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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Saturday - 29 August 2009

Saturday, wake up early & doll myself up, got an annually meet up with Merlinda & Sharon, our pre-celebration for “Teacher’s Day”.

This year our location is at “Tampines 1”. As usual, I’m always the earliest to reached. I went to “Pet Station” to get some treat to pamper my Dino.

~all these cost me close to $20, salmon is good for the coat~

I went to Times Book Shop to kill my time; Sharon & Merlinda came over to look for me when they reach. Merlinda was surprise that I will be hanging out in the book shop; she say is so unlike me, I hate books back in my secondary school life. Well, I guess time can change a person.

I suggest to have our lunch at “Manduku”. The place work like “Mache”, you will be given a card when you walk in the shop, order whatever food you like and pay at the cashier when leaving, $100 fines if lost of card. The only different is the place only sells Japanese food.

~Manduku Card~

Our annually meet up is not only to celebrate “Teacher’s Day”, but also to celebrate Sharon’s birthday in advance. Merlinda bought some flower for Sharon, and I got a necklace for Sharon. Isn’t Merlinda sweet? She got a “Care Bear” soft-toy for both of us, as a thank you gift for treating her lunch on “Teacher’s Day” every year.

~Pink Care Bear, My favourite colour~

~Flower from Merlinda to Sharon~

Had a long catch up with them, updating our usual life, it really nice catching up with them once in awhile. After our lunch, Merlinda head home first as she needs to buy lunch for her kids while me & Sharon continue with some window shopping & came over to pick me up around 4plus.

Went to “Jurong Point” with dear as he needs to go work, went shopping myself and bought a new top. After dear finish his work, we continue to shop for awhile & dear was craving for “Mango Snow Ice” he say he found a new place at “Katong” selling that at only $2.

~Mango Snow Ice~

The “Mango Snow Ice” there was cheap, but it doesn’t taste good, the ice doesn’t melt in your mouth straight. Check out the price at “Teo Heng KTV”, it was rather cheap comparing to all other place on weekend, but we can only start singing at 7pm, so dear bought me to eat some “Tian Ping” again. He had sesame paste with almond & I had the yam paste.

~Seasame Paste With Almond~

~Yam Paste with Ginko nut~

The sound system at “Teo Heng” had improved a lot, not as bad as we thought. Sing from 7 to 9pm, I was craving for so “Tiam Sum” after our singing session, so dear bought me to “Desker Road” for our late dinner. Actually both of us were not hungry, but we tried to eat at least a little in case we feel hungry at night.

After our late dinner, dear send me home to take the coins and send me over to Springvale as I had promise Tracy to change the coins with her last week but I forgot to bring it down, they are running out of coins now. Tracy gives me some chocolate ice cream mooncake.

~Ice Cream Mooncake from Haagen Dazs~

Had a rather tired day, so went home straight to rest after Springvale.

Some Randomz Photos to share:

~Omo Rice with burger~

~My Value Combo~

~Me and Sharon, my best pal~

~Sharon and her lunchie~

~My Lunchie look yummy, isn't it~

~Our dessert, Chocolate and Strawberry Pie~

~Fresh Mango Pie~

~Merlinda and Sharon~

~Merlinda and Me~

~Sharon and her Care Bear~

~Dino playing with the toy bone Sharon bought~

Friday, August 28, 2009


This dog was born on the Christmas Eve on 2002. He was born with 3 legs - 2 healthy hind legs and 1 adnormal front leg which had tp amputed. He of course could not walk when he was born, even his mother did not want him.

His first owner also din not think that he could survive and he was thinking of "putting him to sleep". But then, his present owner, Jude Stringfellow, met him and wanted to take care of him. She became determined to teach and train this little dog to walk by himself. She named him "Faith"

In the beginning, she put Faith on a surfboard to let him feel the movement. Later she used peanut butter on a spoon as a lure and reward for him for standing up and jump around. Even other dogs at home encouraged him to walk.

Amazingly, only after 6 months, like a miracles, Faith learned to balance on his hind legs and to jump to move forward. After durther training in the snow, he could walk like a human being.

Faith loves to walk around now. No matter where he goes, he attracts people to him. He is fast becoming famous on the international scene and has appeared on various newspaper and TV shows.

