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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Flash Back

Sometime I’m really glad that dear bought Dino for me. With Dino around, he makes me feel warm & never alone again.

I was looking at Dino while he sleep soundly on my arm on the bed yesterday night, lot of flash back appear in front of me.

Other than work, I spend most of my time to accompany dear, or rather he keeping me accompany most of the time. But of course, he needs time with his friends too. If that happened, I will head home straight after work.

Nothing for me to look forward about going home, everyday what expecting me home was the 4 empty walls of the house.

Before sis move out, there still someone I might expect to bump into when I reach home, someone that actually can reply to me when I free like talking. But then when she moves over to her own house, I’m all left alone with the 4 walls.

The relationship between mum & me was rather bad at that time, even we seldom bump into each other, maybe just see her once or twice a week, but still, everything when we try to start a conversation; we will end up in an argument, so we rather just act as mute, chose not to talk to each other.

I remember the 1st day that I met Dino in the pet farm; he is just so small in size. He & his other 3 sibling was place on the floor for me to choose with a play pan separating us. I walk slowly to the play pan & Dino was the first pup that walks over to me & I told dear I want him.

The first week of Dino stay at my house turns into even more horrifying nightmare for me. Mum was a cleanliness freak, she felt her space being invaded, and she felt that Dino was dirty even after his shower.

At a point of time, she even say harsh & nasty thing to me. She told me to bring Dino away, be it to SPCA or some kind-hearted people are good enough to take Dino in, she will pay us back the money which we spend to buy Dino, she just wants him out of our house.

As time pass by, all human are the same, they grow to love the people & thing around them. Mum start to accept our new member of the family, she start to love & dote on him. Soon enough our common topic is always Dino & sort of nothing else.

Dino create a special bond within the family. Even dear start to accept him as time goes by. At the very start, dear hate, or should I say is dislike Dino, dislike is a better word to use, hate is too strong.

Dear felt that Dino is a stupid dog. He is never an obedient dog, he create a big mess in my house whenever he is alone at home. He always makes those irritating whiny noise trying to catch our attention.

Can’t blame Dino, he was just a puppy at that time. All puppies tend to be naughtier by natural, same goes for Dino, they are curious of everything around them; they just want to explore every single thing around them.

Needs lot of patience & time to teach Dino the correct thing, train him well & not to spoil him, it use like teaching your own children, I believe the same theory apply.

Dino is coming to his 1years old in this coming 5th November, just 1 day before our third year anniversary. Time really flies.

My dog might not be the best dog in the world & I can say he is one of the worst I ever met, but I love him as much still.

Everyday when I going home, I was so looking forward to see him, I can’t wait to see the way he look at me, he look so happy & excited to see me home. I will always throw my bag aside, let him out from the kitchen & let him jump around me. He will never stay still if I never give him a belly rub, he will just continue to jump non-stop.

Every night Dino will sleep in my room, either on his own bed or if he needs accompany, he will jump up to my bed & sleep with me. I love some “small action” that he does before he goes into deep sleep.

Even he is lying on his bed & already dozed off for some time, he will wake up in the middle of the night, go into the living room, slowly bring his toys in one by one to his bed & sleep with him. So cute isn’t it, he believe just like a small kid.

Dino play an important role of adding lots of rainbow colors in my life. I love him so much & really treat him like a member of my family instead of just a dog. No words can describe the bond between him & my family.

Dino is the best present I ever received, thank you dear for this wonderful gift.

Flash Back

Sometime I’m really glad that dear bought Dino for me. With Dino around, he makes me feel warm & never alone again.

I was looking at Dino while he sleep soundly on my arm on the bed yesterday night, lot of flash back appear in front of me.

Other than work, I spend most of my time to accompany dear, or rather he keeping me accompany most of the time. But of course, he needs time with his friends too. If that happened, I will head home straight after work.

Nothing for me to look forward about going home, everyday what expecting me home was the 4 empty walls of the house.

Before sis move out, there still someone I might expect to bump into when I reach home, someone that actually can reply to me when I free like talking. But then when she moves over to her own house, I’m all left alone with the 4 walls.

The relationship between mum & me was rather bad at that time, even we seldom bump into each other, maybe just see her once or twice a week, but still, everything when we try to start a conversation; we will end up in an argument, so we rather just act as mute, chose not to talk to each other.

I remember the 1st day that I met Dino in the pet farm; he is just so small in size. He & his other 3 sibling was place on the floor for me to choose with a play pan separating us. I walk slowly to the play pan & Dino was the first pup that walks over to me & I told dear I want him.

