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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Appointment of Lease

On next Thursday, 2nd June 2011, I will be officially signing my life away to pay for my future nest.

I had receive a letter from HDB, they request us to go down on that day for the appointment of lease. So on that day, we need to make our very first payment, guess how much is it? 5% of the flat price, plus a lot of nonsense fee, stamp fee etc, the whole sum came up to 23K!!!

Scary ah?!? Yah, I was stunted by the figure too, just a stamp they charge me 5K plus!! Nearly fainted!! But 23K is really nothing as compare to our flat price, 350K.

Luckily the amount can be deducted from CPF & we do have the amount in our account, so visibly, we feel no pitch at all but in the actual fact, it still our hard-earned money.

Okay, at least after this payment, we won't need to pay any more money, I mean at least for the next 3 years till we get hold of our keys.

Now we got our flat, so guess it time to start planning for the next move. Don't ask me what the next move, when we getting marry now! Cos I don't know too, I'm still waiting for my propose ring ;)

Monday, May 23, 2011


Seriously, Saturday was a day of madness, we really made a full use of the day.

Dear came over to pick me up around noon time, he send me over to my ah ma's house to bring Dino for mum. After drop by ah ma house, me & dear went over to Changi village for lunch with Derek, & head over to Jimmy's place before we go over to RaceTech.

Dear bought his car for servicing, Jimmy can't resist tempation, he got his exhast change there too.

By the time we got both car fixed it already dinner time. Yaoyang went over to Kallang Airport to meet up with us there for dinner.

It was a freaking hot day, so dear head home for a quick shower before we continue with our plan. Decide to go head over to Katong for some billard, don't know which idiot say last person to reach must treat drink, all drive like mad!

During the game, RongGui & his girlfriend head over to find us, after we decide our next destination, all run over to their car & race over to Kallang Leisure park for bowling session. We are seriously crazy!! We speed on the road as if rushing to hell, but is FUN!!

In the end we gave bowling a missed, too many people. So we went to Yishun Dam for some ice cream & we end the day at 2am.

On Sunday, I woke up early to fry some lunchon meat for dear as breakfast, while doing half way, dear woke up & walk into the kitchen. He voluteen to make me some half boiled eggs, so swwet of him.

During evening time, dear bought me to Sembawang Shopping Centre for a walk, we talk share so much of our future plan together, so much thing in mind but so little time.

We had dinner at Hei Sushi, is under Sakae Sushi but is halah, taste really horrible & variety is very limited.

Mum left for Cameron Highland that night, so dear can accompany me another 2 night.

Today I was on half day leave, went for groceries shopping with Sharon before I head home to fixed up dinner for dear.

Special request from dear, he want me to make baked-bean with minced meat & french onion fried egg for him, he want to find back the taste of his ah ma dish. I got the reciept from dear's mum. I was glad that dear say the dish is nice, he manage to find a similiar taste of it, but there still room for improvement.

Other than the 2 dishes, I made some stuff wings too. I love it so much, but too much work needed for that, need to debone etc, wasted so much time.

Need to do household chores now, YAWNZZzz, I missed my mum to clear my mess for me.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Midnight Stroll

Okay, my holiday is coming to an end in a few hours time.

Yesterday, dear & me when to explored a new place which we have no been before. It really a amazing place that I want to introduce to all. Welcome to Lorong Halus Wetland.

This a location at a far end at Pasir ris, a newly build reservoir I guess. Nothing fantastic to you, I thought so too at the start! The amazing thing is the bridge actually link 2 town together, 2 distanced town by wheel. By the way, all we need, is just 10minutes of walk, we can get to Puggol from Paris ris.

It a nice stroll along the Riverwalk park, gentle breeze accompany through the journey & finally the walkway lead us to "Frenzie" at Puggol.

Monday, May 16, 2011


I'm seriously mad bored in office now, I shouldn't have bought my work home to do last weekend. I forget that system is down today, actually should have recovered at this hour, but due to some unforeseen situation, SAP still not up at this hour.

Been playing games & surfing net basically the whole day & I'm getting real bored about it. Been some times since I sit down I post a proper entry, so I shall do it now.

Last week basically is a very busy & hectic week for me. On Monday, mum woke me up early in the morning told me that ah ma was send to hospital. I had a lunch appointment with Cat, till that time ah ma is still not out of the ICU, so me & Cat decide to go ahead with our lunch appointment before we drop by to visit her.

Went to "Miss U Café" with Cat, had a filling lunch, after our lunch we head over to Tampines Singtel shop. I was determined to buy an I-Phone 4 that day, ended up, I manage to convinced Cat to buy with me too. Now I got my new white I-Phone.

