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Monday, May 2, 2011


This morning I wake up super early, earlier than the normal working day, worst of all, today is a public holiday.

I woke up at 6am, get prepare & the cab came over & pick me up at 0705, I made an advance booking the night before. Reach airport around 0720, wait for Loh to arrive & we head over to check in our luggage, & had our breakfast in the transit.

Before we head over for boarding, Loh & Ben accompany to DFS to get some cigratte, they did not sell those individual pack of cigratte, only those in carton, luckily they have a box of 3, only at 9.90SGD, so cheap compare to Singapore market price.

♥3 in a pack♥

This is my 2nd attempt of take flight, worst still, I do not have dear by my side to comfort me. Luckily this time round we are taking SIA, taking off & landing is consider rather smooth still, not as jerky like the last time while taking Jetstsar.

♥High high in the sky♥

♥Dark sky♥

♥Cotton Candy like cloud♥

♥Arriving in Bangkok soon♥

It a 2 & half hour flight, meal are provided. I took tons of photos of the cotton candy like cloud which I love it a lot. Ride was consider a comfortable one, before you know, we had already reach Bangkok.

Today Bangkok is having holiday too, so the taxi ride from airport to hotel is very smooth, no traffic jam at all, by the way I'm staying at Ascott, walking journey to ETH office.

♥Heading to hotel from Airport♥

♥I love this pink cab♥

Check in & left our luggage in the room, need to move on fast as Michelle & Dave is waiting for us to have lunch together. I was amaze by the size of my room, 1 bedroom suite is just too big for me, but I love it.

♥Ascott Hotel♥

♥Bath-tub is what I love most in hotel♥

♥My little kichen area♥

♥Still have washing machine♥

♥My cosy corner, living room♥

♥I still love my own bed♥

♥Study area♥

Took a sky train, wanted to head over to MBK but we alight 1 stop eariler & we ended up at Siam Plaza instead. Had our lunch there before we head over to MBK again. I had roasted duck rice for lunch & it turn out rather disappointing, I didn't even eat half of it.

♥YUCKY roasted duck rice♥

♥Silver Fish♥

♥Noodle omettlet♥

♥Don't what thai rice is this♥

♥Tomyam soup & "Cupcake" otah♥

MBK was a huge shopping mall, but I didn't enjoy myself there as it far too packed with shoppers & worst still, I didn't manage to buy anything for dear, he will be damn disappointed to hear that from me.

We left MBK at 4pm Thailand time, before we head back to hotel, went to Mac for a drink as the weather here is really super duper hot. After the drink, went over to 7-Eleven to grap some drinks & tibit for the night before we head back.

Initial plan was to have a dinner discussion with boss, I do not know what happened, but it was cancel last minute. Good thing for me, cos I didn't really want to attend that too. So my dinner was tibits today, lazy to head out for food, thinking of the weather outta really make me feel like staying indoor.

Funshion was a good company for me, but the internet access here was super slow, so downloading the drama is also quite a problem to me.

I feel so good enjoying the peace of being alone, but at the same time I miss my dear & my Dino so much, I can't wait to finish my meeting real soon & see them on Thursday.

But thank god there internet access still even it damn slow, I still able to chat with dear.

Day 1 is ending soon, tomorrow gonna be a hectic day for me, meeting through out. Guess I gonna have a early night soon, YAWNZzzzz

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