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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Shana Darling~

28 December 09

We had an advance birthday celebration for Shana, initial plan was to treat her for lunch, just the 4 of us (Me, Shana, Eve, Momo – MissyM is covering for recap, not able to join us).

Since the rest gonna treat Shana for lunch as well, send out an email just 15minutes before lunch, invite the rest of the colleagues to join us for lunch too.

Had our lunch at Secret Recipe in Vivo; cool deal, 1 for 1 main course with payment with Diner credit card. But the service there were rather bad, pissed us a little while ordering, pass down the wrong information.

No bosses for the day so we took our own sweet time to eat our lunch. Finish lunch at around 2plus, when for a little shopping before going back to office.

~Shana & her birthday cake~

Had a little surprise for Shana, we order some roses for her on top of the pressie that had already given to her, hope she will like the little surprise.

~Roses for Shana~

~The Birthday Card~

~Eva * Shana * Lynnie~

~MissyM * Eva * Shana * Lynnie~

~Shana * Jess * Eve * Lynn~

Dear came over to pick me up after work, we head over to Tiong Bahru for our dinner. After dinner, had a puff & dear head over to his lesson & I head over to my Medicare & pedicure session.

Had a try of some loud colour this time, my nails is painted with purple-ish blue colour now, I love the colour. I spend 200bucks to sign up for a new package since I have extra cash this month.

~I like to use Dino fur as background~

~I love this new colour~

After the pedi & medi session I went to Chamelon to buy some accessories for Tracy’s wedding. Bought a total of 3 hair band, 1 ear rings, I bangle & 1 necklace, all these cost me around 50bucks.

29 December 2009

Today is our dearest Shana birthday, wish her all the best in everything she do & may she find her Mr. Right real soon.

Had an early lunch today again, one thing good when the bosses are not around, machiam no “government” like that.

We went shopping again, we went to Giant, finally I got my doggie mug, it so cute, gonna use this mug in the office. The plush toy looks so much like Dino, gonna put it on my desk so I will not miss Dino at work.

~16 stickers~

~Finally is mine~

~Thanks Loh, Louis, Catherine, Sharon & dear's mum for all the stickers~

~The doggie so cute right, I put it on the handphone holder that Steve gave me~


Last but not least, once again I want to wish Shana HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Stay happy always!!

All the best in whatever you do!!



Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Day

On Christmas Day itself, dear came over to pick me up for a nice Christmas dinner. We had our dinner at our usual place, Marine Corner.

December is the raining season, it basically rain everyday.

~Look at the dark sky~

Very thoughful of them, they decorate the place with lot of Santa Claus dolls, it makes the place full of Christmas feel.

Order their special Christmas set dinner that come with soup, salad, main course, coffee or tea & dessert. We order a additional scallop to start the meal with.

~Salad to start with~

~Curry soup~

~Side dish, cheesy scallop~

~Dear main course, Turkey sausage ham~

~My Ribeye Steak with mushroom sauce~


After dinner, we went Katong to play 3hours of L4D 2 before we head to PS for movie, Treasure Hunt. It a really lousy show, please don't waste your money to watch that.

On Saturday, after our dinner at "Rui Chun", timsum dinner, we head over to the new mall, City Square.

Nothing much there, just lot of resturants, good place for hungry people. Maybe because this is the first Eco-mall in Singapore, it very warm there, it very near to Mustafa & there lot of Indian in the mall.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Before X'mas

22 December 09

I was looking forward to meet up with Sharon with some shopping session after work. Before she reaches Vivo City, I went to Heatwave at HarbourFront to buy myself a new pair of heel.

Initially I wanted to get 2 pair in total, but my foot was too big, those cover toes shoes don’t suit me, in the end I only bought 1 pair of open toes heel. Super high heel, I love it. I don’t know how the rest feel, but I think women with high heel can really bring out the outline of the figure well.

~My heel, at least 4inch tall~

Sharon’s office to Vivo was real fast, we head to Addias for our 1st stop. Bought an Addias’s cap for our department gift exchange.

We went a lot of other place too, head to G2000 to grap 2 polo-T for dear’s dad, a Toys’ shop for the usual gangz gift exchange, Mini-toon for some gift cards, Watson for my eye shadow, Citigem for Sharon’s necklace & lastly is food for our dinner.

Seriously I’m mad tired carrying all the stuff. Sharon bumps into her aunty while I wait at the side, at this time, a Santa Claus approach me.

With $50 spending at Vivo City I’m entitling to 2 lucky draw dip, guess what I won. 2 free ticket to Science centre body exhibition & $50 Osim voucher. Guess it the sign for me to get my Ukimono to pamper myself.

Too tired to take MRT home, we took a cab home instead. Seldom will I feel so tired after shopping.

23 December 2009

Gonna be my last working day for the week, so happy, going on leave again tomorrow.

Got a department Christmas lunch & gift exchange program today, we order in KFC & Pizza hut for our lunch.

~Our Lunchie~

 Had our lunch & it time for gift exchange, Eve got my pressie, really hope she like the Addias cap I bought. I got the pressie from Einda, a set of body foam, lotion & stuff, not forgetting the card which is design by her daughter; she is so talented at her young age.

~Gift from Einda~

~Design by Einda's daughter~

We got a special pressie for Shana birthday, surprising the pressie deliver in much earlier than we expected, luckily we manage to stop her from opening the pressie. I’m not going to enclose what pressie we got for her, you all can use your imagination to guess bah.

