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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Baby's new Look

Was thinking that since I have nothing to do last evening, made a call to Mrs Pet & I bought Dino over for his grooming session.

This was my first visit there; chose to bring Dino there for his grooming is out of convenience. Cannot exactly say that it very near to my house, cos it like 3 to 4 bus stop distance away, but to me it still consider as walking distance.

Yesterday weather was rather cool for a stroll there, but I was perspiring when I reach. I was late for the appointment & I do not even have enough time to change my heel & dress off before walking over, just pick Dino up & off I go.

The aunty was rather friendly; they only provide grooming session for only Tuesday & Friday as they are just newly open. The past 2 weeks I had been calling them trying to make appointment with them, but unfortunately, both our time can hardly meet. But the aunty was kind enough, her groomer, who is her daughter specially stay yesterday as they are expecting me to call, as predicted, I called.

Stay with Dino through out the grooming session, the whole 1 & half hour session the aunty was like keeping me entertain, chatting with me, share her knowledge on dogs with me.

After Dino grooming session, he was allow to run freely in the shop, my naughty boy just love to play squeaking soft-toy, he bite on one & refuse to let go. No choice, I need to pay for that toy since he loved it so much. Bought him a new top too, a T-shirt with a hoop behind, Dino look mad cute in that, love him so much.

My whole body is aching like hell now, all thanks to my lazy fat boy, he refuse to move an inch after his grooming session, he wants me to carry him home. For all information, my Dino is not light in weight; he is getting real close to 6kg now.


Monday, March 29, 2010

Weekend Activities

Woke up rather early for a Saturday morning, wake up at 9am, get prepare & it time to bring my baby out to play.

I waited for half an hour for the damn cab, very few cab is on the road, if there is any, it will have been already taken. No choice need to call for cab, the worst thing is once I called, I was told that it wills arrival in 2minutes time. So pissed, wonder why had all the cabs hiding at, always no where in sight when you need them.

Reach K9 at 11plus that is how I spent my lazy Saturday afternoon, spending time lazing around with Dar MissyM & our boys. Other than the irresponsible owners & the greasy smell, the place was a prefect place to chill out with your paw pals.

We gonna make it a monthly outing for the 2 of us & our boys. Gonna make it the very Saturday of the month after we get our pay. Why wait till pay day, because the expenses of going there was very high, basically we need to take cab to & fro, not only paying our own lunch, we also need to pay for our boys lunch.

Went out with dear for dinner at Zion street, wanted to head over to Orchard Central to buy his PS3 games after that, but too many cars, did not manage to make our way in to the carpark.

Head over to UE Square to meet up with the rest, went to a pub there named Rain. It a very nice & cozy place, it 10pm at that time & we are the only table there. Heard that the place usual cater to the white collar crowd during the weekdays night.

Everything was simply prefect but there only 1 issue, 1 of the friend bought his new girlfriend along, she is a TKB!! Sorry to say, I do not have much good impression on TKB, I tried to bluff myself she is not but I cant. She behaves totally like a typical one; talk loud, laugh loud & action big, I feel so paisae sitting beside her.

There a few occasion she really irritate me, she try to throw e whole stack of poker cards on 1 of the friend that tease her, can you imagine how messy can it be when 52 cards was thrown & the poor guys need to pick it up for her as she refuse to pick it up, & worst of all, there a few flying cards landed on me, pissed!!!

She totally has no manner at all, if you want to smoke, buy your own cigarette, this is our first meet up, we are not close & never will be to the extend that you can pick up any box on the table & take the cigarettes.

I take cigarettes from my friends too, but I pay them back by per stick if I want to smoke. Is not that I have no money to smoke, is just that I cannot finish 1 packet by myself that why I take from friends if I feel like smoking.

Okay, enough of grumbling, we left the pub early & head back. Full of cigarette smell; take a good shower, I guess Im too tired, while watching dear playing his PS3 half way, I doze off in bed.

Sunday evening, dear bought me to Iluma to watch How to train your dragon 3D, I admit Im a little outdated, but that is both our first attempt watching 3D movie. It a good experience, the graphic was really awesome, the only problem we have is we got a headache after the movie.

That my update for my weekend activities, I got lot of photos to upload, but guess Ill do it the next time, got limited access to network in the office.

