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Sunday, December 12, 2010

I don't know what title to give to this post cos it just a random update.

Over the weekend, I watched 2 movie, Narnia on Friday & Let Me In on Saturday. Narnia was a good movie, really worth the money. After the movie I rush over to Sharon's house to collect the cuppies from her.

I feel so bad, Sharon need to stay till late to do OT & rush home to do the cuppies for me, worst of all, she still had to go for business trip the next day. Sorry Sharon, you must have a tough time that day.

Finally I had rush finish my cuppies on hand order at the moment. I guess I was too tired, so I was a little hot headed on Saturday, I was pissed by every tiny thing that happen around me & even scream at dear, I can't believe I did that.

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