Well, I was so looking forward for friday. Firstly, I will be going back to the main office. Chance to meet up with my girls again & have lunch together with them. Secondly, I had a date with Missy M & Samuel for a walk at East Coast Park that night. Finally Samuel & Dino can make friend.
Everything was smooth till that evening got a little hip-up at work. Well is not something happy so I shall not share it here.
Meet Missy M at East Coast, had our late dinner, all of us were starving. We had dinner at Kenny Roger, my all time favourite. This time round turn to be a little disappointing, the cheese maronni taste horrible, it like maronni in cheese soup.
Missy M bought a bottle of bubble to play with Dino, & of course, Dino never fail to chase the bubbles.
Had a coffee at Coffee-Bean & take lot of photo.
Saturday I received a call from dear in the morning, surprise that he woke up so early as the day before he went drinking with his friends till rather late. He gonna head over to hospital in the morning to visit his friend, Rong Gui met an accident.
Till noon time, dear, Haojie & Derek was at interchange having their lunch & I head over to look for them. Heard from them that one of Rong gui cannot even open his eye now, there stitches on his head & a hole on his knee, that bad.
After lunch we head back to dear’s house, let him have a nap while I start playing with the games in his phone. Wake dear up at around 4.30pm, get himself wash up, Kieve was already waiting outside his house.
We are heading to Orchard, but Kieve say he wanna pack his car at the public carpark behind Wheelock, so he lead the way. Dear was so pissed, Kieve bought us go rounding, we went pass 2 ERP which actually not necessary to pass by any of it, that cost us 3bucks.
The public car park was so full so we ended up parking our cars in Wheelock, spend lot of time on the road & waiting itself.
First stop we head to Wheelock to get Kieve’s I-Phone speaker exchanged and we head to Icon, the new shopping now. Felt a little out of place, they are selling tons of brands items there. Can you imagine you even need to queue up into the LV shop, the shop itself have 2 storey inside.
The higher level is not for us, so we went to the basement, there a total of 4 storey of basement shop. The place is so big, yet still so packed with people.
Icon have a lots of food store there, mainly are Japanese food. I don’t know if the food is really nice or it just something new to everyone, everywhere is queue. We ended up queuing for our dinner for more than half hour just for a simple bowl of raman. But seriously the raman is good, but too expensive, just a bowl of raman cost $15.80.
Guess how much the parking cost? For around 2hours plus we pay $7.50 for parking. Dear say he is not going to bring me to Orchard anymore.
On our way to Parkway to meet with Kelvin we saw firwork, I simply love firework. Had a drink with them, while the rest head over for movie, me & dear went home to rest.
Today we sleep most of the time, just simply too tired for anything. Till late afternoon, went out for a drink with the rest, evening time we went to pick dear’s mum & bro to their relative’s house.
Had our dinner over at dear’s relative house, the aunty cook nonya prawn noodle, “wu xiang” & fried chicken wings, really very nice. Dear’s dad still joking ask when I’m going to learn how to cook the nonya prawn noodle too, they will help me try the food.
So fast, the weekend has come to an end, tomorrow is another working. Well, looking forward for the coming weekend, gonna be a long weekend & ah zhi is coming back from U.S. our first fighter plane pilot in the family, miss him so much.
Now let me introduce you guys Samuel & Missy M ->
This is Samuel, a 14years old pom, a very old dog now.
This is Missy M with Samuel
Missy M & Dino
Photos of Dino & Samuel
It Dino photos
Dino chasing bubbles
Me & my baby Dino
Missy M, Samuel & Me
Me & the pawz frenz
Me with Samuel
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