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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Canopy Dinner & Bar

Yesterday when me & dear just made up our mind to go for dinner at where, his mum came knocking at the room door telling us that they order pizza, lot of it, ask us to join them for dinner.

I was a little disappointed, a little reluctant to eat pizza for our dinner, but still, we shouldn't disappoint the elderly, all they want is a little get-together having family fun, so, we stayed for dinner instead.

After dinner, we step out of the house, I asking dear so our plan is spoiled now, I can't think of where to go. I can tell that dear really don't want to disappoint me as he knows I really wants to go to Canopy, so he told me that, we can still go there for a drink even though we already had our dinner.

I so happy, anyway I will highly recommend this place to all, it a very cosy place for chilling out. Not only the environment is very nice, the live-band there was awesome, the lead singer have a really good voice, it made me feel so relax there.

At time, dating for 2 can just be simple, cosy environment, right person by your side, wonderful music & a chilling glass of beer, thing can just be simple yet a wonderful experience.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Alfresco Dinning

Yesterday I headed out to vendor place for meeting in the afternoon. Told dear I gonna head over to Changi for meeting with vendor & knock off from there, my silly dear came over to pick me up without finding out I'm at which part of Changi, he went all the way to Service Centre to pick me up.

He was on the line with his client while waiting outside service centre, he waited & waited till he saw Yong Seong step out, wave bye bye to him & left, but dear didn't see the sight of me. Luckily he called 2mins earlier, if not I would had step into the train station.

Dear pick me up at the train station & bought me to dinner. We had a sinful meal yesterday night, we went over to "House of Seafood" to have our dinner, crab feast for 2. I love alfresco dinning, it gave me a out of city feel, a little getaway from our usual busy life.

Dear was saying that it a little weird for the 2 of us to eat the crab there. He say for people of our age should be dinning in a nice romantic restaurant instead of dipping our hand in the sauce & start peeling the shell of the crab.

I totally agree with what he say, but I told dear why must we simply just follow other blindly cos majority of the people do so, we feel like eating crab, so here we are, enjoying eating the crab now, we should go with what we feel :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I love going to go Kbox on Monday, the price is just sooooo FREAKING CHEAP!!! As I'm someone that enjoy listening to other sing but I will not attempt to sing at all, the price is worth paying just to kill my 3hours there, enjoy munching the tibits & drink. 

8bucks Nett price per pax, no KOD charges, no tibits charges & no taxes, it still come with 1 cup of drink each. Sound too good to be true right? This is a promotion for Kbox members, but I'm not sure why it not publish in their webby about this promotion, maybe it just too attractive to be true.

We had a fun night yesterday, Jaryl & dear just can't stop "suaning" each other even after not meeting for so long. Jaryl's girlfriend has a really good voice, no wonder she is professional singer of classical music, even dear was stunt by her voice too, crystal cleared was the words used to describe her voice, simply powerful. She is the very first person I know telling me that the song is too low for her voice, can you image how high her voice can be? Incredible high!!

The favorite question that Jaryl always ask us when he is back in Singapore is "When you guys getting marry?", we are not spared with this question yesterday too, the answer he will always get is "Tomorrow".

He says that he had been asking this question for years, he can't even recalled how many "Tomorrow" he heard from us, even now we already got our flat, he still get the "Tomorrow" answer from us. 

Time really flies, still remember the very first time I saw Jaryl was when dear bought dinner for me, he is not able to stop his car at the road side & bring the food to my shop for me, so he had to drop Jaryl off at the road side, trouble him to bring the food in for me. This was like 4 to 5years ago, feel so old thinking back now.

Monday, July 25, 2011


I was still thinking that I had some extra hard cash with me this month I wanna buy a new bag, but can't decide to get a Coach, Burberry, Longchamp or Victoria Secret bag.

The Coach bag I bought earlier this year was a little…hmm… I don't exactly know how should I phrase the word, I can't say the bag is spoiled, cos actually is just that some of the stitches give way, other than that, everything is perfectly fine. Well, I'm a little perfectionist at time, so I can't actually stand the damage.

Never be too fast with words, guess what, I need to bear with this little damage on my Coach bag now, cos I got a BIGGER damage in my pocket. INCOME TAX!!! Damn it, I need to pay income tax this year. Salary went up of cos is something to be happy about, but once it hit over 30k annually you need to pay tax, to be exact, is never a win win situation.

Guess what my beloved Merlinda suggested me to do in Facebook?
"Quickly get married and have kids - tax exemption. I have not paid income tax for a LONG time:)"

What a cute teacher I have right? Make me laugh at the time I feel the pinch.

