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Sunday, May 16, 2010

I'm done with my work!! :)

Long & torturing Regional Meeting finally come to an end on Friday, but that not all for me, I still needs to go home & rush the meeting minutes for my boss.

Went to dear's house to meet him after work on Friday. Not going out so early, so take the spare time to go up part of my work.

Till later in the night head over to "Star" to have a little drink with Kieve & his girlfriend. Did not stay for long as dear still got to work the next day & we don't really like the place, so cramp & noisy.

Saturday dear came over to pick me up after his work. accompany him for his late lunch & head over to visit dear's uncle at Simei. I head over to Pet Sarfari while dear went over to visit his uncle, I bought lots of stuffs.


Chripping toy

Dino's toothbrush

Dino's new bed

I bought a new bed for Dino, a toothbrush as Dino got stinking breathe after his meal. Bought some toys for dear's kitties too. So happy when I see the kitties enjoy their toys.

Ah Jon staring at the chripping toy

Miu miu playing with Furry

Dino checking out his new bed

Dino don't seem to like it

Nua at dear's house & we head out in the night. We went for a spin & head over to 511 for some grap before we head back home.

My dear was so sweet, he know that busy with my work today, I request to have Long John for our dinner, dear head over in the heavy rain to buy dinner for me, I'm so touch.

Okay, finally I'm done with my minutes, at last I can take a break now!

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