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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Countdown for DESARU!!

Today is the last working day for me in 2010. 2010 is coming to an end, consider a good year for me still! I gonna spend the coming new year eve in DESARU!! Kind of looking forward to it now, but the organizing was a tough part.

Throughout the process of planning, it was a mixed feeling for me, excited, disappointed, vexed, pissed & lastly mono-toneless feel. I don't like people who are indecisive, want or don't want just say, why must waste everyone time?

Anyway, everything goes as planned now, so no point for me to complain so much now. A great thanks to the organizers, HJ & Derek, I know is never easy to coordinate an event for this group of monkeys, but you guys make it happen!!

Just hope that everything gonna be smooth for us tomorrow, everyone of us gonna enjoy each other accompany & let spend the end of 2010 & the start of 2011 together as a whole :D


Woke up  at my normal working weekday timing on a non-working day on Monday, I need to visit the polyclinic. Mum told me to reach there at 7am to queue up before the clinic open, it freaking outrageous, I can't believe it till I see it with my own eyes. 

In my 25years of life, that is my first visit to polyclinic, I'm not saying that I'm rich, but I don't see why you need to spend so much time to queue when you are feeling sick. Maybe the elderly I understand, cos there is prolong sickness, if they don't go polyclinic it gonna cost them a bomb, but young peeps, what are you all doing there? You guys are carrying LV bag, coach wristlet, GUGGI sling, don't tell me you don't have the money to see doctor.

Yah, so, why am I doing there too. I'm not broke till the extend, I'm not exactly sick at the moment of visit & PLEASE, I'm not there to keng a MC cos it not even a working day for me. I'm there to get the god damn letter to refer me to SGH, if without this letter, I'm really not sure if I can manage the future hospital bill anot, specialist gonna cost me a bomb, cos I don't even know what wrong with me, yet!!

I'm not exactly worry anot my condition now, but I'm just can't help relating myself back to 4years ago, how I went through stage & stage of testing, going in & out of hospital, popping in tons of pills into my mouth & how I turn from pale to haggard. Those are scary memories.

I did told myself to stay healthy after I recovered since then, but what happened to me know?!? I'm going to go through the same thing, AGAIN!!

My polyclinic visit took me around 1 & 1/2 half to be done, 1hour registration, 30mins to see the doc, get my letter & go. Since it early, so went home to have a rest before meet up with Sharon.

Meet up with Sharon at 1.30pm, before we start off our "killing spree" we head over to queue up for KOI first. Seriously I hate Bugis Street cos it freaking packed with people, every single day. But I must agree that the things sell there are dirt cheap. Even it so cheap, I can't believe I spend like 150bucks there, but I did bought lots of nonsense there, 3 sets of bangles, 1 set of hair curler stuff, 2 sets of 10 pair fake lashes, 1 fake lashes glue, 2 tops, 1 dress & lastly, lot of blink blink for my netbook, those blinks cost a bomb.

I went home & I took 2hours to blink my netbook, I feel I'm not well done, but I love those blinks, my netbook look so shiny now.

After 6days of rest finally I'm back to my "fighting" zone on Tuesday! Works is piling, Outlook flooded with emails but the gifts on my desk cheer me up. Even though I'm on MC the week before, my colleagues left their little wishes on my desk.

Finally the cuppies books I ordered is delivered to me, need to carry lot of stuffs, super heavy, so nice of dear came over to pick me up from work. Not only pick me up, dear bought me to Paradise Inn at West Coast Plaza for dinner too. The food there was so good, it cost us 50plus for the dinner.

Wednesday my mood was okay in the morning, but is totally spoiled after my lunch. My hope for the Desaru trip go up & down, keep hanging there, can't they be more decisive on to go or not to go.

I log in to the HDB website too!! Preparing to clear the leftover shit again! 210 unit available & my queue number is 216!! WTF, why are they doing this to us, by the time we got it, I guess will be like that time, left with the second level units for us to choose.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas, 6 days of break

This Christmas holiday I got myself a super long break. I was MC for 2days, both Wednesday & Thurday, follow by 1 day leave on Friday & a long weekend till Monday. I will only be back to work on the coming Tuesday.