Monday, July 18, 2011

My Weekend

This is not going to be a wordy entry cos I got tons of photos to share.

I'm glad that draggy Friday still consider ends rather smoothly after a day of MC on Thurday. Meet up with Roland, Liting, Eileen & Ellyson at Vivo first before Roland send us over to Marina Square to meet up with the rest.

Friday was Elaine actual birthday, we celebrate her birthday with her over for a dinner at MOF. After so long, Friday finally is the day that all the 6 of us are available.

Time files, 9years back was the time when I get to know most of them, now, everyone had left Haagen Daze & lead our own carrer path.

 Let me start with the food first:
♥Chawamushi  to start the meal with

♥This is my Saba set

♥Catherine's dinner, taste like claypot rice

♥Elaine's Hot Plate

♥Kiwi's unagi meal 

♥Princess Ellyson Kid meal

♥Liting's Unagi rice bowl

♥Eileen's Cha Soba meal

♥It ice cream time

♥Elaine's dessert with candle

♥Ellyson is telling us she is SO FULL, lolz

♥She love steam egg

♥Her fake smile

♥Let all tuck in

♥Elaine still need to cook her own food

♥Total engross in food

♥Her shock face

♥Me & the Birthday girl

♥With Kiwi

♥I took lots of photo with her cos we just can't get it right


♥Us again

♥Cam whoring

♥Once again

♥Group photo after so long


♥Eileen Mummy with Cheeky Ellyson

♥With my sister

♥I Love this photo

♥Tickle Tickle

♥Test shot

♥Me & Kiwi

♥With Ting

♥With Eileen Mummy, her tummy got 1 more

♥Us, after 9years

♥Esplanade is the place that bring us all together

♥Time to say bye bye
After the dinner, dear came over to pick me up, at the same time also drop Cat & Elaine back to their house. Was a little rush, after dropping them I need to hurry home to get my passport, everyone is waiting for me before we head over to JB.

The rest of them actually went there to buy DVD, but me & dear actually went there to kill our time. Never get a single stuff or spend a single cent in our trip.

I watch Harry Potter on Saturday, the show was awesome. After the movie we went for a simple supper before we head home.

♥Late night supper is SINFUL

Sunday suppose to be a rest day for us, but received a call from Steven, so we actually accompany him to Volkwagen for car viewing in the late afternoon.

Finally I got to see "xiao xing xing", she is SOOO CUTE!! Very playful too, she just can't stop biting, very mischievous for a 6weeks old pup.

♥She just cant sit still

♥Xiao Xing Xing is just so cute

♥Xing Xing Mummy

♥She love belly rub

♥Her blur look

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Shallow & Ignorance

I wanna share a shallow conversation between a group of friend during their 老朋友 meet up:

Girl A: Hey "Boy B", ask you ah, is "Boy C" very rich?!?!
Boy B: "Boy C" is not rich, "Boy C" is FUCKING RICH!!
Girl A hesitate awhile & reply:
Girl A: Is it? But…. He is not handsome although he is rich!!

Boy B was a little pissed when he hear how Girl A say about his friend, but he hold back as what gonna come out from his mouth gonna be hurting.
(As if you are very pretty, not pretty still dare to hiam other not handsome)

Conversation continued. . . . . .
Girl A: I was thinking to get a car, I cannot decide if I should get a Civic like "Boy D" or a Fit like "Boy E", what you all suggest?
Boy B: hmmmm… Excuse me, you were saying Civic like "Boy D"?!? Did I hear it right?!?
Girl A: Ya, can't decide is a Civic 1.8 or a Civic 2.0?
Boy B: Please open your eyes, that is a sport car, that is a Type R!!

Silent filled the room, everyone was stunt by what Boy B said.

Boy F: Aiyah! What so great about it! People father rich what, of cos he can drive a Type R.
Boy B: How can you all say that when you all don't even know how hard he work for what he has today? You all say is because of his father, do you all know that how many of his clients offered him to work in their company? If not because of his father, I think he have even more than a Type R now if he is working outside.
Boy F: What so great about Type R? If me, I would rather buy a EVO.
Boy B: With the money he paid for his Type R, he can easily get a EVO with that amount, but he chose not to, is the car that matter, is never the money issue, is not worth it.

I wanna share this conversation to people outta, letting all know how shallow one can be when they speak without even thinking. So, shallow people outta, please keep your mouth shut if you don't know anything, this will only make you look more ugly than before.