The first week of Dino stay at my house turns into even more horrifying nightmare for me. Mum was a cleanliness freak, she felt her space being invaded, and she felt that Dino was dirty even after his shower.

At a point of time, she even say harsh & nasty thing to me. She told me to bring Dino away, be it to SPCA or some kind-hearted people are good enough to take Dino in, she will pay us back the money which we spend to buy Dino, she just wants him out of our house.

As time pass by, all human are the same, they grow to love the people & thing around them. Mum start to accept our new member of the family, she start to love & dote on him. Soon enough our common topic is always Dino & sort of nothing else.

Dino create a special bond within the family. Even dear start to accept him as time goes by. At the very start, dear hate, or should I say is dislike Dino, dislike is a better word to use, hate is too strong.

Dear felt that Dino is a stupid dog. He is never an obedient dog, he create a big mess in my house whenever he is alone at home. He always makes those irritating whiny noise trying to catch our attention.

Can’t blame Dino, he was just a puppy at that time. All puppies tend to be naughtier by natural, same goes for Dino, they are curious of everything around them; they just want to explore every single thing around them.

Needs lot of patience & time to teach Dino the correct thing, train him well & not to spoil him, it use like teaching your own children, I believe the same theory apply.

Dino is coming to his 1years old in this coming 5th November, just 1 day before our third year anniversary. Time really flies.

My dog might not be the best dog in the world & I can say he is one of the worst I ever met, but I love him as much still.

Everyday when I going home, I was so looking forward to see him, I can’t wait to see the way he look at me, he look so happy & excited to see me home. I will always throw my bag aside, let him out from the kitchen & let him jump around me. He will never stay still if I never give him a belly rub, he will just continue to jump non-stop.

Every night Dino will sleep in my room, either on his own bed or if he needs accompany, he will jump up to my bed & sleep with me. I love some “small action” that he does before he goes into deep sleep.

Even he is lying on his bed & already dozed off for some time, he will wake up in the middle of the night, go into the living room, slowly bring his toys in one by one to his bed & sleep with him. So cute isn’t it, he believe just like a small kid.

Dino play an important role of adding lots of rainbow colors in my life. I love him so much & really treat him like a member of my family instead of just a dog. No words can describe the bond between him & my family.

Dino is the best present I ever received, thank you dear for this wonderful gift.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Introduce to Gorgeous Sony Ericsson Satio

After so long, I think I had been waited for this more than 1/2year. Finally, Sony Ericsson launch their 12.1 mega pixel camera phone. Formally this phone was named as Idou, now, they had rename it as Satio.

I was still expecting to buy a pink Satio at the very start, but this phone come is 3 different colour, I think the closest colour to pink should be bordeaux.

Have a closer look at the phone the bordeaux colour also looked rather close to pink isn't it. From the back of the phone it just look exactly like a digital camera.

It's function was rather similiar to the I-phone. A fully touch screen phone that can connect through Wi-Fi, this phone support full internet browser & there google map in that, it gonna do a great help for people which have no sense of direction like me.

This phone support aaplication as well, there also Facebook application, I can flood people wall as & when on the go, whahhahah !!  Not only that, it can act as a modem for your lappy if you are out.

Satio's camera even have face & smile detection, it really a smart phone!!!

When I get to know the price of this phone really shock me, guess how much it cost?!? It cost 1000 over without any plan, Dear has check the price for the phone using his line to sign another 2 years contact, we still need to pay 400 over for this phone.

I never expect this phone cost far more expensive than the I-phone. Well, at this moment we gonna put the idea of getting this phone aside first, we gonna spend lots in the next 2months.

Lots of wedding coming in a row, need to prepare quite a lots of "ang pao", & we still need to set aside some money for our short trip next month. (^,^) So looking forward for all the events.

Introduce to Gorgeous Sony Ericsson Satio

After so long, I think I had been waited for this more than 1/2year. Finally, Sony Ericsson launch their 12.1 mega pixel camera phone. Formally this phone was named as Idou, now, they had rename it as Satio.

I was still expecting to buy a pink Satio at the very start, but this phone come is 3 different colour, I think the closest colour to pink should be bordeaux.

Have a closer look at the phone the bordeaux colour also looked rather close to pink isn't it. From the back of the phone it just look exactly like a digital camera.

