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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Rainbow.. beautiful but will not last

Since the day Dino came into my life. I was so happy, although taking care of Dino is a very tiring thing, but I know there is something there for me to look forward when I go home.


For Dino seek, I tried to swallow down whatever nasty words came out from my mum mouth to avoid any unnecessary quarrel with her, but I know I can’t avoid all this as I will bump into her way on her off.


As I expected, time was hard to pass yesterday. Everything was fine till Dino pee in the living room. I tried to control my cool, not to speak a word when she start saying nasty thing, treat her words is like firing machine gun. With my temper, I will blow my top at any time, but I bear with it for Dino seek.


She is not happy still, not happy that I’m keeping quiet when she scold, she to me,


“You not happy also don’t need to keep quiet & give me this face de.”


She was the one who actually agree to let me keep a dog before I bought Dino home, but now, she is the one who make a big fuss about Dino. Is not that I won’t clear the mess that Dino make, is just that I’m not at home. I never ask her to do it for me, she can simply leave Dino there for me to clear up and I’m totally cool with that.


She says that I know nothing, never think of other before I act. All I know is inconvenience and giving trouble to the people around me. She even ask me to send away Dino, how much we pay to buy Dino, she will pay us back the money jus to send Dino away.


Do you all know how sad I feel when this type of words came out from your own mother’s mouth? I try to hold back my tears when I told dear about this incident, till dear ask if I want to send Dino to SPCA my tears fall.


I don’t want to send Dino away, I love Dino. I want to watch Dino grow up with me.


Dear was suggesting bring Dino to his house instead, of course this is a better suggestion compare to send Dino away to a place I don’t know. Serious I’m just afraid like what my mum say to me, by bring Dino to dear’s house just prove that she is right, causing inconvenience to other. Dino is too young to understand anything; he will be creating a mess in dear’s house too.


I am still thinking of a solution which is best for everyone. Every time I was thinking to send Dino away, I will just cry. I want to move out of that place, I want to get a house of my own real soon. I had enough of all this nonsense now; I don’t know how long more I can take all this, mental stress.


Having Dino is like the rainbow I saw in the sky yesterday evening. It just came out from no where and light up my day. But the beauty of it and the happiness it bring to me is just like a blink of eyes. It will just disappear after a short period of time.



Sunday, February 22, 2009

My First Dog

Yesterday afternoon, receive a call from Sharon asking me to go over her place to look at some stuff. So sweet of Sharon, JunJia & Merlinda. They bought me my advance birthday present, a lady-like bag.


A pink bag from Victoria Secret. Catch up with her awhile till dear come and pick me up after his lesson.


Dear bought me to Pasir Ris Farmway to look for a doggie. Firstly we went to Ericsson Pet Farm, OMG, the puppies there was so expensive, but they are really cute.


Head to many different Pet Farm and lastly we went to Pet Mover. The puppies they selling there was at a much reasonable price.


I bought a Silky Terrier. He is 3months old now, his birthday fall on 5th November 2008, and I name him Dino. Bought him back home around 8plus yesterday.


He is a timid one. I was so afraid went I bought him home yesterday. He was so quiet and don’t move much, but once we reach home, he is activity again.


So cute, he follows where ever u go.


不舍得 to let him stay alone at home for the first day, but still leave him at home and head out with dear to meet Ben for a drink as Ben’s car don’t allow any dog to be in.


Don’t know what wrong with Ben that day, before we even start drinking, he nearly got us into accident twice, scary right?? So dear do the driving instead. Dear is having so much fun driving his Evo9, he says he can really feel the power when he drive.


Head to Siglap for their Erlinger beer, Ben seems to like that. I tried some too, it really very smooth taste for beer compare to other, but I hate beer still. YUCK!!


Head home at around 12.30am. When I got home, my silly Dino had escape out from my toilet, I did not really put the metal gate tight enough. He sleeps on the carpet for my toilet.


