Oh ya! I'm so happy today, I bought myself a Burberry's key poach today at Singapore DFS.
I was struggling to decide buy or not buy as the price was rather attractive! No GST, no service charge for departure passenger! Most importance of all, I had been searching for this key poach for SOOoooo long, finally I found it!!
The sale person reminded me that if I get it on my arrival, I'll need to pay additional 7% GST, so without much a do, I bought it! Got it at 242 SGD!!
I post it on my Facebook's wall & dear commented that I should have told him earlier on so he can get it for me instead! Told dear is a want & not a need after all, & his burden is rather heavy now, I don't wish that he spend this unnecessary thing on me!
But seriously, I'm so glad that dear have this though!! LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!
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