It's function was rather similiar to the I-phone. A fully touch screen phone that can connect through Wi-Fi, this phone support full internet browser & there google map in that, it gonna do a great help for people which have no sense of direction like me.

This phone support aaplication as well, there also Facebook application, I can flood people wall as & when on the go, whahhahah !!  Not only that, it can act as a modem for your lappy if you are out.

Satio's camera even have face & smile detection, it really a smart phone!!!

When I get to know the price of this phone really shock me, guess how much it cost?!? It cost 1000 over without any plan, Dear has check the price for the phone using his line to sign another 2 years contact, we still need to pay 400 over for this phone.

I never expect this phone cost far more expensive than the I-phone. Well, at this moment we gonna put the idea of getting this phone aside first, we gonna spend lots in the next 2months.

Lots of wedding coming in a row, need to prepare quite a lots of "ang pao", & we still need to set aside some money for our short trip next month. (^,^) So looking forward for all the events.

Lazy Weekend

Lot of thing happen at work recently & I'm really looking forward for weekend to come everyday at work, pray my transfer will be done ASAP so I can leave the "hell" in no time.

Friday knock off from work & join the rest of the gang at Harbourfront for a simple dinner. Lots of stuff to catch up & get to hear the both of girls are at the edge of "healing". Did not want to ask them much that day as I don't wish to spoil anyone of their party mood.

Just hope that they will stand strong & "recover" real soon, no matter still have us with you all, okay!! We still love you all!!

Saturday dear came over to pick me up after helping his mum at his grandma place. Our intial plan was to play tennis, but we could not get Steven. In the end we decide to give our Fazer a shower.

Been months since we last ride on the bike, can you imagine spider web already start growing on it. This Fazer has been with us a year plus, bought it on dear birthday last year, I believe from then till now we did not ride it out more than 30 times before.

We stay home & join both their parents for dinner. After dinner dear's mum show us lots of "bao bei" she found at dear's grandmother place. Some really old photos, funny stuffs that even dear's mum herself never see before when she is young.

Do you guys know we use to have 1/2 cents & 1/4 cents in use in the old days. Yes, really there is, I saw those square shape coins that day, can you imagine some of the coins are more than 100 years old. It really an eye-opening session for me.

Ask dear to bring me out for a spin that night anyway he just got his petrol pump in the afternoon. Shell special promotion of the day, $1/litre for 95 & 98 petrol, good grap hah?!? But till you see the queue then you will be surprise, they even activate traffic police to manage the traffic outside the kiosk, dear waited 20minutes for his turn.

Dear bought me to Marina South to see the changes in it. I really hate to see the place turn like that, Marina South have so much memories for us. That the place which I first get to know him 10years ago & many other memories. Well, everything is different there now, no longer the same.

We went to some other places before we head back home. On our way back, there a stupid BMW keep tail gating us. Dear got so pissed & manage to shake him off at the speed of 140 to 150 in the heavy traffic. That was really close, when we start to slow down & we saw a police car in the front.

Sunday = Lazy day for me
Sunday = Working day still for dear

Both of us spend the whole day at home doing our own stuff, as usual, I'm always glued to the TV set.

Evening time we went to 211 at Tampines for our dinner, had nasi lemak for dinner, dear crave for that since yesterday night.

After we are done with our dinner it time to buy Dino's food, went to the Pet Safari at Simei, bought him some new toys & treat at the same time, wonder how long the toys can last this time. His level of damage has reach an ultimate level now.

Haiz~ it Monday again tomorrow!! Even before Monday start I already start praying to reach Friday real soon now!! Hoping time to fly real soon, I'm looking forward to the trip to Genting next month, the long weekend that we plan with all the peepz!! 11 of us going together, I believe it gonna be fun!!

Getting late now time to go to bed, if not I going to be like last Friday wake up late for work. Gonna rest well & prepare for the "battle" the next day.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lazy Weekend

Lot of thing happen at work recently & I'm really looking forward for weekend to come everyday at work, pray my transfer will be done ASAP so I can leave the "hell" in no time.

Friday knock off from work & join the rest of the gang at Harbourfront for a simple dinner. Lots of stuff to catch up & get to hear the both of girls are at the edge of "healing". Did not want to ask them much that day as I don't wish to spoil anyone of their party mood.

Just hope that they will stand strong & "recover" real soon, no matter still have us with you all, okay!! We still love you all!!

Saturday dear came over to pick me up after helping his mum at his grandma place. Our intial plan was to play tennis, but we could not get Steven. In the end we decide to give our Fazer a shower.