Okay, I was mad bored in the office, everyone seem to be so busy except for me, that why Im so free to blog now :D

Friday, March 26, 2010

A Question

Yesterday I was in conversation with Mavis, she ask me a question. If you are able to turn the time to amended & do some changes to your current relationship, what will you do?

Well, I gave a stupid reply I guess. I told her that even my current relationship is not prefect now & I know deep inside me I wish that the situation is different, but, I still wish to keep it like what it is now.

I feel that it a joke & so stupid after I think back my answer to her question now.

She was shock too when I gave her this answer, she simply just tell me that Im crazy. I agreed to her, Im crazy, seriously blind by love & cannot see anything else.

I told her I just dont wish to change him to the prefect one I fantasy, because I know that this prefect one for me will never exist in real life. I strongly believe the reasons Im attracted to him from very start is because I like him for who he is.

I feel so stupid & want to laugh at my own stupidity when I think back now. People change with time, so are we changing to be the better or for the worst? So is he stills the same person that you use to like at the very start & am I still the same old me that believe in giving & expect in no return?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


~I'm feeling mad full now~

I'm feeling mad BLOATED & damn SINFUL at the same time.

DAMN IT!! DAMN IT!! DAMN IT!! Had too much today!! Very seldom will I have anything for my dinner.

Had my dinner in PizzaHut at Bedok. OMG! The menu has changed so much as compare to the time I work there which is like close to 10years ago. WOW! 10year leh!! Suddenly feel so old after counting & looking back at the years.

PizzaHut was my very first job, the job that make me step into this working soceity & there no return to it. Why I say so?!? For all information, since the very day I start working in PizzaHut at the age of 15 till now, I had never try to go without a job, be it part time or full time, NEVER, cos I know the important of money. No work mean no money, even at that age, I earn for my allowance & pay for my own expenses.

It really a damn sad cause la, been working for around 10years liao & I still got the rest of my WHOLE life to work till I die. Wasted my teenager years, never play enough & now got no more chance to play anymore, too much committment.

Okay enough of all this crappy nonsense, basically what they serve in PizzaHut now is no longer the boring pizza. They serve pasta & baked rice too, even dessert now!!

Mum & Cat had the special 5course thingy, soup, starter, main, drink & dessert. Well for me, I just had a simple plate of pasta is enough to satisfact me.

They chose baked rice for their main course, can you imagine baked rice serve before my pasta. Even they finish their baked rice my pasta is not even serve yet & the manager can tell me excuses bcos the seafood was frozen so it take longer.

Well, I was from F&B once, whatever I can accept, I'll always try to accept if I'm not in a hurry, I won't make a big fuss over small issue. Anyway I'm not hungry, had a couple of spicy drumlets before my pasta. I think that the best of all, my all time favourite.

I knew this going to happen when we head over to PizzaHut & eat, there promotion with HSBC & CitiBank credit card, Cat ask me to pay for the bill cos her Citibank card had already swipe to the max. I knew it. It not an expensive meal, seriously I don't mind paying with my card.

Worst of all, when we reach home then we remember that we leave the place without eating our dessert. Clever us.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Handover Party

On our journey to attend ESP RC handover dinner @ Raffles City

♥Me & my darling MissyM♥


♥Us again♥

♥Reach the restaurant♥

♥Sapore Italiano♥

♥Our Dinner♥

♥Look so appetizing♥

♥Let Toast for the Better♥

♥SongChin & Lynnie♥

♥Time to tuck in♥

♥Snap Snap♥


♥My Colleagues♥

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Silent Fill

I had always tried my very best to take care of everyone feeling .
There no prefect thing in this world,
I cannot have the best of both world,
all I can do is try my very best to balance.

 So, after all the shit I had went through,
who the hell gonna be the one there
to take care of my feeling this time?


Communication & Understanding
tend to pull two strangers together.

Distance & Silent
tend to drift a couple far apart.

Where the common topic & mutual understanding?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Changes. . . . . .

The past few day was a little not me, usually, I will sleep all my way from Bedok to Harbourfront on the bus ride to & fro from work. This few, my eyes was heavy as per normal, but, I chose to enjoy my the senery out there.

There was 1 day, I guess I really had enough rest the day before, so, even I try to take a nap in the bus, I didn't manage to doze off. I look out of the window, enjoy the view out there.

