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Monday, August 30, 2010

Angry Bird VS Worms

Currently I was so hooked to a game "Angry Bird", it just so cute & keep me occupied for the whole day. Just for this game, it make me have a sudden urge to own my I-Phone.

Well, but situation won't allow that. I called SingTel on Saturday morning, the I-Phone 4 handset itself will cost $210 with my current plan, but, currently my contract is yet to reach 21months, I need to top up additional $300 to get the phone, if not, I need to wait till next April than I'm eligible to get it.

I'm so sad.

Both Saturday & Sunday poor dear need to surrender his phone to me, & I really insist that. I had completed 1 set of the game. After playing for long, I feel that this game is rather familiar to me, as if I had play something close to this game before. I start Google on game just now & I found the game, is "Worms", my long missed game.

I still can remember I always rush home after work years back, meet the peepz online at certain timing, we will play this game till unearthly hour than I will head to bed.
I decided, I going home tonight to download this game again.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mixed Feeling

Not again!! I can't believe this is our 5th attempt!!

"Your queue position for a 5-Room flat in Punggol 21 is beyond 300% of the flat supply. Hence, you are deemed as unsuccessful in your flat application. You will not be invited to select a flat and your flat application has been cancelled accordingly. For first-timer applicants, this unsuccessful application will be counted towards the accumulation of additional chances for their future application for a flat in non-mature estates under the BTO exercises."
  • 2 x queue number not within flat supply
  • 2 x 300% beyond flat supply (So I don't even get to see my queue number)
  • 1 x queue number queue number is consider "close" (around 120people away) to flat supply, till our appointment date, left only 2 units (2nd level), so we chose to give up the unit.
For your information, new couple stands a "slightly" higher chance than those 2nd attempt couples, we start off with 2 chances. Every unsuccessful attempt of bid, another additional chance is given to you. So when I bid for the June application (my last application so far), an area which I really love, I'm holding a total of 5 chances to that application.

BUT, during mid July, I received an invitation to my March application (the application that is around 120people away) to chose my unit on 19 August. So, at the point of time I really wonder should I be happy or sad.
Happy is because I finally given the chance to chose my unit (provided if there unit left till the date), sad is because there a high chance that I will get the leftover unit which the people in front of me chose to give up & I still prefer the June location more as compare to the March application. Sad feeling is definitely much, much more than the happy feeling.

As days pass, the units is getting lesser & lesser, as expected, all high level units is taken up. Till the very day of my appointment, I only left with 6 units to chose from, all 2nd level unit.

I call to HDB to ask about the outcome if I give up this application (which mean 1 time rejection to them). It actually my fault too that I did not read up clearly on the terms & conditions.

Previously, my understand to rejection is each couple is given 2 chances a year, if they chose to reject both, than the chances they accumulate will be set to zero. This part is correct, but I missed out the 1st part.

The 1st part is after the 1st rejection, the chance you previously accumulate from the unsuccessful attempt will be cancelled, so your chances will be set back to the very start, 2 chances. But after 2nd rejection within a year, your chances will be set back to 0, same like the 2nd attempt couples. 

I feel a little "unfair" in certain ways, I know the terms & conditions had already state very clearly, but, I still feel "unfair" that I'm not within the queue number, but still I'm invited to chose a unit.

Can you imagine, there like 120people before me chose to give up & causing me left with no choice but being "force" to select a unit from the 6 leftover unit. Can you imagine how I feel when I was "force" to chose a unit which is not of my choice after so many unsuccessful attempts, & I'm left with no choice but to consider it as a rejection & set all my chances which I accurate for the past unsuccessful attempts to the very start AGAIN?

Seriously, disappointment fills me. I'm like kind of speechless to this issue, I'm really at the urge of giving up the idea of getting a BTO flat.

People ask me why don't you ROM first then go & apply the flat, in this way I will get a higher chance of getting a unit (I seriously don't know how true is this). But, I think this is a lousy idea, it defeat the purpose of marriage, isn't it.

Marriage is something very "神圣" to me, a couple should be deeply in love with each other, sharing the same goal in life, willing to committee to each other on their free will. But now, I know a lot of couple chose to get marry not because they are ready for the second stage of their relationship, is because they want to "secure" a roof over their head, seriously I feel that this a very sad case.

I'm having a rather mixed feeling now. Disappointment, anger, sad, speechless & tons more which I don't how to describe those feeling out by words.

Government are encouraging young couple to get marry & start their family, but please teach us how should we do it when we don't have any roof above our head? BTO flat supply cannot meet the market demand, resale flat market price are push to sky high, let not say more that young couple can afford to buy any condos or private houses.

Just tell me how!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Yeye

Yesterday was the celebration for my grandpa's 74th birthday.

As usual we will organise a get-together session, buffet & no BBQ for this year.