Been months since we last ride on the bike, can you imagine spider web already start growing on it. This Fazer has been with us a year plus, bought it on dear birthday last year, I believe from then till now we did not ride it out more than 30 times before.

We stay home & join both their parents for dinner. After dinner dear's mum show us lots of "bao bei" she found at dear's grandmother place. Some really old photos, funny stuffs that even dear's mum herself never see before when she is young.

Do you guys know we use to have 1/2 cents & 1/4 cents in use in the old days. Yes, really there is, I saw those square shape coins that day, can you imagine some of the coins are more than 100 years old. It really an eye-opening session for me.

Ask dear to bring me out for a spin that night anyway he just got his petrol pump in the afternoon. Shell special promotion of the day, $1/litre for 95 & 98 petrol, good grap hah?!? But till you see the queue then you will be surprise, they even activate traffic police to manage the traffic outside the kiosk, dear waited 20minutes for his turn.

Dear bought me to Marina South to see the changes in it. I really hate to see the place turn like that, Marina South have so much memories for us. That the place which I first get to know him 10years ago & many other memories. Well, everything is different there now, no longer the same.

We went to some other places before we head back home. On our way back, there a stupid BMW keep tail gating us. Dear got so pissed & manage to shake him off at the speed of 140 to 150 in the heavy traffic. That was really close, when we start to slow down & we saw a police car in the front.

Sunday = Lazy day for me
Sunday = Working day still for dear

Both of us spend the whole day at home doing our own stuff, as usual, I'm always glued to the TV set.

Evening time we went to 211 at Tampines for our dinner, had nasi lemak for dinner, dear crave for that since yesterday night.

After we are done with our dinner it time to buy Dino's food, went to the Pet Safari at Simei, bought him some new toys & treat at the same time, wonder how long the toys can last this time. His level of damage has reach an ultimate level now.

Haiz~ it Monday again tomorrow!! Even before Monday start I already start praying to reach Friday real soon now!! Hoping time to fly real soon, I'm looking forward to the trip to Genting next month, the long weekend that we plan with all the peepz!! 11 of us going together, I believe it gonna be fun!!

Getting late now time to go to bed, if not I going to be like last Friday wake up late for work. Gonna rest well & prepare for the "battle" the next day.

Friday, October 23, 2009


This few days was really sucky for me! I had super bad day since yesterday, nothing just seem to be right for me, super pissed.

Yesterday I was like "haunt" by a super irriating customer, he can basically call in every half an hour. F**K man, so cheapo! Want cheap, want good, want fast!! Who don't want that? I also want!! They have business to run, rules to follow, other also have. They are human machiam we are not, we are like monster with many hands that can multi tasks so many thing at a time & go miracles.

I felt rather left out at work, so what if I gonna to transfer to other department soon, if you cannot find a replacement to take over me & need to to stay here & help out still, than please treat me as part of the team.

Not keeping me inform in every operation changes & expect me to run the show still? When I start to hit error & bang the wall all start to point fingers. It okay for me to bang the wall, I totally fine for the ship to sink & drown together!

Enough of stuff for me yesterday & yet more to come today. On my lappy & saw email flying here & there. YES!!! I'm an on-site coordinator, but some "special'' one like to play stunt is not within my control, I had tried my best.

Everyday there so many different situation happened, I can only play with the "game" & act on to it. If they are really so good, they wanna plan their own schedule, be my guest, go ahead. Better still remove me off from this coordinator role, I'll be more than happy. If you cannot play my role than don't mess up my role.

I WANNA GET OUT OF THERE REAL SOON. All other collegues are going through interviews now, browsing & looking for a better working environment. If I did not leave the place before the rest does, once all of them throw the letter together & I can rooted here & prepare to struck here forever!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jennifer's Body

Starting when dear saw the poster for "Jennifer's Body" he told me that we gonna watch this show, Megan Fox was so hot.

Okay, no lady out there will be happy hearing their boyfriend saying other woman is hot right, so I told him I'm not going to watch the show with him.

But after I watch the trailer yesterday, I was looking forward to watch this movie. I admit that Megan Fox was a real hot babe, but I straight k, I'm not attracted by her look nor her body, but is by the movie.

I love horror movie, more scary, more gross the more I love it. I know I sound real sick, but that me.