One headache about him is he poo poo a lot. I even wake up around 5am just to clear his poo poo and wash him up as he is still not paper train.


He is an attention seeker. He will make a lot of noise if u ignores him. He like you to hug him a lot. When you hug him, he is like a soft-toy, he will just fall asleep in your lap.


He is really giving me a great headache just to clean up his poo poo. I must keep my toilet door closed always, he like to run in to the toilet to play water.


What a naughty pup I got. Thank you my dear for bring Dino to my life.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Black Friday & Valentine's Day

Black Friday.


Last Friday fall on the 13th Friday. The bad luck didn’t really fall on me, but my poor dear had a really bad day.


Went to meet up with dear and head to Harvey Norman at Funan Centre around 8pm to collect his lap top.


At the very start, the person that should hand on on this issue was not here. The person that he instructs to handle dear’s purchase was on urgent leave too. So there is no one knows about dear’s purchase.


A rude lady came to serve us. But the brand new lap top that she took out from the box was in a bad state. Scratches were found on the top of the screen. Dear could not accept this, but still, to save up all the troubles dear accept that reluctantly.


The lady did not attend to us through out, dear even need to do the set up of the lap top himself. After 1 and half hour standing there, the lady finally came back. We were told that we are not entitling to the scratch and win promotion which really pissed dear off.


Dear demand a refund, but they told us we need to wait 1 month to receive the cheque. This is unacceptable, we spoke to the manager. It was a real bad experience for us.


Since the day dear first came down, after the payment and he was told there no stock need to wait for 3day. At the second day of waiting, dear was told again there is no stock for that, they will replacement him with a better model, no additional payment and promotion remain, but need to give them another 2 more day.


So on the day itself, we received a rude service from the lady, reluctantly we accept the unperfected good, and the promised wasn’t the same as we were told earlier on. The worst thing is when we ask for refund, the rude lady actually told us,


“Better still for both, the case closed”


Is not that we are nasty customer, but their service is unacceptable. Horrible! It a horrible experience at Havery Norman.




Dear came and pick me up at around 1pm. We head to SPCA wanting to see if there is any dog that I like. I went there, quite disappointed actually that I cannot find any of dog which I like. So ask dear to owe me my present first.


Accompany dear to work at Hougang. After he is done with his stuff, we head back home, let dear take a nap first, he is really tired after his gaming session till 5am the day before.


Woke dear up at around 8pm, head for our dinner at Marine Corner. First time need to wait to be seated. That very sweet of them that they actually give 1 rose to every lady dinning there.


After dinner, we have no where to go so we prepare to head home. On the way home, Jimmy call and ask if we wanted to go KTV, a weird combination of people. Me, dear, Jimmy, Rong Gui and Wenmei.


Dear was expecting me to turn down the offer, I did at the very start, but god knows which nerve system in my brain not working that day and I actually agree to go after awhile. Dear was surprise with my decision and I told dear.


“Why must I be the same like any women on the street, being 大方make me different from the rest.”


I wasn’t the one feeling uncomfortable with the decision. So in the end we decide to split to 2 rooms. Everywhere was packed that day, so we head to Kallang K-Box, only left a room for five, so we stick with this plan.


The atmosphere was tensed in the room; luckily Jimmy was there to entertain everyone. I wasn’t feeling very comfortable there then I realized I wasn’t as 大方 as I’m trying to be. But having dear by my side make me feel better.


I’m kind of glad that the KTV session come to an end at 4am, the 5hours in the room seem to be so long to me. After KTV, we hand to Kembangan to have a drink and head back home around 5am.


This is the most tense Valentine’s I ever had.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Feeling terrible now. I can feel the twist & turn in my stomach, like a butterfly that lost the sense of direction, kept trying to find it way through my stomach wall.

Sipping in the hot water in my mouth, trying to “kill” the blind butterfly in my stomach, hopping that I will be feeling better.


Yesterday I wasn’t feeling quite well in the morning. The pain starts to become worst after lunch time even thought I did not eat anything. Kept running to toilet.