As expect, without dear presence around I will be "question" by everyone, 1 after another, I'm really sick of hearing the questions. I was like tongue tight & don't know how to answer them.

Seriously I was rather disappointed, I thought after talking to him on Friday, explaining why is his presence is important & hoping that he will come, but still, he stick to his theory, he left me alone to cook up the stories for him again.

I wasn't happy through out the whole of yesterday, seriously I feel suck! Real sucky!! But I glad that I have all my cousins with me, funny peepz, back to the childish me.

~I love him so much~

~Bad hair day, I need a cap~

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I don't like that, I hate it to the core.

Disappointment fills me. You make me feel my family members are not important to you at all.

After years & years of invitation, till today, you still let me to face it alone, cooking up story for your absence.

They are so old now, your presence can make a different, make them feel happier in a way. I know you will never agree to this theory, but that the fact, believe or not is up to you. I know this because they are my grandparents.

My family is a very traditional Chinese family, the "get-together-ness" is a VERY important culture in my family, be it you like it or not, we grow up in this culture & we act on the culture we believe in.

I'm seriously sick of asking you again & again. Just need a "YES" or "NO" from you & I'll stop barking you. But your answer yesterday night disappoint me, once again.

As promise, you had given me an answer, I will not ask you again, but don't ask me what time I will finish that day, go ahead with all your plans without me, our plan will not be the same for that day anyway.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I tell myself not to see again since my decision is already made.

But human curiosity kills.

Well, not too bad still, today result makes me smile alittle.

Praying for the better

It the sign, but, not yet still ;)

Yesterday arrange a last minute meet up coffee session with Jo.

Everything was fine except my handphone pissed me off. No reason, never even drop my handphone & it suddenly become mute, Jo was laughing at me & tell me "IT THE SIGN, sign for you to change an I-phone 4". Actually that what exactly dear tell me too.


Can you imagine how pissed I was when I just blog I still prefer my Satio as compare to the I-Phone & it start giving me problem the next day?

Shopping spree to fill up my little imbalance.

Worst till, I went home & dig out my warranty card & there isn't any date of purchase on the card!! WTF?!? What I can think of now is only use this term "Satio launch not even 1 year in Singapore & how could the warranty expired" as a argue term, I seriously hope it work & cover my phone on the warranty. 

Thank god!! This morning my Satio never let me down, it start to "speak" again. I guess he really don't wish I abandon him in this manner ;)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I hate boring weekend

Seriously I think that Singapore is really a small boring island. Whenever it comes to weekend, never meet up with the peepz then both me & dear will become so lost & don't know what to do.

As usual I will go over to his place to meet up with him before we head out. Before heading out, dear dozed off again. as usual i-phone is my best companion when I'm bored, download a few free app & take tons of photo with it.

I think I really should consider of getting a i-phone too

The photo below is not taken by i-phone, when come to photo quaility, I still think my Satio can serve me better, that is what holding me back actually.

Took this photo while I combing my hair & miu miu jump into the cupboard.
Seriously she is mad cute if only she can stop her biting & scratching stuff.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Inhuman BEAST

Can someone, some MEN out there answer to my enquiry please.

What is a man desire to sex?!? What is your extend to the desire of sex?!?

I been reading www.straitstimes.com every single day, I read this type of news till I sort of numb to it now.

"Man charge with rape", "Teens was grandpa's sex slave", "Father imprison daughter for 24year as sex slave" & etc.

Can a man desire for sex till the extend of imprison their own daughter for years & had a couples of don't know should he claim as his children or grandchildren? This is SUPER wrong isn't it? It your OWN flesh & blood so does that mean you can do anything to them?!?

I feel so disgusted by all these men out there, are they mentally sick or physically out of control?!? If you really want to fuck around why don't you pay the money for the whores out there? If you pay to fuck a whore I still think you deserve a little respect from other at least you know there no free fuck in this world. One willing to pay, one willing to provide service, this is a free-world.

In Singapore, the government implement canning for those inhuman beasts out there. Some people from other countries feels that it a cruelty act, but my point of view, I feel that Singapore government treats these inhuman beast too nice still, I think all these inhuman breast should be hang to death, even death is not enough to pay back the sins they did to the innocent women.

Every time after reading such article really make my blood boiled.


Me & Sharon came out with some crazy ideas, we plan to 创业 together.

Everyone knows that blog shop is the in thing now, even myself, I love to buy things from blog shop too.

I was browsing through a webbie: http://auntyyochana.blogspot.com this start our engine of 创业, but this gonna be a side line only, unless 1 day I can stay at home to be a 太太 than I will consider this as my full time job.

Both me & Sharon love to bake, but for me, I don't like boring old style, I like to customize thing. I love to receive gift that are different from anyone else on the street, which is exclusively mine, so, I wanna people to be special outta too.

