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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Speak Up

Maybe it really time for me to appeal now after years of letting other call me bitch & slut.

I had never crossed the line of being friend. (watching sunset at sentosa? Is it with other girl?? All my friends knows I had never step into Sentosa till my 22nd birthday which take place like ½ year after you guys break off.)

I had never get involve in anyone relationship. I only provide a listening ear to a friend which needs to speak up. No advice is given to him, I just purely listen to their problem.

Listen to both parties story is not within my role as a friend. My role as a friend is to lend him my listening hear, not to find out the whole story & say who is right or wrong, moreover, I don’t know his girlfriend.

Thing happen only when I appeared? I never appeared out of nowhere, all along I’m there. Through out the years I’m always there for him as a friend even before you all started your relationship.

To me now, what actually happened in the past is no longer important at all, is not because I gotten what I want. Even he is once a rotten guy or bastard (like what you say before), is all in the past, I believe he is a changed person now.

All along I kept quiet no to voice out cos I believe that all is happen in the past. Is not for me to tell who let who down in a relationship is between you guys. Break up that is not clear is not my fault, I’m there for him, but I’m not involve.  

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