After knock off at 6pm & we head over to Serenity at Vivo for dinner, a very expensive meal but I think is okay bah, cos X'mas only come by once a year.

 ~Seafood soup~

 ~Food to start with~

~This rice cost 80bucks~

~I found a small crabbie in the mussel~

 ~Gift exchange, from Shana to me~

 ~My fav Chocolate & Pooh Bear~

 ~My gift to MissyM~

~Me with the Santa cap~

~Our Epson usual gangz even we are from different department~

~Short of Momo & Eva~


24 December 2009

It Christmas eve & also dear's father birthday.

Dear came over to pick me & Sharon up & send us over to Tampines as it raining really heavy. Me & Sharon went to Spectular Hut to get over lens done, my degree did not not of different so I decide to use back my old spect & only new contacts lens.

It only Tampines, but the crowd there was crazy, I swear. Everywhere is packed with people.

Evening time had dinner with dear & is family at Defu Lane. The food there is good, but don't why the food yesterday seems to be a little too much for all of us, feel so bloated after our meal.

~My Baby~

~Kpo kissing me~

~I really like Kapo alot~

~Uncle, dear's dad~

~Dear's family photo~

~Me With dear family~

After the dinner with dear's family, went back home to nua before we step out again. We head to a pub at Amos Street, seriously I don't know what the pub name & I don't think there a need to know anyway.

The beer they serve there was really horrible, taste like water, gross.

~Worst beer ever~

~I Love this Xmas Decor~

Monday, December 21, 2009

D&D 2009 - Mafia Night

Last Friday was our company D&D, Mafia Night for all.

Well, most people have fun that day; drinking & gambling is a must for Mafia theme, before we step into the ballroom, we already have games like gambling, each of us are given some chips to play & we had a drinking competition outside.

There was a very retarded game on the D&D, asking 6 biggest size people on stage to compare their weight. This stupid game really offended a lot of people, why will the event company come out with such brainless game that hurt people pride.

Expected the D&D to end late, but surprisingly it ends slightly before 11pm. Having a hard time to wait for cab in town at that hour, try to calling cab for a couple of time but did not get through the lines.

I call uncle yap to come over to pick me up, so nice of him, he came all the way down from Clementi to pick me up. Not only that, he did not even charge me the additional charges of pick up from town before 12 & he refuse to let me pay him the on call charges.

Seriously I feel real bad; uncle yap is really a very nice person.

Saturday after dear done with his work he came over to pick me up. We had our late lunch at Bedok interchange, dear had been craving for curry fishhead for quite sometime & finally we had that for lunch.

Wanting to catch a movie, but the timing just wasn’t right as we had a dinner date at 6pm later, so went home to watch some movie instead.

Till late evening time, we head over to Toa Payoh to pick up dear’s cousin & his aunty, then we head over to Zion Road to meet up with the rest of the family members. Dear grand uncle came along too, but he needs to rush back to the nursing home at 8pm.

Head back to dear’s house, we left after finish watching the show Bolt, super funny show even it not my first time watching that, I still like the show. Really wondering if Dino gonna stay with me like what Bolt did to Penny when she is in danger, I think I’m really thinking too much le.

Oh ya, dear’s mum, sis & bro just came back from Hongkong a few day back, dear’s mum always will buy me something when she go for holiday. She bought me a very cute Mickey Mouse under garment, it cute, but I doubt I gonna wear that. It comes with a small carrier & a hair band.

Not only the under garment, she also got me a new Agnes B bag.

Ben & Jimmy came over to pick us up under my block; off we go to Le Bar. Maybe we are rather early when we reach, we request to sit at the second level & that level was totally empty, machiam like we had book the place for private event.

~Empty Le Bar~

~Total of 3 bucket for e day~


~Dear & Ben~



~Me & my Dearest~
Slowly the crowd started to come in when we order our third bucket of beer; they are just too loud, we like cannot even hear ourselves; finally we decide to leave the place.

When they get a little tippy is dangerous to sit in their car. Ben’s Evo went over 200km/hr on Singapore road, it F***ing scary. It takes just less than 10minutes to reach my house from Le Bar, scary!!

Sunday, rest day at home, staying at home most of the day only went out in the evening.

We head over to Tampines mall to look for Cat, need her help to punch more holes on dear new belt. Some small incident happen on road that really pissed dear off, dear decide not to go with me, he just drop me off & he wait for me else where.

Had our dinner at Tampines as well, but somewhere far away from the central, just to avoid the heavy traffic.

After dinner, dear bought me to Kallang Leisure Park for movie, before we went to get the movie ticket, dear bought me my long missed “Mango Snow Ice”. Trying many other places, I think the snow ice at Kallang Leisure Park still the best.

~All time fav, Mango Snow Ice~

Watched “Bodyguards & Assassins”, it wasn’t a very fantastic show to me, kind of boring & very predictable.

When to Loyang to bia bia after the movie & head home to rest after that.


D&D Photos - Mafia Night

~Me before make-up~

~Tattoo artist for the day~

~Helping them to paste their tattoo~

~Machiam like really doing tattoo~

~Hair stylist & make-up artist for the day~

~In the cab on the way to Orchard Hotel~

~My "ex" boss Louis, a good boss~

~My Service Centre Peepz~

~Us wit Yong~

~Guess Yong gonna be the green eyes of other men~

~The usual group short of 2~


~Sexy Babes~

~SC seem so paisae surrounded by ladies~

Some X'mas gift I receive

~"ai xin" muffin from MissyM & candy bag~

~Little note from my Lover MissyM~

~This are from Shana~