around evening time dear was like asking me if there any place I wish to go, after thinking for long I suggest to go to IKEA to get Dino a bed.


Weather was really cold recently and poor Dino was like sneezing away. Dino like to lay on my “Ultraman” cushion but my mum refuse to let him lay on it as we usual hug on the that while we watching TV on the sofa, she think it will be rather dirty if Dino lay on it. (But Dino basically shower everyday)


It was nice that we bump into Ting & Roland at IKEA, got lot of stuff to catch up with them. Still, we need to make a move soon as we told Jaryl that we will be at his house in 5mins time.


Wanted to play “Left 4 Dead” but who knows the lan shop was so packed people, so we head for a coffee session & head home.


Dino like his new bed.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm 24 now!!!

Hey Hey!! I’m an old woman by now. Time fly, I’m 24 years old now. Maybe is because we are getting older every year, once you hit the 21 mark, you really pray for the time to stop. Birthday celebration will not be what you look forward anymore.


So, lot of people come to me & ask me how I celebrate my birthday on the eve & the day itself? For those who are concern, I’ll just share how I spent my birthday eve and birthday with you guys.


I was purpose to have dinner with my dear on my birthday eve after our work, but due to his work, he only knock off at around 10pm (he very kelian right?!?). Both of us was super hungry, especially me. I think I haven’t really eaten any filling stuff the past 2 days, my gum hurt real badly.


Dear: what you want for dinner?!? Your birthday is your chance to “ka” me a expensive meal”


Me: at this hour?!? What can I “ka” you?!? Most of the place is closed by now, some more my gum hurt. Can owe first anot?!?



It kind of sad isn’t it. I love food, good & expensive food especially. But now, I cannot even eat a proper meal, any proper meal will be just good for me now, I’m starving. Guess it a good time for me to lose some weight now.


So we head to Desker Road to eat the “Tim Sum”, been sometime since we last came here. Even that I am starving now, I cannot eat much, and I’m having a hard time chewing my food without hurting me gum.


After dinner, we went for a walk at Punggol Beach. A super creepy & “wu lu” place. The signboard actually state “Punggol Beach (World War II Site)”, it a place where people like to stay over night for their fishing trip, I don’t why this is a good place to fish.


That all for my birthday eve and we head back home to sleep, both of us was kind of having a tired day at work I guess. Dear came over my house to stay as he need to reach Tuas early the next day and he can send me to work at the same time.


People came asking me why you are working on your birthday. Well, birthday is just like another normal day to me. What for I waste my leave staying at home doing nothing when my dear need to get back to work and have no time to accompany me, right?!?


Of course my lovely colleagues (my usual gang) never forget my birthday. They got me a birthday card and a present. Special thanks to Eve, Mavis, Shana, Momo, Yong, Jess & Song Chin. Love you guys. *Muack*

I’m feeling kind of emo on my birthday itself, I don’t why, maybe I’m really tired & I’m having a bad headache. I hate the weather nowadays, it making me feel sick. Cold & hot on alternate days. Guess it really a sign telling us that our Earth is “DYING” soon, real soon. Anyway it is too late now for us to conserve our Earth anymore. Let wait for the Doom Day & all die together bah.


I’m freezing in the office & the time seems to crawl extremely slowly. I’m dozing off looking at my lappy, all the words on the screen seems like going to “smudge” together giving me a dark screen. A hot cup of coffee will be my best buddy now to keep me going.


Guess what, time getting close to knock off, while I was trying to clearing my piling up warranty cards, my boss call me from behind when I’m concentrating. He bought me a small cake for me from Bread Talk as my birthday gift. So sweet of him isn’t it.

After work, took a bus down to Old Airport Road to wait for dear, he say will pick me up from there and we will go to K-box for their K-Buffet. Who know when I reach he still not done with his stuff yet, so I took a bus down to Kallang myself.