Guess what I notice? I saw full patch of yellow grass, leaves hanging on tress are turning yellow & falling off. The buildings of Marina Bay Sand was cool, the buildings seem to be ready to welcome their guests real soon.

The open field at Marine south, along the bay, was no longer cover with grass like what it use to be, or should I say is like what I use to remember. Basically, everything was tear down, including the old school "clock" which tell you the time by the help of the ray from sun. Now is just an empty, muddy piece of land.

You guys must be wondering what am I talking about. Grass & trees don't turn yellow in a day, the hot weather has been torturing us for so long, now than I realise all the plantation are dying.

Buildings cannot amazing become so tall & well built over night, didn't I know that the project of the Marina Bay Sand has never stop before, workers are working 24hours a day, 7days a week to get this result.

To clarified to all of you, I was here in Singapore at all time, worst thing is I will pass by ECP 5days a week, no other routh, is the same old road. But I slept nearly all my bus trips to & fro everyday, as result, these are the things I missed out in my life.

People will come over & tell me,
"hey, don't be crazy lah. What is the point you telling us this, is just a bunch of crap."

I total agree these are all crap. But what I trying to say is I hope all of you out there will just take a little bit of your time from your busy schedule, to take a look at all these tiny little things that happen around you. You wil be surprise by what you see

Yes, it might not concern you at all, but, once the changes take place, then you will start to realise that alot of our memories are being wipe away by the changes at the same time without us knowing it.

Changes happened everyday, you didn't notice it, doesn't mean it don't exist. Appreciate what is around you while you still can, when changes around you take place, what left with you is only memories. Do remember, memories fade with time too.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Meniere Disease

Dizzy spell hit me once again while I'm staring my lappy screen during work today. It kind of like a norm to me now till MissyM remind me it better for me to get a good check up on this.

What I was told by doc last time is that I'm suffering from "Meniere Disease", there no exact cure for this sickness, all I need to do is to sleep well, had enough sleep & remain sort of "stress-free". With the following factors above, it very unlikely my dizzy spell will hit me.

"Stress-free" environment, is easy to say than do, how can we ever stay "stress-free" in this busy city. All I can do is try to sleep at least 8hours a day.

Wikipedia answer to my doubt on what is Meniere Disease, actually this disease is not as simple as I imagine, sort of the answer I got "scare" me alittle.

This proven why dear always got so pissed talking to me & say I'm like getting deaf. This disease is a disorder of the inner ear that can affect hearing and balance to a varying degree.

It is characterized by episodes of dizziness and tinnitus and progressive hearing loss, usually in one ear. It is caused by lymphatic channel dilation, affecting the drainage of endolymph.

The condition affects people differently; it can range in intensity from being a mild annoyance to a chronic, lifelong disability.
The exact cause of Ménière's disease is not known, but it is believed to be related to endolymphatic hydrops or excess fluid in the inner ear.
It is thought that endolymphatic fluid bursts from its normal channels in the ear and flows into other areas causing damage. This is called "hydrops". The membranous labyrinth, a system of membranes in the ear, contains a fluid called endolymph.
The membranes can become dilated like a balloon when pressure increases and drainage is blocked. This may be related to swelling of the endolymphatic sac or other tissues in the vestibular system of the inner ear, which is responsible for the body's sense of balance.
In some cases, the endolymphatic duct may be obstructed by scar tissue, or may be narrow from birth. In some cases there may be too much fluid secreted by the stria vascularis. The symptoms may occur in the presence of a middle ear infection, head trauma or an upper respiratory tract infection, or by using aspirin, smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol.
They may be further exacerbated by excessive consumption of salt in some patients. Some have pointed out that this "central hypothesis" of Ménière's is questionable, as many people without Ménière's have evidence of increased pressure in the inner ear too.

It has also been proposed that Ménière's symptoms in many patients are caused by the deleterious effects of a herpes virus. Herpesviridae are present in a majority of the population in a dormant state.
It is suggested that the virus is reactivated when the immune system is depressed due to a stressor such as trauma, infection or surgery (under general anesthesia). Symptoms then develop as the virus degrades the structure of the inner ear.
Initial treatment is aimed at both dealing with immediate symptoms and preventing recurrence of symptoms, and so will vary from patient to patient. Doctors may recommend vestibular training, methods for dealing with tinnitus, stress reduction, hearing aids to deal with hearing loss, and medication to alleviate nausea and symptoms of vertigo.
Several environmental and dietary changes are thought to reduce the frequency or severity of symptom outbreaks. Most patients are advised to adopt a low-sodium diet, typically one to two grams (1000–2000 mg) per day[6] at first, but diets as low as 400 mg are not uncommon.
Patients are advised to avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco, all of which can aggravate symptoms of Ménière's. Some recommend avoiding aspartame. Patients are often prescribed a mild diuretic. 