The movie will be launching on 29 October 2009 in Singapore, I'm so looking forward to watch that.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sentosa Universal Studio

This is real awesome!!! I was so excited when I saw this is Yahoo news, actually I already hear this news on News 5 yesterday, but I miss abit of the announment here & there, & I thought that they going to building the hanging roller coaster at some other country.

Damn cool ah?!?! Not only this, there are a total of 18 rides gonna located at Sentosa Universal Studio!! I will visit there for sure !!

Fernvale Plams

Me & dear was browsing through flat recently. After much consideration, we decide to go for new flat (BTO) instead of the re-sale flat.

Okay, I just submit up our application yesterday night. Chances might not be high, cos there only a few unit but lots of application, hopefully we gonna be the lucky one.

We are trying our luck on the Sengkang Fernvale Plams 5-room flat. There a total of 52units only & till now there are already 274 application. Can you imagine how slim the chance are, & the bidding for this still got another 10 more days to go.

One important factor of are choice is because the price is much more afforable comparing to re-sale flat.

This is where the flat going to be located, still consider quite accessible.

This is how Fernvale Plams look like.

This is the 3-D model of the flat.

This is the floor plan of the flat, a total of 113square feet. Okay, I know is abit small of a 5-room flat, but no choice, there limited land in Singapore, flat are getting smaller & smaller compare to all the old flat.

Need to wait for result, hopefully we are one of the lucky one, if not I also won't know when HDB gonna launch new BTO flat again, & BTO must wait around 4 to 5years before we can get the key & move in. By the time I think I can upgrade to be an aunty class.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fernvale Plams

Me & dear was browsing through flat recently. After much consideration, we decide to go for new flat (BTO) instead of the re-sale flat.

Okay, I just submit up our application yesterday night. Chances might not be high, cos there only a few unit but lots of application, hopefully we gonna be the lucky one.

We are trying our luck on the Sengkang Fernvale Plams 5-room flat. There a total of 52units only & till now there are already 274 application. Can you imagine how slim the chance are, & the bidding for this still got another 10 more days to go.

One important factor of are choice is because the price is much more afforable comparing to re-sale flat.

This is where the flat going to be located, still consider quite accessible.

This is how Fernvale Plams look like.

This is the 3-D model of the flat.

This is the floor plan of the flat, a total of 113square feet. Okay, I know is abit small of a 5-room flat, but no choice, there limited land in Singapore, flat are getting smaller & smaller compare to all the old flat.

Need to wait for result, hopefully we are one of the lucky one, if not I also won't know when HDB gonna launch new BTO flat again, & BTO must wait around 4 to 5years before we can get the key & move in. By the time I think I can upgrade to be an aunty class.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Long Weekend!!

Ohh hooo!! It Monday today, but I'm comfortably in my cozy home at this hour. That one thing good about 5 days work week, even public holiday fall on Saturday, we got another pay back off day!! So shiok right, super long weekend again!

So Friday I tried to rush finish my work, but unfortunatly I still need to bring my work home to do. After work I get a ride from Esther & head over to Tiong Bahru, who know while I'm doing some shopping, dear called & ask me don't wait for him there, he is not going to school that day as he is still held up at work.

After I bought my stuff, I took a bus back to the east & head over to dear house. I swear I'm not going to alight at that bus stop again after the sun set. I must walk behind a school, the light in the carpark is like not working & worst of all, there so many construction workers hang around there, so scary to walk alone!

Meet up with the rest for movie at Plaza Sing late in the night, we watch "Pandorum", It a lousy show, please don't waste your money to watch that. After the show, we had our late supper & head back home.

Saturday woke up & laze around at home first before join the rest for tennis game. The weather was real hot, clear sky, a good day for sport I suppose, but confirm will kenna sunburnt.

Dear pick me up first & head over to pick up Haojie & Derek. Went over to Steven's house for tennis, very nice of him to even prepare ice & drinks for us. It was a fun day, I also tried playing too, dear say I will definately be better than Derek after a few more play.

Dear trash Derek badly, 6-0, all of us get free drink during our dinner. Had our dinner at a coffeeshop somewhere near-by, order lots of food, and the food there is really nice. After dinner, send the rest back & we head back for shower before we go over to "Birdie Putt" again.

Nothing much at "Birdie Putt" just keep drinking & playing dices with other, but something happen to me while we head out to smoke. Okay, been awhile since I last black-out, I black out half way while the rest still smoking.

Out of sudden my vision turn blur, but the rest still not done with their cigarette yet so I tried to hang on the. I lay my back on the car beside the road, suddenly dear notice that & ask me not to lay on other people car. By the time I cannot see anything infront of me, I don't even know dear is infront of me.