Not long after I comfortably seated down in the room here come my dear. Stuff ourselves with food as we are really starving now.


Seriously, I’m not saying that my dear is bad or not good, but he more to a down to earth person, a practical person and definitely not a romantic one, Of course part of his practical & down to earth attach me to him other than all the other good point he had.


So, I’m not looking forward for dear to celebrate this day with me, maybe just a dinner will be good enough for me, I’m a easily contented and simple person, and moreover, dear already bought me my early birthday present weeks ago, my Dino.


To my surprise, this year, he bought a cake to celebrate my birthday with me.

So he delicate a birthday song, bought the cake in and sing the song to me. The funniest part is there too many birthday is in the list, we chose 2 & both is not normal birthday song & dear don’t how to sing. I was touch, really touch. A simple, but an unexpected one I can say. Some more this is like the first time dear actually celebrate birthday for other, of course, I felt vey honour.

When I got home, I saw a present on my bed. A gift from Cat & mum, a Burberry wallet. I guess everyone seem to notice that my wallet is so old & worn out, it was bought like 3years ago, on my 21st birthday, a gift from Cat too.


Of course I won’t forget to thanks Sharon, Junjia & Merlinda for the Victoria Secret bag that they bought for me and pass it to me weeks ago due to their pack schedule.

Thanks everyone for their gifts & blessing. I’m so glad that I have you guys with me in my life. Of course the most important people to me are my family & my dear for sure.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:

Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

My Teeth

Monday blue again, I guess the weather play a part too. I’m feeling so tired now, I didn’t really get into deep sleep yesterday night. I was like tossing & turning on my bed, guess I can’t get to sleep due to I dozed off while reading my novel in the afternoon.


I was sleeping soundly and refuse to wake up in the Saturday morning till I feeling something tickling my toes. Look down, my little Dino came & wake me up, so sweet isn’t it.


Got up & give my Dino a hug and head to shower.


After shower I head to the dental to get my teeth pull out, this will be my finally visit. The doc explains to me what might happen. My teeth had broken quite badly, she might not able to have a full grip on my teeth and it might break my teeth in the process.


If my teeth break & not able to pull out, she going to cut open my gum & remove the remaining. That scared the hell out of me when I hear that. I keep my finger cross and hopefully everything will be smooth.


The god answer to my prayer, it was a successfully one. I hate the ironic taste of blood in my mouth. So sweet of my dear come and pick me up after my appointment. Went home to pick up Dino and head to Dear’s house.


Once Dino reach dear’s house, he is so busy exploring the area; he like to run out to the balcony to play. I’m glad that dear’s mum like Dino, but Ah Jon was so angry to see Dino and he seems like going to attack Dino in anytime. Baby simply ignores Dino present and goes back to her sweet dream.


After the visit, time to bring Dino to the Vet. They are rather busy that day. Got of dogs there, and Dino simply cannot sit still. There an ugly looking dog that I saw there, I don’t know what breed is that. He got an awfully big eyes, he is big in size and got a lazy looking face. He looks like a cat to me with dog ears. I don’t know how to describe his look. Scary to me.


After Dino’s injection, bought Dino home and it time for me & dear have sometime to be alone without Dino around. Went to Kallang and watch Marley & Me. I swear this is a very nice movie that you shouldn’t miss. Funny & touching at the same time. The ending of the movie make me tears.


After the movie, dear got a call from his dad and we need to head down to Queenway to do his work. Standby mode even on weekend, haiz. After dear done with his work we had our dinner and head home.


I so glad that Dino behave very well now. On Sunday itself I try not to lock Dino up. I give him the freedom to run around my house. Every time when he behaves like he is going to pee I will observe closely will he go back to his cage and do his jobs, of course, Dino never disappoint me.


We had Delifrance for our dinner, Delifrance’s Delivery. Look through the delivery menu on the website, everything look so tempting to us. In the end we decide to order the Mix Grill for 2. There chicken sausages, sunny side-up, chicken chop, lamp chop, steak, whip photo & salad. Sound so prefect for a dinner for two. It cost us 38+ after GST & SVC.


