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Friday, June 19, 2009


Wow, didn’t realize that I actually finish my whole course of medication this time round. This basically shows you guys how sick I am that I will stick to my medication.


Thanks for all the concern shows by all my dear friends. Everyone was like asking me to put on some make-up on my face as I look terribly pale, but they knows unless I'm going out, if not they won't see me with make-up.I’m already at the edge of recovering now, my face colour will come back soon. 


Basically you all can ignore the last few post I wrote. All of you guys out that had know me long enough & well enough know what kind of person I am, I don’t need to explain myself much to someone which is nobody to me.


Life moves on, ups & downs is just part of our life, anyway I have all my good friends around me, still sticking with me, & of course my dear which is always supporting by my side.


Well, yesterday after work, I took a bus to Tanah Merah station & change to train from there. I was still in a flooding mode I guess is partly due to the medication too.


When I reach Tampines, I believe I did not tap my ez-link card properly & I walk through the barrier. The barrier closed while I’m half way through.


Nature reaction I will step back & tap my card again. So this rude woman behind me gave me a hard push on my back & shouted at me, “JUST GO LAH”.


I was so pissed but when I turn back after I go through the barrier I don’t know which woman did that to me, my view was spinning & I just could not focus. So I just move on from there.


I head over the Singtel shop wanting to check out what is the launch date of the 2nd version of I-Phone, but too bad, the actual date has not release yet & the price is still an unknown figure.


Looking forward for the phone to release soon, gonna up-grade my plan & contract, wanted to get the phone for dear. Dear going to buy a new phone for me too using his voucher, a Sony Ericsson Satio, if never use the voucher is rather wasted, but this phone we believe is not launch yet too.


After visiting Singtel, head over to Cartel to meet up with my girlz. The bride-to-be told as all the required she need us to assist her on Saturday. Gave her lot of suggestion how to décor the place. Anyway the décor will be fully done by me & Elaine. Shall post the photos of our design real soon.


We had a rather long discussion. We sit in Cartel from 7 to 10pm; even manage to wait for Ah Yi to finish work.


Looking forward for Saturday to witness both Liting & Roland stepping into their next stage of their relationship.


Our Bride-To-Be Dreaming of her big day!!

She is the one!!!

Just Simple Us!!


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