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Sunday, August 15, 2010

I hate boring weekend

Seriously I think that Singapore is really a small boring island. Whenever it comes to weekend, never meet up with the peepz then both me & dear will become so lost & don't know what to do.

As usual I will go over to his place to meet up with him before we head out. Before heading out, dear dozed off again. as usual i-phone is my best companion when I'm bored, download a few free app & take tons of photo with it.

I think I really should consider of getting a i-phone too

The photo below is not taken by i-phone, when come to photo quaility, I still think my Satio can serve me better, that is what holding me back actually.

Took this photo while I combing my hair & miu miu jump into the cupboard.
Seriously she is mad cute if only she can stop her biting & scratching stuff.

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