When the food arrival, we are kind of disappointed. It wasn’t any tempting now, it look miserable for two instead. 2 sunny side-up, 2 chicken sausage, 2 lamp chop, 1 chicken chop, 1 thin slice of steak which is well done, a super dry whip potato that have no gravy on it and salad that have no dressing on that.


We are not fans of lamp chop; I don’t like the stinking smell. The steak was hard & tasteless. The black pepper sauce taste like water. The whip potato is too dry to swallow. The chicken chop & sausage still taste okay to me. I didn’t even want to try the salad. It totally not worth for the amount we are paying for.


The sky was super grey outside the window, just like my Monday mood now. I’m feeling terrible and my gum hurt lot. It was so swollen, my head is killing me as well, the pain killer doesn’t seem to work it anyway to reduce my pain.  

Friday, March 6, 2009

Meet Up

I’m loaded with tons of stuff waiting for me to clear at work, I’m so glad that it Friday now. I’m always so looking forward for weekend to come.


Yesterday meet up with Sharon & JJ for dinner after work. Surprisingly I reach early. To avoid the traffic jam, I took bus 30E to Old Airport Road & change bus 16 to Siglap. Before JJ reach, take a puff with Tracy and catch up a little with her. Been months since I last saw her.


When to Cartel for our dinner. Feeling quite bloated as I had taken my lunch today, so just order salad for dinner, I love their “chef salad” but I the “thousand island” sauce taste funny to me.


Desserts after meal. Our desserts of course is none other than Haagen Dazs ice cream. Ate one scoop of their new flavour “Capp Truffle”, coffee & chocolate is always the best combination of all.


Love to just hang out with friends and catch up with each other at time.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Good Old Days at Haagen Dazs

Yesterday was a “Girlz Night Out” with my usual gang from the Haagen Dazs. Been so long since we last meet up with full attendance.


It was kind of a last minute gathering I guess. Was chatting with Eileen on MSN back last Thursday, I was saying that we haven’t meet up for quite sometime, why not let arrange a dinner together. Well, the baton was passed to me and I tried my best to fixed a date that majority can turn up.


To my surprise, my first organizing turns out to be a successful one, full attendance! Everyone seems to have a big change.


For me, of course I put on lot of weight. Cat, maybe I still get to see her once a week, so she doesn’t look much different to me. Ah Yi, she is like me, put on lot of weight. Ting, after she join SQ she learn to groom herself, she become more pretty. Elaine, cut away her long hair & Eileen is a typical mother now. Ellyson 17months old now, started walking herself.


Had our dinner at Sakae Sushi. It always troublesome to bring a little one to have dinner together. Noisy and messy.


After our dinner, we went to Haagen Dazs at Vivo to look for Ace. Happen that Richard & Andrew was there to fix their DC. Nice catching up with each other, of course, we miss those days we work together.


Time flies when we look back, send most of my teens period there, work there since 16years old till last year finally I left the place. 7 years of my youth, but of course the time I spend there is never wasted, I grow up with the company & people there.


To so many different outlets in my past 7 years, of course there is a different “usual gang” to different outlet. Let me recapped the entire outlet I been to.


Springvale: Jinfeng, Tracy, Junjia, Alicia etc

Esplanade: Eileen, Elaine, Ting, Ah Yi etc

Raffles City: NQMM, Cecilia, Wanlin etc

Tembeling: Birdz, Cheryl, Yuen Ze etc


Other then this 4 outlet I guess most of the shop I never stay long enough to have my “usual gang”.


I miss those good old days.





(1) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

(2) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

(3) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.

(4) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!

(5) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)

(6) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

(7) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome'. that will bring on a 'whatever').

(8) Whatever: Is a woman's way of saying F--- YOU!

(9) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to # 3.