My dizzy spell hit on me again on Wednesday, I went to the doctor, base on the record, this is the 2nd time of the year my Meniere disease strike on me again.

This time round, doctor wrote me a reference letter, he recommend me to go to specialist for a detailed check up instead, he say if the disease strike so often, it isn't a good sign, might be my nerve have some problem.

Although I on MC, but I wasn't as free as you guys think. I start working on the cuppies myself at home, from 12noon, I work till 12 midnight. Incredible ah?!? It super tiring, but finally I completed my 60 cuppies in my 12hours. After seeing my complete job, I really feel so contented.

On Thursday itself, it the delivery day, all cuppies was delivered out to the respective people that ordered. At the same time meet up with Jo for a simple lunch & shop for the guys Christmas's presents.

I love the Christmas present that Jo pass to me, the chocolate condom, so cool, even mum thought that it the real condom.

Tampines got a new KOI outlet, crazy enough, me & Jo went to queue for it. I find that there nothing really special about the drink, but I love their pearl. Smaller in size, much tastier & it more bouncy in the texture.

Meet up with dear later in the evening & we head over to watch "Gulliver's Travel" later in the night. Nice & funny show I think.

On Friday, it Christmas eve, I went over to meet dear at his office waiting for him to knock off & we head back to his house to meet up with the rest for dinner, birthday celebration for his dad.

Had our dinner at "Tong Lok" located at Chinese Swimming Club. The food served there was freaking expensive. I didn't mange to take any photos of the foods cos I feel bad if everyone need to wait for me to take the photos of the foods before they tuck in.

Dear's dad order a super expensive abalone dish, can you imagine each abalone cost $198, we order 3 of that to share among the 6 of us. Dear jokingly say that he can't bear to swallow down the abalone. The whole dinner of 6 cost up to 1K plus, most expensive meal I ever have before.

After the dinner dear bought me for a stroll at Kallang, been so long since we last went there, I miss the good old day.

Head over to pick up the rest & we spend our Christmas together chilling out at Bottle Tree Park. Seriously that is really a nice place to chill out, cooling weather, nice music & friendly staffs. Guess what, the staff even got each of their guests with Christmas gift, so sweet of them, I got myself a teddy bear, mad cute.

On Christmas day, I wake up rather early, I didn't receive any call from dear so I guess he is still in bed, so I bought some food for this family to eat & head over to find him.

A tired day at dear's house, help out on removing the stuffs in his store room, they are preparing to move out from their current house in less than 1 month time.

We went over for movie again later in the night, "Meet the Parents - Little Focker". Super hilarious show, just can't stop laughing about it.

No place to go & one of them suggested to head over to Bottle Tree Park, again!! But I'm totally cool about it, cos I love the place. Maybe this time round the group get bigger as compare to the day before, the conversation got lesser, so it got a little boring.

The staffs there totally cannot remember that we came the night before, so she gave me another bear, an additional Christmas gift.

Today, I was craving for ice cream, something different from the usual that we always eat. Dear bought me to Serene Centre to Island Creamery for ice cream.

I had a unique favour today, I ordered a 2scoop ice cream, Pulut Hitam & Holick favour!! I swear the Pulut Hitam is sooooooooo GOOD!! But the holick favour wasn't so fantastic after all, too milky, very sweet & not much of Holick taste. Dear ordered a Nutella favour.

After our dessert, dear bought me to East Coast Park for a stroll, a place I missed too. We used to go there so often, but no longer now, people changes with time.

Tomorrow is the last day of my 6 days break, I gonna spend the days in a unique way, I'm going to poly clinic tomorrow, hope I'm not gonna have a long wait there.


Monday, December 20, 2010

Leave me alone

Initially I thought I gonna have a nice weekend, it turn out becoming the worst for me, I had never expected that to happened.

Wrong speech of tone, different way of expressing your figure of speech can cause a such a big misunderstanding. All the accumulated unhappiness was explored in just 1 day, I was surprised by the way I lost my calm, screaming back at you at the top of my voice with no sense of guilty, cos I don't feel that I'm in the wrong.

Even you feel I'm in the wrong, you were saying my speech of tone is wrong, what make you always right?!? Your figure of speech is unacceptable for me either, I don't think I deserve the treatment for you.

