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Sunday, July 3, 2011


HELLO ALL, I MAD BORED ALONE IN MY HOTEL ROOM ALONE IN BANGKOK NOW!!! Eating my special dinner order, room service, & blogging this entry at the same time.

I seriously don't like the idea of going business trip, people outta might envy me to be able to travel quite often, but I'm rather "sticky" to my boyfriend, I prefer to be his side every now & then.

Yesterday, dear bought me to Asia Auto Salon 2011 together with Ben, Jimmy & Derek. 15bucks for entrance fee per pax, the money was rather well spent & we manage to witness a good drift.

I took tons of photos in the car exhibit, but I only decide to upload some in my blog, for more of the photos, please go to my facebook album instead:

Some video to share for all on the drift, good thing are worth sharing.

Usually dear will spend the Saturday at my house with me, but dear send me home early yesterday as I got early flight to catch this morning.

I felt so sad after I saw what dear post on his Facebook wall:

I really don't wish to leave him alone in Singapore, but I really have no choice, I feel damn bad.

In the morning when I wanna step out of the house, Dino saw me pulling the luggage, he also gave me a sad look on his face, that really make me heartache. ARGHH!! I WANNA GO HOME. 

So I took 1 photo with my baby before I step out: 

Okay, I'm done with my food!! Time for bubble bathe & an early night. YAWNzz, so tired after a long journey

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