After reading that, I'm really feeling kind of speechless. Well, please tell me what should I do. I don't want anymore shocking news like years back, I don't want go through that again.

3 to 4 years back, doctor found out that there a bacteria in my stomach, a harmless bacteria (at the moment), but no one dare to promise that it won't not become stomache cancer if I never undergo medication at the point of time.

There a number of incidents that people who had the same bacteria as me, chose not to undergo the treatment to clear it, years later, be it 3years, 5years, or even 10years, the bacteria had convert into stomach cancer.

Why people chose not to undergo the treatment, due to the side effect I guess. Imagine you need to carry on your daily life yet bearing with the pain in your stomach, unable to eat & stuff. It a 50% chance if you don't get rid of it, but I chose to make it 0%, I went for the treatment.

After first course of medication, I did not recover, I had to undergo one more courses of medication, double the dozage. Not as simple as anyone of you out there can think of, it not an easy process for me to go through, the side effect of the pills is no joke.

After I know I'm totally cure, I can totally remember the feeling now, it like you are given a 2nd chance to live again. I told myself I gonna live my live to the fullest that very day itself.

Now, the feeling of typing this entry is like the feeling of 4years back when my GP advice me to go to see a specialist that time. I recall I did blog down this feeling 4years back too, but, I had deleted my old blog.

Well, but I'm still the same strong will powered me 4years back, I gonna fight my sickness away if any of the systoms come again. Be it if there any cure on this, but I will not allow myself to turn deaf now.

I gonna reduce my sodium, avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco, all of which can aggravate symptoms of Ménière's. I wanna stay healthy.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

♥♥♥My 25th Birthday♥♥♥

Dear folks, I had officially step both of my feet into the quarter century of my life.

My birthday had just passed, I’m hereby to thanks all my dearest friends & my beloved ones for the blessing & wishes they gave, be it is through SMS, Facebook, Skype, MSN or even face to face, all thought are greatly appreciated by me.

I wasn’t looking forward to celebrate my birthday actually, my face was grumpy with no sense of happiness on it, I don’t know why, but that simply just happened every year.

On Wednesday itself, my colleagues help me to celebrate my birthday in advance as most of them were on leave on my actually day of birthday. They treat me to “White Dog Café” for lunch after our meeting, too full for cake, replace by a mango pudding with candles instead.

♥♥♥ My Lunchie♥♥♥  

♥♥♥ The Replacement of my Cake♥♥♥

After work head home for dinner with mum, mum bought me a sweet pink colour small carrier, mum knows I love pink.

♥♥♥ My Pressie from my Mum ♥♥♥

It looks like a simple no brand bag that any of you can get it from any pasa malam out there. But, for all information, this bag wasn’t cheap, this is a fully genuine leather bag, Anyway is not the price that matter, it the thought that count.

On Thursday itself, the actually day of my birthday, wake up early as per normal & head to work as usual. Don’t ask me why I did not take leave & head out to enjoy myself, cos I don’t think that it necessary & I don’t have any plan on.

Reach office saw a little present from Eve on my desk, so sweet of her, she pass it to Loh to bring the present over for me. She got me a roller for my panda eyes, she knows my panda eyes really affect me & I had been looking for that for quite sometime.

 ♥♥♥ Pressie from Eva♥♥♥

♥♥♥ Roll away my panda eyes♥♥♥

Dear came over to pick me up after my work, actually planning to go for dinner, had something that we can eat till full & full of memories, after dear told me a place full of memories, I knows exactly where he going to bring me to.

But sadly, we don’t full a single bit of hungry at that moment. So, dear bought me to Jurong Hill for a walk instead. That is my first visit there, nice place & I enjoy the strong breeze there.

 ♥♥♥ @ Jurong Hill ♥♥♥

♥♥♥ Nice View♥♥♥

After the stroll there, dear bought me to Jurong Point. Initial plan was to watch “Alice in the Wonderland” but most good seats was taken the time slot of 3D screening is over, so we went shop around instead.