Fine!! So be it, anyway no matter how much I had done for you you can never see it, you will only remember my bad & never recall my good.

You feel that I had changed, my attitude is getting from bad to worst, what about you?!? Yes, I do agree you did changed for me back at that time, but that was only for a short period of time & you are back to the same old you, or maybe even worst. I must always mind fuck myself telling me it okay, that you, I should love you for who you are, I shouldn’t ask you to changed for me, even you are back to your old self, I did see you afford you try to changed before, that enough.

When you told me that you feel you mean nothing to me do you know how much that hurt anot?!? It just as good as the past 4years we spend together is a wasted, whatever thing I had done for you has gone down the drain, I'm totally speechless.

I don't know what going to happened next, cos I had insisted to stand firm this time round. Like what you say ,so be in, you going to give in & say sorry to me. Did I ever say I expect you to say sorry? I never!! All I want is just to forget what happened & go back to the normal day. That what you taught me, like what you always say, I had never learn the good stuff from you, I always learnt the bad ones.

Last time whenever we have problems, I always want to talk thing out with you, but never once I successes. You will just shut me off & ask me not to bring up the topic anymore & we can pretend nothing happened, back to the normal days. Yah, I take your advice & this is how I handle situation now. But this time round you choose to talk thing out, I no longer know how to handle the situation anymore, I had lost touch on it, I no longer know how to react anymore.

Seriously I'm fucking tired now, all I want is a good sleep. Why there isn't any place that can give me some peace & let me be alone? Even at home I can't get the peace I want, I had never expect that the world is so big, yet I can't the place for me to hide, is that a kind of joke.

Friday, December 17, 2010

I start to hate Christmas

Christmas is just round the corner, this year I'm going easy with the Christmas present for other, homemade cuppies or cookies for all, yet to decide what to do.

Sound cheapo right?!? YES, I am!! Well, the feel is no longer like last time anymore, last time when I work in Haagen Dazs, we really celebrate Christmas from our heart, getting presents for the closer ones, is not just any stuff that we can grab off shelf, is really spend time choosing, personalized gift for individual ones. Every years, I can spend $500 over just on Christmas present.

Now working as an OL, thing is no longer the same. Office are full of politic, like it or not, we got to face the fact. Politic applied to everything in the office, even in the Christmas season.

Giving a gift to "A" & never buy anything for "B"?!? Buying a personalized gift for "C" & just some candy or chocolate that you can grab off shelf for "D"?!? The price of the gift for "E" is nothing as compare to "F"?!? The list can just go on & on, just depend on how you look at things. So the best is get a kind of present for ALL, but seriously I feel that this defeat the propose of buying anymore.

Gift, is a token of appreciation, is not about the value,  but is the thought that count. But in my situation now, I'm just giving for the seek of giving, even how much I don't like the person, how much I don't feel like giving you, I still must wear a mask & wish you Merry Christmas, this is so fucking fake, I hate it, it just so not me.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My new COACH bag


I received my Coach bag today, my third piece of Coach items which I bought for myself.

In total I spend 700plus this time round, I bought 1 bag for mum as her Christmas present this year. She always hope to get something similar to my pink Coach bag, but just can't bear to spend the money. Rather than give her money after I get my AWS this year, so I might as well get her this bag.

DAMN!! They attached the invoice to the parcel, mum saw how much the bag cost!! As usual, all parent will start nagging knowing that their kid spend so much on a present for them.

So happy, manage to surprised mum & I'm ready to us my new BIG Coach bag now!


So sweet of dear come over to pick me up from work yesterday. Been so long since we last have some 二人世界 without the rest of the peeps. Our 二人世界 wasn't easy to come by, even without their physically presence around, they still keeping haunting us with non-stop phone calls, buay tanhan, can't we just have some peace?!?

We were driving rather aimlessly on the road can't decide where to go for dinner, dear suggest that we should go Jurong hill for dinner, as he did promise me before to bring me there to eat one of the day. Wow, surprisingly he still remember the promise after so long, hmmmmm… is since my birthday till now, remember so clearly cos my very first visit there was on my 25th birthday this year.

