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Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I had a story to share. Many years back, I got this good friend of mine; we get to know each other at the age of 15 during our secondary school life.


Through the years we know each other, lot of thing happen in our relationship or rather friendship at that time. We did have a short “puppy love” together at our teenage age, misunderstanding, at a stage of time we are not even friend.


As time pass, you look back at the past, you will find that it is rather stupid to do it this way. So, after a year or two, I received a call from him, his number is never store in my phonebook at that time, but I know that it is his number.


Back in contact till a period of time.


I will never take the initiate to call or message him even we were close friend at that point as he had made a clear & firm stand to me that he got a girlfriend, a nice lady, which don’t like him to contact with any other girls.


Of course, I respect his decision and I stopped calling him from there.


But through out these years, I will still received calls from him. Whenever I received phone call from him I know he was troubled.


Well, I treasure him as my friend; I will always be there when he called. Every time when we meet up, our conversion will be his girlfriend & nothing else.


I envy his girlfriend very much at that time. No matter how much his complaint about her, how much nonsense stuffs she does even like chasing him with a chopper he is still there for her.


I was curious what stopping him to leave her at that time, I ask him why, guess what he told me?!? He say no matter how bad she is, she had a kind heart, just that emotion took over her at time.


This young lady did a good job of drawing a line for him & all of his girl friend; cut him away from all his girls friend contact.


We were good friend for so many years, so the both of us actually remember each other number by heart. He told me he had no one to turn to as he felt it very funny to talk about relationship stuff to his guy friend, he no longer have any girls friend to turn to anymore.


There was a period of time, I receive his phone call very regularly & I felt something is wrong; this is very unlike what he will do. As expected, his relationship with his girlfriend is on a very rocky stage.


He shares with me his problem, he told me he can no longer take her nonsense & he wants a clear break up with her. He doesn’t wish to hold her back & hold himself back any longer.


He no longer likes her as much as before as he cannot take all the crazy things she does but he hold on back till then just because he was afraid that she do silly stuff to hurt herself again, but it not fair for the both of them.


Through out the whole process of his breaking up, I was there for him. Or can I say is through the years I got to know him till now, I’ll always be there if he say he needed someone.


Not long after the end of his relationship, we start a new relationship together as a couple.


To people who don’t know the story how we got started will think that I was a bitch or slut to break a couple up. They will think that the guy was a two timer & not true to the girl.


I ask my good friend at that time, which is my current boyfriend now, what I have done wrong. Why will people think I break you guys up at that time? Did you really leave her because of me? I want an answer to all questions.


My boyfriend answers to my entire question. He told me that it not because of me that he left her, is more like she was pushing him to me by doing all those crazy stuff.


For the past 2years plus going to 3years is not easy for us to come by, there many ups & downs too, we don’t take our relationship for granted. We work together for that. Any misunderstanding we speak things out, anything bothering us we voice out.


Relationship need both party to work together, is not a one way thing. We had plan for our near future, we are working toward our common goal now.


Be it for the better or the worst, we chose our own path to walk; no one out there will affect our decision & we will have no regret to the path we chose.

1 comment:

  1. wat a Nice love story! thanks for sharing. i hope i have one too..