Happen to walk pass the shop “Icing room”, “naked” cake of 3 different sizes selling at different price, with the price you paid, it come with a few different colours cream & icing for you to do your own décor on the cake.

♥♥♥ Icing Room♥♥♥

♥♥♥ Making in process♥♥♥


Good ideas for a gift isn’t it? Well, dear did one for me too, a sweetest cake I ever received, priceless & copyright design from dear.

Dear celebrate & cut my birthday cake with me at home. At the same time he pass me my birthday present, guess what dear got for me? Dear bought me a very nice Burberry bag.

 ♥♥♥ Happy Birthday to Me♥♥♥

♥♥♥ My Surprise ♥♥♥

When I saw the Burberry bag, my jaw nearly came off. OMG, I had never expect that dear will buy me a burberry bag, this must have cost him a bomb.

Dear told me Jimmy accompany him to get this bag, basically everyone that come to know he bought me this bag say that he had changed, if back in the past, he will never spent this amount on a branded bag.

Touched :D

 ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

♥♥♥ ♥♥♥


♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Love Him ♥♥♥  Love Him ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

Monday, March 8, 2010

Straight or Curl?!?

Finally after so long, I bought my new hair tong.

Also wanted to try to perm my hair, but seriously, I do not have the courage to do so. I already look so mature at my age, I think perm hair will make me look even older.

I'm a lazy person by nature, guess I won't be so free to spend so much time putting lotion, twist & play my hair with my finger.

One of the important point, if you put any make-up on your face with your perm hair, seriously you will look so horrible like those aunty going to market & buy fish like that.

Okay, I tried curling my hair, I look like a BIG head freak. The permmed hair make my hair look so big & I think I look total like an aunty.

But I figure out that there way for me to look a little better with permmed hair, is to tied half of my hair.

Any comment on how I look on perm hair?!?

So I bun up my upper half of my hair.

Leaving the "tail" dangling there

The hair was secure by 3 hair pins

This is how it look in the front

The volume of curl is depend on individual preference.

I like this hairdo

I gonna go out with this hairdo the coming weekend :D

So is it nice nice?!?


Counting down to my birthday, but there really nothing much that I’m looking forward to.

I cannot recall since when & why I don’t like to celebrate birthday, but I believe that some unpleasant thing did happened before that make me have this feeling. Guess the truth is well-hidden in a corner of my mind which I didn’t manage to recall a single bit of it.

Best birthday I ever had? Well, I treasure all the effort that everyone put in to make this “special” day of mine wonderful & memorable. The best of my birthday other than the past 3 years which I have dear by my side to celebrate with me, I think it will be my 21st with the peepz (Jo, YM, Kel, MW & Andy).

What I want for my birthday present this year? Don’t ask me this question cos I also don’t know the answer.

Dear actually bought me to Marina Square to chose my present yesterday, but, I back up there. Not going to share what he want to get for me, but I always had been jokingly ask him to buy that for me, but seriously, I don’t need that.

Sharon skype me today, she told me that we are friend for so long, ask me to 开门见山 & tell her what I want for my birthday, so she can get me what I want instead of the useless junk.

Big Chinese words like “开门见山” come out from Sharon mouth really will make me laugh.

Okay, anyway thanks all for having the thought of getting presents for me & of cos thanks for remembering my birthday. But, at the moment I do not have anything in mind what I need so it a good thing for all of you, please save up the money, you guys are the best gift for me.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Advance 25th Birthday Celebration @ K9 with the gangz

Been a week since I last update on my blog, alot of stuff I wanted to blog down actually, but I decide to give all a miss. Anyway I won't wish to recall any unplesant moment since everything is in the past now.

But, for beautiful moment is a different things, I won't want to forget any of it, so I want to blog down every happy moment I had.

I shall fast forward all activities to Saturday. Saturday is our gathering for the gangz, been quite sometime since we last meet-up. Not the whole gangz turn up, Eve wasn't feeling well that day & if I'm not wrong Mo got something on that day.

This meet-up wasn't like our normal get together session, it also a celevration in advance for me, welcome to the quarter century of my life, 25th birthday celebration in advance.

It 5 days away from my birthday, but weekend is always the best time to meet-up. This outing is a visit to K9 Kafe.