His present owner Jude Stringfellew has given up her teaching post and plans to take him around the world to preach that even without a perfect body, one can have a perfect soul.

In Life, there are always undesirable things, so in order to feel better you just need to look at life from another direction.

Hope this message will bring fresh new ways of thinking to everyone and hope that everyone will appreciate and be thankful for each beautiful day.

Faith is the continual demonstration of the strength and wonder of life.

~Final Destination~

I was so looking forward to knock off yesterday cos dear promise to bring me to watch
“Final Destination 4”

I could still remember the last serial was on the roller coaster thingy, I went to watch with my Raffles City peepz, the show was really nice.

After knock off I head straight to dear’s house. On the way walking there I went to 7-11 to buy some candies, I cannot live without sweet in my bag, it always come in handy when I’m about to black out.

I was rather pissed. Few days back, I went there to buy cigarette, 7-11 was selling at $11.80, after I walk down the road, I saw a shop selling at $11.40, so I told myself next time I will come here & buy instead of going to 7-11. But yesterday when I bought from the shop which sells at $11.40, after buying, I walk down a few shops, there another shop selling it at $11. Pissed!

After dear done with his showering & stuff, we head off to Marina Square for our late dinner. I had a Bento set with salmon & unagi, both my favorite, but was rather expensive.

Both Haojie & Jimmy reach not long after we finish our dinner, Derek join shortly after, went shopping with the guys, kind of window shopping, but most of the shops going to close soon. As usual, we will hang out at the arcade most of our time before the movie.

The movie turns out to be disappointment for us, it was not as good as what we expected & the movie is rather short, 80 minutes only, waste of time. I still so looking forward to watch the movie after I saw the trailer that time.

Anyway a new movie is coming soon; I’m really looking forward to watch that too, “Phobia 2”. It going to be on the big screen on the 9th September, it falls on Sharon’s birthday, but I doubt dear wanna watch that movie with me.

There a very funny incident happens yesterday night. When I reach home around 1plus yesterday, I can see the lighting flush across the dark sky & thunder roaring. So, I decided to let Dino sleep in my room for the night, since my mum already in deep sleep, I let Dino sleep on the bed with me, which mum will never allow.

Dino take my arm as his pillow & doze off straight. It weather was really good for sleep, so cooling & I fall into deep sleep too. My boy just cannot sleep still in a position; he will go every corner of my bed to sleep awhile, he like to sleep on my blanket most, I believe cos it very soft.

I was feeling very cold half way through, so I pull my blanket to cover properly, guess what happen. I didn’t realize that Dino sleep on the blanket close to my feet, with this pull, Dino fall onto the floor & he gave me a super innocent & blur look. I don’t if that hurt, but I just keep laughing there.

I can’t imagine I kick Dino off the bed.
Yesterday was browsing through Facebook & saw that I was tag in this photo. Our Secondary 5 class photo, that was like 7years back, I really miss the good old days.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Randomz Update

Thes are some of the photo that took by Yong Seong last Saturday when we go for our sunrise photo shoot. It kind of fun but lots of mosquitoes there & the sun was really glaring.

It was a nice experience, kind of looking forward for the next photo shooting outing.

~The back ground very nice isn't it~

~I like this photo most~

~This 姑娘 photo below is taken by Song Chin~

There a story behind why is call 姑娘 photo,
the usual gang will know the joke.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gonna Miss Him

Okay, just now dear broke a news to me.

I was so happy that he told me his KL trip might cancel due to the H1N1 thingy yesterday.
Who know just now he told me again his trip is confirm.

He is leaving on next Tuesday on the 1st September.
I gonna miss him badly again!

How I wish he can don't go,
partly is because of the safety.
Can you imagine there like 500 infected by H1N1 daily in KL?!?

Kind of worry!!
So not use without him by my side.

Through out this few years,
first time was his Australia trip,
& 2nd was a KL trip too.
This is the third time he go oversea to work again.

Just pray hard he gonna be okay over there,
the 9days without him will pass real fast.

A New Start

If you guys are my invited guests,
you all should know the reason why I change my blog to blogspot.

This is my first post on blogspot so just make it short & sweet.

A new start on a new blog.
I'll start to post my latest update here.

My blog need some time to set up,
as blogspot is a rather different thing comparing to multiply,
give me some time to adjust to the change.

Stay tune to Lynn's life journal!

