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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Appointment of Lease

On next Thursday, 2nd June 2011, I will be officially signing my life away to pay for my future nest.

I had receive a letter from HDB, they request us to go down on that day for the appointment of lease. So on that day, we need to make our very first payment, guess how much is it? 5% of the flat price, plus a lot of nonsense fee, stamp fee etc, the whole sum came up to 23K!!!

Scary ah?!? Yah, I was stunted by the figure too, just a stamp they charge me 5K plus!! Nearly fainted!! But 23K is really nothing as compare to our flat price, 350K.

Luckily the amount can be deducted from CPF & we do have the amount in our account, so visibly, we feel no pitch at all but in the actual fact, it still our hard-earned money.

Okay, at least after this payment, we won't need to pay any more money, I mean at least for the next 3 years till we get hold of our keys.

Now we got our flat, so guess it time to start planning for the next move. Don't ask me what the next move, when we getting marry now! Cos I don't know too, I'm still waiting for my propose ring ;)

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