K9 Kafe is a dog cafe located at Turf Club Road, since it a dog cafe, of cos I will be bring Dino along. It so difficult to get a cab that day, I was standing under the hot sun for at least 30mins before I board on the cab.

The troublesome part about bringing Dino out if dear is not there to drive me around, I always need to take cab & calculate the cost together, it really not cheap.

The rest was late, only me & darling reach on time. My first visit there, when we went into the cafe, no customer yet, we seem like their first customer. I love the place, very cosy, both Dino & Samuel was like happily roam around the room freely, even they really happened to run out, there still many doors & gate out there.

SongChin & YongSeong reach not long after & follow by Shana. By the time they arrive, the place was full of pawz frenz & other dog lovers. I shall not describle too much of it as picture can say a million things. Thanks to Yong & Shana for all this lovely photo.

That my Dino baby

Me & my baby

This is Samuel

Darling & Samuel Boy

Let me introduce all the other pawz frenz:
Look how this graceful lady sit

Charming Golden

This black Lab look totally like Jasper

She hate Dino, she bark at my baby whenever he get close

Pure white Maltese

Dino just love to play with this 4mths old Maltese

They just enjoy chasing each other

Super noisy dog that bark non-stop

Meeting new friend

When the BIG meet the small

Not long after all arrival, me & darling head over to get some food for our boyz. When the food came, it was really in a mess. All doggies was came over to snatch on their food.

Poor SongChin he was afraid of dogs, see all the big dogs running over really freak him out I guess. Order 2 bowl of food turn out to be 1 bowl for all other dogs to share, Dino & Samuel share 1.

There a reason for the 2 boyz to stare outside.

Cos they are waiting for their mummies to be back

I'm feeding the Golden at the same time

Isn't this sweet

SC freak out when the Golden come near

We head to other place to feed the dog

Our boyz enjoying their lunch

YS taking photos of SC & Sam

SC got the charm that make both Sam & Dino love him

Shana With Sam

Yong with the Golden

Sam envy look when Darling hugging the golden

My turn to sayang the Golden

SC funny loking face when our boyz get to close

Chilling out

I Love this photo
As if Dino is really reading

Not long after we completed out lunch, I was surprsie that dear came over with RongGui to join us. In the very start dear was invited, but he was reluctant to come as he don't know my palz.

When dear approach the glass door, I was so surprise that Dino can recognise him. Dino was jump & whining at the door waiting for dear to come in. When dear step in, he lay down straight & wants to get a belly rub from dear, so cute.

I can't imagine that so many people walking in & out, but still, Dino did not forget his daddy, that realy my good baby.

Daddy, Mummy & Baby

Us with RongGui

My love

Dino look so much like a plush toy

I love his innocent look

Same making himself comfortable in his new bag

Sam all ready to go

After we made the payment, we head to the outdoor sitting to cut my cake as there too many dogs around. Afraid that before I got a chance to blow of my candles the cake will be gone.

I was really very touch by what all had done for me. After so many years, this is the time where there so many good buddies around to celebrate my birthday for me, & they all sang me birthday song. That really make me blush. It been such a long time since a group of people sing me birthday song.

Thank you Shana for getting the cake for me

TIme wait for no one
I gonna be 25 in on time

Me & my cake

Both of them are the love of my life

Sam eyeing on my cake

They are singing bday song for me, I'm really touch

I'm trying to cover my blushed face

Make a wish
I wish for . . . . .not gonna tell anyone :)

Blowing off the candles

Time to cut the cake with my baby

Overall, I really had a wonderful days with all my palz & pawz frenz. I love the place & I swear I gonna come over here to visit the place again, my sweet 25th birthday memories is found here.

Special thanks to the people attended which include of my darling MissyM, special thanks to her for coordinating & leave me a sweet memories. Lovely Shana, so sweet of her to get me the cake. Professional photographer YongSeong, he make every special moment there forever for me. Brave SongChin which turn up too even he scare of dogs.

Of course not forgetting our 2 pawz friends my baby Dino & Samuel boy which is there to witness my happiness.

Last but not least, thanks dear for turning up although I know you don't like to social around but you still come for me, & of cos RongGui too. Thanks for him to accompany dear all the way there eventhough I make him drink alot on his birthday.

Thanks all, it really been a long time since I last feel so happy on my birthday. I always hate to celebrate my birthday, but you all make this a wonderful memories for me.