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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Yeye

Yesterday was the celebration for my grandpa's 74th birthday.

As usual we will organise a get-together session, buffet & no BBQ for this year.

As expect, without dear presence around I will be "question" by everyone, 1 after another, I'm really sick of hearing the questions. I was like tongue tight & don't know how to answer them.

Seriously I was rather disappointed, I thought after talking to him on Friday, explaining why is his presence is important & hoping that he will come, but still, he stick to his theory, he left me alone to cook up the stories for him again.

I wasn't happy through out the whole of yesterday, seriously I feel suck! Real sucky!! But I glad that I have all my cousins with me, funny peepz, back to the childish me.

~I love him so much~

~Bad hair day, I need a cap~

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