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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Shallow & Ignorance

I wanna share a shallow conversation between a group of friend during their 老朋友 meet up:

Girl A: Hey "Boy B", ask you ah, is "Boy C" very rich?!?!
Boy B: "Boy C" is not rich, "Boy C" is FUCKING RICH!!
Girl A hesitate awhile & reply:
Girl A: Is it? But…. He is not handsome although he is rich!!

Boy B was a little pissed when he hear how Girl A say about his friend, but he hold back as what gonna come out from his mouth gonna be hurting.
(As if you are very pretty, not pretty still dare to hiam other not handsome)

Conversation continued. . . . . .
Girl A: I was thinking to get a car, I cannot decide if I should get a Civic like "Boy D" or a Fit like "Boy E", what you all suggest?
Boy B: hmmmm… Excuse me, you were saying Civic like "Boy D"?!? Did I hear it right?!?
Girl A: Ya, can't decide is a Civic 1.8 or a Civic 2.0?
Boy B: Please open your eyes, that is a sport car, that is a Type R!!

Silent filled the room, everyone was stunt by what Boy B said.

Boy F: Aiyah! What so great about it! People father rich what, of cos he can drive a Type R.
Boy B: How can you all say that when you all don't even know how hard he work for what he has today? You all say is because of his father, do you all know that how many of his clients offered him to work in their company? If not because of his father, I think he have even more than a Type R now if he is working outside.
Boy F: What so great about Type R? If me, I would rather buy a EVO.
Boy B: With the money he paid for his Type R, he can easily get a EVO with that amount, but he chose not to, is the car that matter, is never the money issue, is not worth it.

I wanna share this conversation to people outta, letting all know how shallow one can be when they speak without even thinking. So, shallow people outta, please keep your mouth shut if you don't know anything, this will only make you look more ugly than before.

To Girl A:
Before you rate other as not handsome, please look yourself in the mirror to see how "beautiful" you are first. Don't you know woman depreciate while man appreciate? Maybe you should listen to what other say before you start rating other, when Boy C saw you after so many years & he ask us what happen to you, why you become so chui!! Your arm is just as big as the size of his calf. His word hurting right? But your words to him isn't any better as well.

At the same time, maybe should let you know that the guys outta rate you as "CHEAP" when you try to "up-selling" yourself & "hunt" the guys down like your prey. Your action is not attractive nor seductive to them, they are turn off with your act instead. This little act of your don't work for all guys, not all guys think with their "head" instead of their brain, especially those for are look for a lifetime mate instead of just a 3month girlfriend.

To Boy F:
FYI, you are the most shallow person I ever came across. If you yourself have no plan to upgrade yourself, just stay where you are, how could you influence other to chose not to study like you? How could you say people are stupid to go for ACCA? You are the most stupidest person in the world!! You know how hard is it to get a ACCA cert? Some people can take 10years just to get the cert, once you got the cert, jobs will come chasing after you & not you searching high & low for a job, can you tell the differences? Once he got a ACCA cert, your friend will earn double or triple of your earning, till then, than you can tell the people outta how wonderful a SALEMAN job is.

To all people outta, let me tell you. Though Boy B work in his dad company, but he worked hard for what he deserved now. When you guys are enjoying your weekend, Boy B is still struggling with his work in the office, when you all enjoying your leave entitlement, Boy B work through every year without taking any leaves or MC. He worked double hard than anyone of you outta cos he is the boss son, if you all don't know the situation, don't judge one by the "beautiful" out look, he went through so much to earn what he deserved today.

I'm not afraid to tell everyone Boy B is my boyfriend, I witness & went through all the hard work by his side. I'm not being a hypocrite or scare to state the people name in my blog, this is a free world, I can write whatever I want in my blog as long as I did not get myself in any political issue. The reason I don't want to state name is becos I don't want to be that harsh, my blog is open to all, I won't want to shame anyone in my post.

If you are reading my post now & you can easily easy who is Girl A & Boy F, you can go ahead & share what I wrote to them. My boyfriend is not those useless "Ah Sia Kia" that born with a golden spoon in his mouth, he is no longer the teenagers you all used to know, he is a grown-up man which is ready to start a family of his own & is responsible for all his actions now. His family might be rather well to do, but his father is not those kind that pamper his sons & bought them up like a spoiled brat, his father made him goes through the hard way in order for him to learn. So, please think before you speak, don't say thing without going through your brain, this can only show people how shallow & ignorance you are, shame on you guys.

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