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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Leaving Tomorrow

It Sunday today, busy at home packing my luggage now, afraiding that I will miss out any stuff for my trip.

Supposingly is a super long weekend for me, not working on Friday as I head over to SGH for my medical review. A 3min review with the doctor earn a additional MC for me, damn shiok ah.

After the medicial review I head over to Paradise Inn at Bedok point for a lunch session if mum. Treat her to a feast since I got some extra cash this month.

Flower tea

Salted Egg Prawn Rolls

Coffee Pork Rib

Mum's fav FATTY meat

Thai Style veggie with salted fish

Since tomorrow is a public holiday, dear actually want to send me to airport in the morning, but I rejected his proposal as I'm afraid he will be late & I want him to have more rest.

My first business trip, mixed feeling, looking forward & hate to leave at the same time. I gonna miss both my dear & baby so much!!


This stupid cat always like to bite me

Remember to miss me when I'm away ;)

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