Decide to see a doctor. Left work early head to the clinic. Guess what, I got a food poisoning, again! Yea, again! Luckily it was just a mild one so I chose to take medicine instead of having those sharp pointed needle pierce through my skin.


I cannot recall what I in take for the past 72 hours causing all this pain, but the pain was horrible. At least after the medication, I don’t need to visit the toilet often, but the butterfly still moving in my stomach, making me sick still.


The doc only gives me MC for yesterday, telling me that the medicine will cure the pain, but it was just nonsense. I’m feeling terrible now, sitting in front of my lappy in the office.


Anyway I got hook onto the Twilight book recently. Bought my first book last Friday and I could not stop reading, but I’m stuck now. I’m done with my first (Twilight) and second (New Moon) book; I even bought the fourth (Breaking Dawn) book home, but currently the third (Eclipse) book was out of stock!!!




I’m actually very surprise that I could read that fast. I took only five days to complete reading the first two books, the book isn’t thin anyway. I read it every free time I had, I cannot bear to stop reading even I feel so tired, 1am in the morning.


I felt so sad; I don’t want to stop reading. Praying hard that Sengie will finish reading Eclipse real soon so I can borrow from her.


Can you believe, I went to Border, Popular, Page One, Times, San Bookstore etc, it all sold out.  

Just received a call from an unknown, getting ready and prepare to tell those banks or insurance agents off. but when i answered, a familiar voice ring the bell and there isn't much people will call me "PIG" fen.

It Roland, have a little catch up with him, nice knowing that him and Ting was still doing good. Had some recap on those good old days hanging out with my girlz. Yea, i just mention that to my sis yesterday saying that it had been long since we last have our girlz outing.

Yea, March is coming soon. I wonder if our usual practice stay. Hope to meet up with my girlz soon.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Crazy Idea

Friday – 6th February 2009


After some bad incident at work, of course, I’m so looking forward for my day at work come to an end.


After knocking off at 6pm, took a train and head to Orchard. I hate to take train at this hour; it was always packed with people. Finally squeeze my way out of the Orchard station.


It was drizzling out there, to avoid the human traffic, I decide to walk in the rain and make my way to Taka. I’m glad that it less crowded in Taka.


Having a hard time to decide what to get for dear’s mum. After some recommendation from the sale girl, I decide to get the Renoma hand bag.


It was only like 7.20pm when I’m done with my shopping. So I decide to move on to Centre Point for a walk. Book shop is always the best place for me to spend my time, it will take me some time to decide what I want to get.


Brought a book from “Times” and wondering where to go next. Looking at my watch it only 8pm. Some crazy ideas come to my mind. So I took a stroll down to Marina Square. Sound crazy right?? I found it crazy too when I think back now.


I walk all my way from Orchard to Marina Square. While I walk passed any bus stop I really feel like giving up my crazy plan, but still, I continued my walk. Weather was humid, my legs was tired. The height of my heel isn’t a good choice for a long walk.


Finally I made it to Marina Square after an hour. My ankle hurt too much for me to continued shopping. So I went to the Dome Café, had my Tiramisu and coffee, that for my dinner.


Head over to cinema to meet up with the rest when time get closer. Watch Underworld. It wasn’t a wonderful show to me, but I guess it still acceptable.


After movie, all head back in different way. Dear know that I haven’t eat my dinner so he bought me to Mac at Clementi. Too late for a meal, just have some fries and my favorite Hot Fudge Sundae.


Saturday – 07 February 2009.


I love to laze around at home, it only apply some time only, when I crave for peace & quiet. Spend my whole morning and afternoon reading my book on the bed; I starting to enjoy this type of life.


Till evening time, head to dear’s house, went out for dinner with dear and his family, it an early celebration for his mum’s birthday.


Had our dinner at Kallang Seafood Restaurant @ Rooftop. The view is nice from there. But the food was bad, very bad. They actually serve us abalone that tastes funny; we believe that it had already turned bad.


