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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Midnight Stroll

Okay, my holiday is coming to an end in a few hours time.

Yesterday, dear & me when to explored a new place which we have no been before. It really a amazing place that I want to introduce to all. Welcome to Lorong Halus Wetland.

This a location at a far end at Pasir ris, a newly build reservoir I guess. Nothing fantastic to you, I thought so too at the start! The amazing thing is the bridge actually link 2 town together, 2 distanced town by wheel. By the way, all we need, is just 10minutes of walk, we can get to Puggol from Paris ris.

It a nice stroll along the Riverwalk park, gentle breeze accompany through the journey & finally the walkway lead us to "Frenzie" at Puggol.

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