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Friday, December 4, 2009

Twilight - New Moon movie

Today close to evening time received a call from dear saying that Kapo went missing. OMG, I was so sad when I hear cos I really like Kapo, he is a very nice & cute cat.

So this evening after my work I head over to dear place, but dear haven't reach home yet. I walk under the drizzle, searching high & low in the garden for Kapo, but he was nowhere in sight. I even tried looking for him in the basement carpark.

Dear join in for the search when he reach. After a period of time, we decide to give up & head home.

Good news from his bro that his mum found Kapo in the basement carpark eariler on. Poor Kapo, heard his mum that when she found him he was super smelly & dirty, he meow pitifully when he hear her call for him.

Never before I see Kapo so tired looking before, guess he run out since yesterday night & did not get any sleep at all the whole day.

Around 8plus 9, dear bought me to Kallang Leisure Park to watch "Twilight - New Moon". We always like to watch movie there, the cinema was rather new, the best is the couple seat. Lots of leg space & a distance from the seats in front, just simple pay $3 more for your own comfortable.

When we step into Kallang Leisure park I saw a BIG christmas tree. Guess what, the christmas tree is make up using balloon, so cool!! I love balloon.

I had been waiting for this movie damn long ever since I finish reading all the Twilight serial books. A 160minutes long movie, I already expect that it can't be exactly the same from the book, but luckily is not far from it.

If you never read the book before, I believe some will not be able to understand the story fully as I felt that there are loop holes here & there.

Guess I gonna read up on the 3rd book again to refresh my memory again.

It time for bed now, YEAH~ tomorrow I'm on leave again, so shiok, 3 working days this week. I gonna get my nail paint tomorrow.

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