Guess how long eat take to finish the dinner? We reach around 7pm and we finish at around 9.30pm. Their service is SUPER slow and the price is far too high. Guess it will be the first time we visit there, and also the last time.



Sunday – 08 February 2009


Nothing much for the. Anyway I had passed dear his early Valentine present. Hope dear like it. Ask dear not to buy anything for me on the Valentine as I request for a “BIG” Present next month on my birthday. Hahaha.


Some photo that Yong took during our lunch time on Friday. He is good isn't it??

Friday, February 6, 2009

life is special

Two travelling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion's guestroom. Instead the angels were given a small space in the cold basement. As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied, 'Things aren't always what they seem.'

The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife. After sharing what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good night's rest. When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears.  Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field? The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel how could you have let this happen? The first man had everything, yet you helped him, she accused. The second family had little but was willing to share everything, and you let the cow die.

 'Things aren't always what they seem,' the older angel replied. 'When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall. Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall so he wouldn't find it.'

‘Then last night as we slept in the farmer’s bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I gave him the cow instead. Things aren't always what they seem.'

Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things don't turn out the way they should. If you have faith, you just need to trust that every outcome is always to your advantage. You might not know it until some time later.... 

Some people come into our lives and quickly go… Some people become friends and stay awhile....leaving beautiful footprints on our hearts.... and we are never quite the same because we have made a good friend!!

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present!

I think this life is special...live and savour every moment....
This is not a dress rehearsal!

My Day~

Today my “tail” was stepped by 2 Bitches early in the morning. A fat and a skinny one. Spoil my day; no wonder my day wasn’t so smooth after all.


Was trying to tally up my LFP stock in the engineer’s room for this coming stock take, and here come the fat Bitch making a fuss in the room, creating lot of noise pollution.


Wanted to head back to my desk to get some information from my lappy and the Bitch was blocking the door. Manage to squeeze through a small “hole” behind her and pull open the door.


Don’t know why she got so “SCARED” by the door opening sound and elbow me hard on my back and she yelled.


“Wahlau!! Open the door don’t need to say wan ah??? Wait bang me how???”


I got so pissed hearing that and answer back.


“Did I knock on you?? Never right??”


Look at her in my pissed attitude and walk away. She elbow me never say sorry and yet she dare to blame me. She should know her SIZE and shouldn’t block the walk way. So angry.


After the Fat Bitch left and here comes the Skinny Bitch. I don’t know if I had offended her in anyway but stop spreading stuff in the office.


My boss come over to me and asks me why there a shortage of LOT of stock I never inform him and is the Skinny Bitch that told him.


Explained to my boss. Firstly, there isn’t a lot of shortage. Secondly, I had never spoken a word to her on my stock count; she will be the last person I will turn to if I had problem at my work.


Is just that she asks me for a Damper last week and I could not find my Damper this don’t give her the right to spread to the whole office that the stock I in charge of is in a mess. Even my boss never doubts my ability of work, what position is she in to spread rumors of me doubting my ability?


I was so pissed.


Went for a department meeting from 11am to 12noon, lot of news for us. A new re-structure going on and the news really shock us. Guess we are going to have a hard time after April 09.


Had a fun time at lunch today. Before the CNY coming to an end, meet up with the “gang” and had our very own “Lo Hei” session. Had 鱼生 and maggi mee for lunch.

All the blessing good word that we need to say when we doing the “Loi Hei” had becomes the wishes that we had for this coming 2009.


Had so many “Lo Hei” session for this CNY season. Just simply hope that I will have a smooth year ahead.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Department "Lo Hei"

Today we have lot of event going on in the office.

Early morning is the Lion Dance,

This is the "珍字" that they give,

and of course the "财"

Both of us was both in the "" year!!!

The "Lion" went round the office to "pluck" all the ang pao that we hang on the ceiling.