To Girl A:
Before you rate other as not handsome, please look yourself in the mirror to see how "beautiful" you are first. Don't you know woman depreciate while man appreciate? Maybe you should listen to what other say before you start rating other, when Boy C saw you after so many years & he ask us what happen to you, why you become so chui!! Your arm is just as big as the size of his calf. His word hurting right? But your words to him isn't any better as well.

At the same time, maybe should let you know that the guys outta rate you as "CHEAP" when you try to "up-selling" yourself & "hunt" the guys down like your prey. Your action is not attractive nor seductive to them, they are turn off with your act instead. This little act of your don't work for all guys, not all guys think with their "head" instead of their brain, especially those for are look for a lifetime mate instead of just a 3month girlfriend.

To Boy F:
FYI, you are the most shallow person I ever came across. If you yourself have no plan to upgrade yourself, just stay where you are, how could you influence other to chose not to study like you? How could you say people are stupid to go for ACCA? You are the most stupidest person in the world!! You know how hard is it to get a ACCA cert? Some people can take 10years just to get the cert, once you got the cert, jobs will come chasing after you & not you searching high & low for a job, can you tell the differences? Once he got a ACCA cert, your friend will earn double or triple of your earning, till then, than you can tell the people outta how wonderful a SALEMAN job is.

To all people outta, let me tell you. Though Boy B work in his dad company, but he worked hard for what he deserved now. When you guys are enjoying your weekend, Boy B is still struggling with his work in the office, when you all enjoying your leave entitlement, Boy B work through every year without taking any leaves or MC. He worked double hard than anyone of you outta cos he is the boss son, if you all don't know the situation, don't judge one by the "beautiful" out look, he went through so much to earn what he deserved today.

I'm not afraid to tell everyone Boy B is my boyfriend, I witness & went through all the hard work by his side. I'm not being a hypocrite or scare to state the people name in my blog, this is a free world, I can write whatever I want in my blog as long as I did not get myself in any political issue. The reason I don't want to state name is becos I don't want to be that harsh, my blog is open to all, I won't want to shame anyone in my post.

If you are reading my post now & you can easily easy who is Girl A & Boy F, you can go ahead & share what I wrote to them. My boyfriend is not those useless "Ah Sia Kia" that born with a golden spoon in his mouth, he is no longer the teenagers you all used to know, he is a grown-up man which is ready to start a family of his own & is responsible for all his actions now. His family might be rather well to do, but his father is not those kind that pamper his sons & bought them up like a spoiled brat, his father made him goes through the hard way in order for him to learn. So, please think before you speak, don't say thing without going through your brain, this can only show people how shallow & ignorance you are, shame on you guys.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Dizzy spell

Went to quite a couple of places yesterday.

After dear knock off from work, he & his mum came over to my place & pick me up, off we go, head over to meet up with his dad at Toa Payoh, after dear's dad pick up his car from the service shop & we went to Crystal Jade for lunch.

We order far too much food, feel so bloated after eating, I'm rather picky over food, should I say that luckily alot of the food on the table I don't eat at all, so dear's dad & mum can't stuff me with food like what they usually do, the 3 of them need to clear them off instead.

Go for a walk at Giant before we head home, simply too bloated, need a little walk to digest the food. After Giant, we went home & dear have a short nap, he is feeling tired as he woke up rather early to work that morning, he need some recharge before going out later.

Meet Derek at Demsey Ben & Jerry after his work, he lost his way, so even before he reach I already finished my ice cream, he felt so cheated, make him come all the way down for nothing.

After filling my tummy with ice cream, time to fill the guys tummy with some decent food instead. Went to The Railmall at Woodland for fishball noodle, that wasn't our initial plan, but we lost our way once again & landed there.

Some billiard game after food, not Katong this time, we went to ECP instead, but I seriously hate that place! The place is so tidy, so "messy" in a way & worst still, real smoky!!

When a smoker cannot tanhan the smoke smell, you can imagine how bad it is, I really have difficult breathing there. When we step out & chill at the side, but who know my "dear old friend", dizzy spell came back to look for me once again after so long.

I can feel the numbness in my hands, feets & lips. Breathing difficulty, cold sweat running down my body & my vision start to turn blur, I can just blackout anytime soon. No choice but told the rest I wasn't feeling very well, need to stop their conversation which everyone so engrossing in & head back home to rest.

Dear walk me slowly to the car, luckily I manage to stay conscience & didn't blackout! I hate this feeling! I hate the feel of my body being out of my control!!

Guess my body is alright, just the smoke in the billiard salon makes me sick!