After we got the phone, was informed that Ah ma was transferred to an ICU ward, so we went to visit her. Doctor say that she has a blood clog in her lung causing her to run out of oxygen & fainted, on our visit, ah ma kept throwing out, throwing out blood some more, scared the hell out of us.

But everything is in the past now, I'm glad ah ma condition has stable down, although she was not discharge yet, but at least she was transferred to normal ward now.

Maybe is due to the long weekend, business trip & stuff, a lot of my daily operation stuff at work was put on hold, so my work load for the week is like double heavy as compare to the normal days, but I manage to clear most if it now.

Clock strike 5, I doubt SAP system can recover today! I shall continued to play my games, surf my net till 6pm. Tomorrow is another public holiday, I don't like public holiday to fall on Tuesday to Thursday, it just gonna mess up my working momentums. Well, the next public holiday gonna be on August, long way to go, I gonna make good use of my leave on months without public holiday, afraid that I'm not able to clear my 30days of leave by next finance year.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Motivated to work DOUBLE hard :D

Today I suppose to go Singtel Com centre after my work to get my phone to checked on, god knows I need to work till 8pm today. I got tons of work waiting for me to clear!!! ARGH!! I going crazy soon.

But currently I'm very motivated to work, feel so happy, I got my letter from my boss .

At the same time I'm a little disappointed too, no promotion this year, only a 200bucks increment, not so bad after all, & of cos not forgetting my BIG, FAT BONUS!!!

Okay, as compare to last year I get much more this year, better than the 3months bonus I got last year!!

Can you imagine just for bonus itself, I'm getting real close to 10K!!! NO JOKE, I'm seriously!! It really close to 10K. My jaw drop when I saw the letter, freaking HAPPY!!!

Enough of the nonsense, I promise I gonna work real hard to achieve my targeted goal!! I have so much plan about how I'm gonna spend the money, need to spend real wisely!!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My new phone :D

Currently I'm blogging this entry using my I-phone, this gonna be a real short entry. well, finally I decide to give up on the wait & get a white I-phone instead as my Satio I doubt can tanhan till the next generation out. Everything was good except I start to encounter some 3G network connecting issue. gonna give Singtel a call tomorrow again. Yah, I'm so gald ah ma is out of ICU ward & transferred to normal ward now. I shall update again once I got time to do so, rather packed with stuffs nowadays. YAWNZZZzz..... Good night all! ZZZzzz...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Photos - Day 2 in Bangkok

I got a little hangover feel still now, did not have enough sleep too. I wanna share my day 2 & 3 feel in Bangkok, but too lethargic to describe too much now.

I shall let the photos to do the talking, I believe picture speak a million words.

Let me introduce Thailand Epson Head office to you:

♥Visitor pass to enter the Empire Tower♥

♥My name tag in the meeting room♥

♥Once you enter the main office at 42story, Epson Bank is there to welcome you♥

♥Not only Epson Bank, they still have a Printing Cafe♥

♥Nice view for a place to relax after a stress day of work♥

♥The whole range of TM printers at Printing Cafe♥

♥Projectors showcase area♥

♥For people who don't know, these are all Large format printers♥
♥This machines is to print all blissful couple wedding photos♥

♥Display of beautiful artworks♥

♥Customers's signature to thank you Epson♥

♥Their pantry area♥

♥A mini library in the pantry, they can borrow books from there♥
♥This is a very good ways for knowledge sharing♥

♥It time to get ready for a hectic day of meeting♥

♥This is the place where my team sit in the meeting♥
♥Regional CS Department♥

♥These people is from Thailand, Malaysia, Philiphine♥
♥Not forgetting our Chairman, Endo-san too♥

♥This group of people is from India, Singapore & Indonesia♥

♥This is the lunch they prepared for us♥

♥How can we don't drink Tomyam soup when you visit Thailand♥

♥Tea Time♥
♥All our treat are packed so nice in individual box for all♥

♥Market visit at IT mall in Thailand, I forgot what is this building called♥
♥This place is so like Sim Lim Square in Singapore♥

♥This is their authorized service partner in Thailand♥

♥Range of products display outside the shop♥

♥Certification display, issue by Kato-san as a form of appreciation♥

♥Service corner♥

♥Score card to show customer the repaired turn around time of all brands♥

♥Projectors display in the shops♥

♥This is the Dot Matrix printer range♥

♥Their overall display of our products♥

♥Sunset on the way to Baiyork Tower for dinner♥

♥All these masks is so scary! Selling in the night market♥

♥Time for dinner now♥

♥Dinner at level 77♥

♥Traditional Thai's mask♥

♥This is funny isn't it?!? Whahaha!!♥

♥Dinner place♥

♥View from the dinner table♥

♥I took this from level 84 sky viewing tower♥

Sadly, my photos journal will end here cos my camera battery went flat & worst still, I didn't bring my charger along.