I was scared by the "Lion",

it suddenly run over to charge me.

my collegues say i'm going to "HUAT" for the year.

Look, the "Lion" is getting the ang pao I hang above my desk,

they say it will bring you good luck for the rest of the year.

Having 2 hours of lunch break today.

Having Department Lunch & "Lo Hei" session today.

this is the "Yu Shen", a fruit base "Yu Shen"

We are split into 2 table.

Soup & Lime Juice for the start.

Yong, Rozi & me with our main dish.

Me & my dessert after meal,

of course not forgetting the birthday celebration for

our February Babies!!

Super filling meal we had!! Good & spicy food!!

Yum yum!


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dead Knob in Me~

Everyone sees me as a bubbly and cheerful person. I don’t shows other what in my mind and what mood I’m having for the day. Smiles will be seen on my face most of the time. Not because I’m happy always, but I just won’t wish that my mood will affect other.


At time, my mood swings will overcome me. I’m not good at expressing myself; I prefer to be in silent. If there something in my mind bothering me, I don’t need a solution from anyone, what I need is a listening ear; I will do my self recovering.


Self recovering period depending on what the problems that bothers me. If that is the dead knob in me, I guess I will need a long recovering time.


Some of the dead knob is in me since I know anyone of you out there, a knob that no one can untie for me. The impact is forever. Time heal everything, but no matter how beautiful is the heal, a scar remains.


The impact a parent can create for their children; spoil their childhood, made them carry a “shadow” of fear wherever they go. They are so cruel isn’t it? The children are just so pure and innocent, why must they go through all this? They don’t have a choice; they cannot choose who to be their parents.


Someone told me before,


“Everything is already in the past, why it bothers you so much still? After all, he is still your father isn’t it? If not because of him, you won’t even be in this world.”


I shed my tears immediately in the bus. Of course I know that, I know without him, I won’t be even in this world. But he made me lives with fear in this world. I cannot remember any childhood stuff other than fear, tears which I shed and nightmare that haunt me every night when I’m young.


I tried not to recalled, I tried to draw out the lines dark and clear, I tried to cut away all ties with him, but still, we are blood related.


Sound funny right? It the last Friday meets up yet it still affects me now. I shouldn’t even turn up that day if I know this is going to affect me so much. Even my mum realized that I became quiet after I came back. She kept asking me how the meet up, I kept avoiding the topic. Since she realizes the change in me why she kept asking still?


I cannot talk to my mum on this; she lives in the “shadow” of fear still too. Who can I talk to? Who will listen to me? Who is there out there I can share with?


Please let me get over it fast, it started to affect the people around me. I want my smile back, a smile that really comes out from me.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bai Nian at Ben's place

Yesterday meet up with Ben & Kelvin at City Plaza around 8pm. Dear parked his car outside Ben’s house and all of us head off for dinner in Kelvin’s car. Cool car he has.

Had steamboat at Golden Mile. Started I was so looking forward to try the food there, the way they describe make me wanna drool. It turns out as a disappointment for me. YUCK! The seafood is not fresh, even the pork got funny taste. The soup was totally tasteless till we add seasoning to it, the only things that is good is only the chicken rice & satay.

After dinner, head to Ben’s house to “Bai Nian”. Well, a little incident happened again, just like 2 years ago. I knew this is going to happen when Ben’s mum offer me pineapple tarts, the feeling tell me something is wrong.  It makes me feel rather uncomfortable, but I can only smile and give it a pass.

I love Ben’s dog, it SOOOoooooo.....CUTE!!! It name is Lucky. A very obedient dog. After playing with his dog make me feel like getting one real soon. I like Lucky's breed compare to Xing Xing's breed. Lucky is more quiet and the most important I can’t stand dogs with lot of saliva.

After leaving Ben’s house, dear bring me out for a spin. We head to Changi to see “Ah Gua”. Some of them are just so pretty and their figures are really power!! Some other once you see their face you can tell that they are men, so “er xin”.