Hmmm, seriously, ideas is there, concept is there but where shall we start off?!? Headache!! I was suggesting to Sharon we need to try out different design & come out with something more consistence. Take more photos & stuffs before we can kick start it.

The start gonna be tough & will cost us a bomb I guess. Trying different recipe & design, after baking the cakes & stuff, who gonna eat those up for us?!? I'm not going to eat that, I'm going on diet, so who is willing to be our guinea pig?!? Any volunteers out there?!?

Please give me some comment what should we do?!? Is really 创业 a good idea?!? Feel free to give me your advices.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sengie finishing product :)

I manage to get the photo Sengie finishing product

The whole cake, look cool isn't it?
The decor pressie in blue is made by me
does it look like from Tiffany & Co?

Sengie ideas really work
After you cut the cake
the colours inside really fulfil your appetitize even before you taste it

Seriously I love her idea
gonna steal her idea to use some day soon ;)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Long Weekend

Back in the young time, the simplest thing always turn out to be the sweetest thing.

I was on leave last Friday, enjoying my super long weekend before my boss leave the company. After he left, I wonder I how long do I need to pull through before I can take leave again.

I woke up early on Friday & chef Lynn get to work. Made some cookies for the day.

This is the ingredients I use for the day.

Egg, butter, brown sugar, white sugar, soda powder & salt

Cream them all together & add the flour in

My dough is ready

Add dear fav chocolate chips in

They are all ready on the baking tray

All in the oven now

My cookies are ready to eat.

Why I say simplest is the sweetest thing at the very start, thaks to Sengie, she make me realise the lost of the simplest thing I use to have when I was young. Now, I was blind by money & the value of thing in life.

So sweet of her, she came over to my house to bake a cake for her boyfriend birthday, rainbow cake. This is what I do when I was young too, but no longer now, this waken me up a little.

The purple dough

Seldom will see my dining table so messy

Dino wanna join in the fun too

She is doing the yellow colour dough now

6 layers of dough are ready

She is adding the filling in it

Stacking up

She is creaming the cake now

This look a little digusting, but wait till you see the finishing product before you judge.

Sengie continue while I make a move & join the rest for movie in the late evening. Watch "The Last Airbender 3D", a little disappointed, the movie was okay, but the 3D effect wasn't good, feel a waste of money paying extra for 3D.

Funniest thing happen, we got a "bad habit" of leaving the tickets at the counter for the late comer, that not the worst, but we will leave funny name. Name for the day is "Lonely Loser" for Derek & Kieve.

After the movie finish, were told that Kieve did not turn up. So sad, he went to the wrong cinema, he went to PS instead of Marina, he went to the theater & told the person he want to get the ticket for "Lonely Loser" but there no ticket, so he is the real lonely loser for the day. Whahahhah.

Went for a drink at pub, had supper & time to head back to rest.

Saturday spend most to the time at home will dear. So crazy idea strike us when we turn real bored. We actually wanted to spend 100buck per person to go into RWS for some gambling session, but not much people wanna go, so we give it a miss as well.

Sunday dear bought me to City Plaza for mee hoon kueh, but it taste horrible today. Happen to bump into 3rd aunt & Ziyi there, drop them off at Bugis & time to head back to my own house, hasn't been home the past 2 days, I miss Dino badly.

Gonna watch "Salt" later in the night, hope it gonna be a good show.

Just saw the YOG flame pass by my house, damn cool ah, I should have take part in that too. Lolz

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


OMG!! I did another paisae thing today AGAIN!!!!

I was mad tired this morning as I did not have a good sleep last night.

As usual, I will always sleep my way to my office, but never did I expect I fall into deep sleep today.

Guess what?!?I wake up with my head laying on the guy that sitting beside me shoulder.

FML, paisae to the MAX. Say sorry to the guy & I turn my head to face the window.

That guy beside me is still nice enough that he did not move a inch & let me sleep. *SHY*

I gonna change this bad habit of mine, I will "try" not to doze off in the bus again.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Little Silly Thing

Today I was trying to do some potato pancake. After boiling the potatoes, I leave it to cool down before I peel off the skin.

Dear: So, you are watching the TV now where my food?
Me: I'm done with boling the potatoes, I'm leaving it to cool down before I peel the skin, I need more time.
Dear: WHAT?!? Don't you know the same theory apply to the potato, just like how yam paste is done. You need to do it while it still hot.
Me: HUH?!? Okay lor (reluctantly), I go do now.
The potatoes really burn my hand.

5min later Dear walk into the kitchen.

Dear: What you doing?!? You really peel the potatoes when it still burning hot?!?
Me: Of cos la, you are the one asking me to do that!
Dear: OMG, I'm just kidding with you I can't believe you really go do it
Me: I always take your words seriously, don't you know that?
Dear: (blowing on my red finger) Silly girl (rubbing my head)

This is the silly thing I did today :(