Monday, August 24, 2009


Thank you Yong Seong for all this nice photos

Photo below is taken by Song Chin, I'm request by him to pose that way:

~There more photos to come soon~

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Photo Shooting Day

Saturday suppose to be a rest day for me, the sun never rise till the centre of the sky I shouldn’t get out of my bed. But yesterday, I woke up unexpectedly early; I got a date with the gang. I woke up as early as 4plus in the morning.

Feeling rather tired as the day before I tried to get into bed by 10pm, but I keep tossing around & could not get into sleep. Looking into the mirror & I saw myself looking really horrible with the 2 super dark rings under my eyes. Luckily someone invented the concealor, it really a good friend of all women.

Left my house around 5.30am, the street was so quiet at that time. I believe is due to the Chinese 7th month, a lot of empty taxi actually drove pass me & refuse to give me a ride. Reach the destination around 5.50am, 25 more minutes before SC will pick me up from there.

While waiting, A drunken young chap approach me & wanted to borrow my cell from me, of course I say no to him, can see his face look angry when I say I don’t feel comfortable lending him my cell. Not long after, SC they all reach & pick me up from there.

Firstly we went to look for a petrol station to grap some food to fill our stomach. After we had our “pau”, SC drove for quite awhile to look for the place, saw some orange ray coming out from the dark sky, ask SC to drive faster as we don’t want to miss the sunrise.

<Before the sun rises>

Ended up we went to the Puggol Jetty World War II Site for our sunrise. Found a look place to put out stuff & time for photo shooting. Eve was the model for the day, SC & YS tell me a lot on how to adjust the shutter speed & make use of the surrounding light to take good photo, the result turn out well.

<Sun start to rise slowly>

Finally the sun rises at around 7.15am; you can see the orange “yolk” rise for the far corner of the sea, it really beautiful. Took lots of the sunrise & of course some photos of our model of the day, Eve, but I still not good at handling DSLR, landscape photo will still be better than people.

<Eve, our model for the day>

We found a lalang field there, the photo took there of course turn out very nice, but the place was full of mosquitoes, so we faster make our way back to jetty after some shots. Eve really power, she manage to change her clothes in the open without exposing herself, it a skill.

<The Lalang Field>

<Ray of light>


<The Beach>

<At Jetty>

The whole session ends around 9plus, we head to East Coast “Old Town White coffee” for our breakfast. Thank you SC for sending me to dear’s house after our breakfast, all of them live so far away.

It still early of course dear is still in his “la la” land when I reach, I dozed off on the bed as well, but lots of phone calls wake me up from my sleep. There some people came over to view the house too, dear’s dad intent to sell away this condo & buy a bigger house.

The weather was really hot that day, I accompany dear to head over to PSB to do his enrolment for his advance Diploma course. After he done with his enrolment, we head back again, pick his mum up. His mum bought meow meow for sterilization.

Drop his mum off & we head over to Marina Square to meet up with the rest. Kieve, Haojie & Jimmy was at “Chapter 2” cutting their hair, while waiting, me & dear head over to “Billy Bomber” for some shake. Dear had his favourite chocolate shake, while I prefer to have chocolate malt shake instead.

<My Chocolate Malt Shake>

Kelvin came over to find us too. We head over to Beach Road for our dinner. Had “Yu Tuo Ru” for dinner & lots of other dishes, had chicken, cereal prawn, “wu xiang”, prawn paste chicken, tofu, veggie & oyster egg. The food there was really good, especially the soup, you just can’t stop drinking that. As the place was Haojie friend’s mum open one, so we got a rather good dinner deal, should say is cheap & good.

After dinner, the rest head for movie, “District 9” whiles me & dear head home first. Luckily we never join them for the movie, heard that it rather a lousy show.

Sunday, dear wake me up from sleep as I’m still feeling rather tired & refuse to get up from bed. Woke up & make breakfast for dear.

Till around 2plus we went out to have the usual Sunday Sport day with the rest, but had a change of location this time, we went to Tampines as it raining, there a sheltered court there.

Spend most of the time editing my photo as the file was far too big for me to upload.

Take a look of the photos in my album & enjoy the sunrise too.




<Some Random Photos to share from my album>

<FYI, I fix this models myself, I’m a fan of bike>

<Our Promise>