The restaurant there called Hill Restaurant, they served Indonesia, Japan & Korean cuisines. I can say the price there are consider rather reasonable, it not a fantastic romantic restaurant (from my expectation point of view, as it located at such a good scenery place, wasted!!) but it gives you a rather cozy feel, the view there was good, the food served was okay too, but their service wasn't up to my expectation.

After our dinner, we went for a stroll, we managed to drag ourselves up to the highest point of the viewing mall. Enjoy the breeze there & looking at the scenery, too bad we missed the sunset. When the sky start to get darker the place gives me a kind of creepy, chill down the spine feeling seeing so many bats flying around. The feeling is just from the top of the viewing mall, other than that, the garden & stuff still gives me a rather comfortable feel.

No matter how long a couple have been together, guess they still need so 二人世界 once in awhile before the tiny flame die off.

Monday, December 13, 2010


<<Eve's cuppies.JPG>>

I feel kind of glad that my first batch of cuppies order was cleared. 终于松了一口气 after so long.

I can set aside my worry at the moment, total 30pieces of cuppies Eve order had hand over all to her on last Saturday. I got some feedback from her, told her to tell me all the feedback from the people who eat the cuppies, be it good or bad, I want to know all, so there rooms for improvement

Some compliment that the cuppies are cute & the taste is just right for them, but some which cannot take sweet stuff comment that the cuppies was a little too sweet with the butter frosting on, time to think of an alternative for that.

So now, currently I left with Jo's 40 cuppies order, I gonna have a busy week next week. Already planned my time on what to work on everyday, just simply hope that everything able to go with plan so I can hand the cuppies to Jo on 23rd night.

Guess I start to find back a little confident of mine once again after hearing the compliment of the cuppies. 加油Lynn!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I don't know what title to give to this post cos it just a random update.

Over the weekend, I watched 2 movie, Narnia on Friday & Let Me In on Saturday. Narnia was a good movie, really worth the money. After the movie I rush over to Sharon's house to collect the cuppies from her.

I feel so bad, Sharon need to stay till late to do OT & rush home to do the cuppies for me, worst of all, she still had to go for business trip the next day. Sorry Sharon, you must have a tough time that day.

Finally I had rush finish my cuppies on hand order at the moment. I guess I was too tired, so I was a little hot headed on Saturday, I was pissed by every tiny thing that happen around me & even scream at dear, I can't believe I did that.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Sample Store

HEY!! HEY!! HEY!! I got a good lobang to share with you people out there.

Cannot decide on which product to buy?!? So many varieties available off the shelf, cannot decide which to chose? If we are able to try on the product before buying, how good can that be?!?

I guess I'm not the only one having this problem, this a common problem for all of us. We like to make comparison, compare price, quantity, quality, brands etc. We want to ensure that our money are well-spend on the product which are most suitable for us. Typical Singaporean way of buying thing, want cheap & good stuffs.

Now there solution for our problem!!! Let me introduce you to "The Sample Store"

"The Sample Store" provide a varieties of products that are available in the market, from skin care to even food products, isn't it amazing?!?

Especially beauty products, the price of most beauty products in the market isn't cheap, so how to make sure our money are well-spend? There no ugly women out there, but only lazy women, I guess everyone heard of such saying before. Now, "The Sample Store" will help you on your decision making.

Sign up an account at "The Sample Store", once your account is activated, you will received 6points from them, so how the points work now? Points are used for redemption of free samples, for each redemption of sample, 2points will be deducted from your account.

So how do you gain your points for more samples redemption? All you need to do is give your review after trying the sample of the product, be it is positive or negative, the reviews by you & other users will also assist other to look into the product before requesting for samples or even buying the product, just the way how the reviews help you in making your choice. It benefit to all isn't it?

Other than giving your reviews to gain points, you can invite more friends to "The Sample Store" too. While helping other to solve their indecisive problem, you can gain points at the same time, killing 2 birds with 1 stone, why not?!?

Just for your information, there are a delivery charges for the samples, nothing is absolutely free in this world. The charges for delivery is between 1.99 to 2.99, I think it is a very reasonable to pay. Such a small amount of money spend to try on a product before buying, if the product don't suit you, I guess you will be more than happy to pay the delivery charges as compare to spending a large sum on some unknown product that you might only use like once or twice.

