I was on leave last Friday, enjoying my super long weekend before my boss leave the company. After he left, I wonder I how long do I need to pull through before I can take leave again.
I woke up early on Friday & chef Lynn get to work. Made some cookies for the day.
This is the ingredients I use for the day.
Egg, butter, brown sugar, white sugar, soda powder & salt
Cream them all together & add the flour in
My dough is ready
Add dear fav chocolate chips in
They are all ready on the baking tray
All in the oven now
My cookies are ready to eat.
Why I say simplest is the sweetest thing at the very start, thaks to Sengie, she make me realise the lost of the simplest thing I use to have when I was young. Now, I was blind by money & the value of thing in life.
So sweet of her, she came over to my house to bake a cake for her boyfriend birthday, rainbow cake. This is what I do when I was young too, but no longer now, this waken me up a little.
The purple dough
Seldom will see my dining table so messy
Dino wanna join in the fun too
She is doing the yellow colour dough now
6 layers of dough are ready
She is adding the filling in it
Stacking up
She is creaming the cake now
This look a little digusting, but wait till you see the finishing product before you judge.
Sengie continue while I make a move & join the rest for movie in the late evening. Watch "The Last Airbender 3D", a little disappointed, the movie was okay, but the 3D effect wasn't good, feel a waste of money paying extra for 3D.
Funniest thing happen, we got a "bad habit" of leaving the tickets at the counter for the late comer, that not the worst, but we will leave funny name. Name for the day is "Lonely Loser" for Derek & Kieve.
After the movie finish, were told that Kieve did not turn up. So sad, he went to the wrong cinema, he went to PS instead of Marina, he went to the theater & told the person he want to get the ticket for "Lonely Loser" but there no ticket, so he is the real lonely loser for the day. Whahahhah.
Went for a drink at pub, had supper & time to head back to rest.
Saturday spend most to the time at home will dear. So crazy idea strike us when we turn real bored. We actually wanted to spend 100buck per person to go into RWS for some gambling session, but not much people wanna go, so we give it a miss as well.
Sunday dear bought me to City Plaza for mee hoon kueh, but it taste horrible today. Happen to bump into 3rd aunt & Ziyi there, drop them off at Bugis & time to head back to my own house, hasn't been home the past 2 days, I miss Dino badly.
Gonna watch "Salt" later in the night, hope it gonna be a good show.
Just saw the YOG flame pass by my house, damn cool ah, I should have take part in that too. Lolz
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