Dear saw me standing there very shaky & face suddenly turn very pale, so he decide to send me home first. While walking to the car, I can't see a thing & dear told me I actually walk to the wall. The worst thing is all thought I'm drunk, but I'm not, I'm totally sober & I cannot even feel any kick yet. After resting a while on the journey back, I still can have some supper before heading home.

Sunday is a lazy day at home, I send the whole day editing photos at home. Nothing much to blog about but just wanna share what I had for my dinner. Guess what I had for dinner, I had 933 golden pillow. Yeh, nothing special on that right, but I order a Golden Pillow Abalone Curry Chicken Bun, sound interesting now right.

Dear was rather picky on food & he also say that the dinner was good. Maybe is because of the abalone in the curry, the curry got a sweet taste in it, but at the same time, the taste of the abalone was not damage by the curry, awesome!! Got 4 small abalone in one bun, I love to eat all the good food, maybe that why I felt it rather worth the price I'm paying.

For other products they have, you can check out their link:

I got lots of new photos to share, just got those copy from Steven last Saturday. Alittle lazy to upload all, as blogspot is a little difficult to upload on picture. I'll just share some here, for more photo can check out at my Facebook account or my old Multiply link, it much easiler to upload there.

These are the photos taken on dear's birthday at "Birdie Putt"

My Darling Geraldine

Me & my Dearest hubby

The usual hang out

Our "Family" Photo

"Family" photo (Take II)

muack muack!! Birthday kiss for my hubby

These photos below are taken quite sometime ago, a night out with Xin xin & Sugar at Xiao Gulin.


Taken last Saturday after tennis session

Photos uploading

Okay, finally I manage upload lots of photos to my multiply. Took me the whole of yesterday editing the photos, as the photos was took using SLR, so the file is rather big.

Enjoy the photos!!

Friday, October 16, 2009


For god sake!!

I don't know what is wrong with Multiply, I keep facing problem while loading my page, pissed me off!!! The window hang is okay, but it hang my whole lappy at the same time!! ARGH!!!

How do I upload stuff if that the case.

So does the problems lay on multiply or there is too much stuff in my blog.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chance to Fly

Those crazy peepz are planning to go BKK next year April. Yah, seem a little too early to foresee what gonna happen in the near future right, but if they book the tickets now they can get it at a great price.

Of cos we are not forgotten by them, they did ask me & dear if we wanna tag along. Sound fun isn't it, can go oversea holiday with my dear & peepz, most important, I can take aeroplane there. But the sad thing is dear turn down their offer, he is unable to know what it gonna be like at work on the next April, he is afraid that he promise yet cannot make it.

Well, the group of peepz did PM me & ask me on the FB wall asking me to join them without my dear as Geraldine was the only lady going with them & they are afraid she felt uncomfortable, but I turn them down too.

Okay, I admit that I'm kind of super-glued to my dear. If got choice, I won't want to go out & enjoy myself without him around by my side.

Secondly, if I gonna BKK with the rest, it gonna be my first flight trip. Yeh, okay, I know that some of you not going to believe that I had not sit on an aeroplane before, but it true, for the peepz that know me well enough should know that. So, for my first flight trip, I will wish to go with my dear & nobody else.

Thirdly, can you imagine that I am going with all is broz to BKK. So other than work, me & all his broz is not around with him what is he going to do here, only left with his meow meow to accompany him, so 可怜 & I won't let that happen to my dear.

And lastly, their activities is not my kind of activities. I can drink & party at time, but not always. What else they gonna do there other than party? I cannot think of any.

Most important of all, if I go there I will miss my dear real badly & even my physical body is at BKK, but I will never enjoy my trip there.

So, after all this consideration, I won't feel so sad for not joining other now. Geraldine was totally cool even she is the only lady going.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dear's 25th Birthday Photos

Photos taken on my hubby 25th Birthday is out, alot but not all yet! More to come real soon

Photos taken during dinner time:

Deciding what to order

Eating time

~Photos taken at Birdie Putt~

Dear's sworn brothers

Birthday Kiss for my hubby

Kisses from his bro

Dear with Kieve

5 seconds of Martel

Here come the Birthday Cake

Make a wish

Cut the cake

Time for "waterfall"

Me & dear

The kick of "waterfall" is here

Not drunk yet, still can sing

Kiss kiss

hello~ lolz

Dear's shirt match well wit my coach bag.