If the product is good & it not easily available in the market out there, "The Sample Store" can solve this problem too, you can purchase the product online. Buy online not only save your trouble from going shop to shop to source for the product, the items they sell online is much cheaper as compare to the market price.

Everything just seem so attractive, so what holding you back?!? Do give it a try at: http://www.thesamplestore.sg/r/70020

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

2010 Resolution Review

I hope to get my AWS real soon, I'm feel mad broke, it only the start of the month, I really don't know where did I spend my money to. Other than the Cordon Blu that cost me 200bucks, I really can't recall what other special thing that I spend on that cost me a bomb.

Worst still, even before I got my AWS I already plan how to use it. Need to pay the money I own dear for the netbook, 500buck, & I decide to give mum like 200bucks for her to spend. Initially I still planning to get myself a Pentex DSLR but guess I decide to put this plan back on a hold, just spend on a netbook & I don't wish to spend so much on another garget again, so I gonna save up like 500bucks to my saving account, been sometime since I last see a big jump in the figure.

I gonna do shopping with the rest of the money, lolz, quite abit for me to spend on my shopping spree, but Christmas is just round the corner, a season of giving, how can I not spend for gifts. Not much ideas of what to get, was thinking of something more cheapo, handmade stuff I guess, shall decide again when date get closer.

Time really fly, it December again, guess it time for me to review my 2010 new year resolution before I start thinking of 2011 new resolution:

我要减肥, 我要变美美, who wanna get me a Ukimono that I'm eyeing for?!?
Till now I haven't get my Ukimono, but I did manage to slim down quite a lot I guess, but the process is a secret, I won't want to share here even though some of you might already know it

Cut down on smoking, if possible, of cos I hope I can quit lah. (But I doubt so, at least cut down not that bad)

I manage to stop smoking for 1 month back than I guess, but I gave up half way, rather hard to quit when everyone around smoke. But I can say I did cut down quite a lot.

Cut down on junk food intake, including my all time favorite chocolates, candies, bubble tea, ice cream etc, is cut down not cannot eat wor.

I'm still munching the chocolate now while typing this blog entry, so what do you think? I think I double the dosage especially with the new bubble tea fever around.

Earn lots, I pray for increment, at the same time I wanna save up lots too.

Yap!! I got my increment, saving had increases too after opening the joint account with dear.

I wanna go for an oversea trip, by plane this time, if possible I want to fly out of Asia to some cold cold country, and I hope to see snow.

Yap!! Dear bought me to his business trip by plane to KL, though it Asia, but I still manage to fly, best of all, my flight ticket & accommodation is all taken care by his dad, thanks uncle.

I hope that dear & I are able to get the Puggol flat we eyeing for, a house of our own, the 2 of us, maybe with Dino if I decide to bring along with me not putting at my mum's house to accompany the lonely old lady.

Well, I had been very disappointed over this flat issue, we start bidding since October 2009 till this very day, we haven't get our flat yet. I'm seriously speechless over this issue.

I hope to attend more courses to upgrade myself.

I did attended a "Problem solving & Decision making" course held by PSB this year, still looking for another suitable course before this FY close.

I wanna go for a lasik, I'm sick & tired of wearing lens, I want prefect eye sight.
Sadly till now, I'm still a 4eyes tortoise, but I & Sharon had a 2years date to do lasik together.

I wanna change my image & do something to my hair. Perm?!? Cut short?!? Colour?!? Or rebond again?!?! I have no idea yet.

Recently I got a new 阿呆look with my straight bang, but it got kind of messy now after it got longer. I need to straighten my hair real badly now, my hair become wavy after they layered my hair.

I wish to go for my class 3 license; I want to help taking over the wheels for dear when he is tired. If dear allow me to go for 2B again is the best, 3 more practical & I will get my license, I hope to ride, again.

Dear decide to me my life time driver, so I guess I can give this a miss now, don't endanger people life with my recklessness & most important of all, he will NEVER let me handle his new "baby", she is more important than me now

I pray for a smooth path ahead for me at work.

So far thing seem smooth for me I guess, boss pin high hope for me, most colleagues are nice, MOST I mean, not all. Political issue is everywhere in all companies, there no prefect job in this world, so just bear with it, just get my job done & secure my rice bowl

I will try to balance up my time better between dear, work, friends & of cos Dino too. All of them play an important role in my life.

I got a fair share of time well spend with everyone I guess & I enjoy all their company so much, I love them all. But nowadays I tend to neglect dear a little, got too engross with all the outing with the peeps.

I wish to own a DSLR myself, sometime I feel like joining the rest for photo shoot but I feel so paisae keep borrowing the SLR from dear's brother, & most important I like to capture every important moments of mine to become forever.
Well, I still can't bear to spend such a large sum on a camera; I can't convince myself to buy it after weighting all the pros & cons. I think dear's bro hate me keep borrowing the camera from him.

I hope my relationship with my mum will get better as time goes. I hate to see her sux up face every time I wake up from bed.
Thing seem to get better with Dino around, he is our common topic most of the time. Mum even made me lunch box to work, she saw me having a hard time struggling with all the money saving plans, that really save a quite a lot of money

I will try to control my temper as my temper was rather bad nowadays; I get pissed by other easily & blow my top off over small matter.
I think I no longer get pissed that easily as compare to last time, so can say I did successes in good temper management I guess.

Gonna reduce my alcohol intake this year, guess I had already finish my 2010 quota last year, been drinking basically every week.
Okay, this got totally out of control; I guess I drink double of what I drank last year, that is real bad for my organs, they must been suffering real badly.

Okay, I'm done with my review of 2010 resolution, I gonna take some time to think of what the coming big plan I want for the coming 2011, I pray for a good year ahead.



Yesterday I was talking to Sharon on Skype, & I told her I misplaced the Naraya tissue poach she gave me many years back. When we start to recalled, she bought me the poach on her Thailand trip during her poly first year. WOW!! That was freaking long ago, it was like 6 to 7 years back.

Firstly, please let me clarify, I'm not a sloppy dirty freak that use a poach for 6 years straight, I did wash it okay!!

Last time, I hate to bring tissue out, cos I will end up throwing it away as it will turn out to be crumpled in the bag & feel that it so dirty. Imagine the tissue u gonna use to wipe your mouth, it had been "cleaning" the inner part of the bag before you use it, freaking gross!! So, my point of view stay firm till I start after using a the tissue poach, it more hygenience in a certain way.

I know it a norm for people to misplaced their stuff no matter how careful they are, that applied to me too. What bother me is the poach is with me for 6years, it not a short period of time okay!! Though it not what expensive stuff, but a gift from friends is always priceless to me, is the thought that count. I never believed in putting a "price tag" on my friends, provided if they deserved this type of treatment from me.

Guess what, on the same day I told Sharon I misplaced the poach, she gave me a new one in the very day, my favourite pink somemore!! I wonder how much stock she had at home, lolz! Anyway, I'm seriously touched!! Thanks Sharon, love you!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Cake making session

My hand was full of burned marks left behind by the baking session yesterday, that is my first attempt of baking a whole cake.

I admit that I'm an accident pro, my attention tend to divert very quickly causing me to lost focus on the thing I'm doing. Just after dear command that I gonna burn my hand if I take out the tray like that, tadah!!! I got my hand burn.

I was busy in the kitchen for the whole day, the cake was actually a trial run for dear's dad birthday, but in the end I decide not to do it anymore, don't make myself a laughing cake for the day. Dear feedback of the cake wasn't very good, he say so so only, but feedback from colleagues was not that bad after all, but just a little too rich, I think they just wanna be nice & don't wish to disappoint me.

The outlook of the cake as a whole wasn't very nice, as I wasn't very good at handling the ganash, but when I cut it individually & bring to work it look more presentable as you can't really see the height differences.

Thanks for all the feedbacks, I will work harder to make it perfect one day :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010



这是我第一次感到如此的痛恨自己,我讨厌我的冲动,自己原来是如此的没用,不顾一切的任性,终究累人,累己!信心指数大跌,我准备放弃了,放弃的创业梦想, 脚踏实地的做我的打工仔!

就请别在告诉我叫我别放弃,你可知道,我可是费了多少的勇气才踏出地一步,向梦想飞近的第一步。可是,我失败了!!这一步我走到好累,已经无话可说了。累死自己无所谓,可是同时我也连累了我的合作伙伴,我的朋友。 别再提我伤心事了!!